Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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Re: Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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Pinning Tsunade on the floor by sitting on her midsection, Eirina would then try to grab onto her blonde hair with her right hand before using her left hand to deliver punch after punch right at her face. It might be a tad graceless for someone like the Frau Doktor, but Eirina cared little of that at the moment as she looked to hurt the blonde underneath her, showing her why she shouldn't be such a bitch to her earlier.

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Re: Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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Tsunade was in an terrible position as the other woman had her pinned down to the floor by sitting on her midsection.It however only got worse from their as her head would be forced up a bit as she got hit with punch after punch to her face.Now this was just brutal to be honest , but something the Japanese woman would have done herself as she tried to form a bridge to get Eirina off her.

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Re: Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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Smashing her fist repeatedly into Tsunade's face, Eirina gasped when she was brought up before she realized that the blonde had formed a bridge. Unable to maintain her position on top of Tsunade, Eirina decided to get herself off of her, but not before clutching on her blonde hair, in preparation to continue her beatdown on her.

"Don't ever think I'm done with you, bitch..." Eirina growled as she glared at Tsunade, preparing herself to launch her next brutal attacks on her.

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Re: Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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Tsunade would cry out as she got hit in the face repeatedly by the other woman until she manage to form a bridge.As she lifted her body up in an way that would force Eirina to fall forward as she manage to throw her off as she grasp her face.A quick check of the palm of her head confirmed blood had bin spilled as she would attempt to get up as she yelled ''you bitch you drew blood for no damn reason''

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Re: Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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When Eirina saw that Tsunade's forehead bleed from her attacks earlier, she faltered, realizing that she might have gone too far. Not only that she had done quite an unprofessional thing, she also ended up injuring someone, even though she honestly believed that the blonde rightfully deserved this. Due to this, Eirina would not do any further move, warily watching the blonde before her to see what her next move was.

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Re: Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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Tsunade wondered why the other woman was not attacking her as she slowly got to her feet.Still she was not complaining as she would just smirk as she would rise up , and attempt to punch the other so called doctor in her chin with an uppercut as she yelled ''I am going to drag your unconscious worthless body out of my medical bay''.

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Re: Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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Due to her hesitation, Eirina ended up taking the uppercut from Tsunade. "Urgghhh!!!" The attack caused her head to recoil back before she staggered back, trying to keep her balance. But as she was wearing a high-heel shoes instead of her wrestling boots, she was unable to keep her balance and ended up falling onto her back. "Uuuuhhh..." Groaning, she brought her hands to her chin, nursing the spot that was hit earlier.

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Re: Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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As Tsunade would rise up , and watch as Eirina would stagger back from the uppercut that the blond had hit her with she got some of her arrogance back.As she would watch with glee as Eirina would stagger around trying to find her balance only to fail as she ends up on her back as the Japanese doctor would crouch down as she grasp the other doctor by her shirt as she yells ''ready to leave my medical bay now''.?

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Re: Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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Now on her back, Eirina ended up looking at Tsunade who then grabbed her by her shirt. She hated it when she was told off by someone like her, and while she knew that she was also being unreasonable, she thought that the blonde was the one who started it first. "You can't do this to me. You can't stop me from being a doctor here," she said, glaring at Tsunade as she tried to figure out a way to get away from this predicament.

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Re: Eirina Makishima/Tsunade Senju - The Tale of Two Doctors

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Tsunade had not expected to be called out on what she could or could not do.However when Eirina said she did not have the power to stop her from being a doctor here she would grind her teeth.As the bitch had a point as she replied ''so maybe your right.Still I can make your life a living hell if you stick around''.

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