Trouble bumping into you…

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Re: Trouble bumping into you…

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would look at the other woman closing her eyes when she though the punch was incoming. But no matter how many times she thought it would come just now… nothing would happen…after some time she slowly and carefully would open her eyes again turning her head back to the other woman to see what was going on. She would see that the other woman was holding her punch although she still looked angry as fuck. To a even bigger surprise the Japanese woman would hear the other woman ask for a match. Karin couldn’t believe that at first.

But after a few moments she would stat to studder. “ahm ahm I can´t do many maaatches in the neear futtture… the first maaaatch that would be free would be on the soft-core event for my loserrrrbelt….” Karin would stare at the other woman if she didn´t decide to just shit on it and bear her down right here.

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Re: Trouble bumping into you…

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Barely holding herself back from beating Karin into a pulp, Lillian would finally just it go, dropping Karin roughly to the floor, before moving to stand over her menacingly, or at least, to try. It was hard to be menacing when her face was still covered with chocolate icing.

"You know what? I just want to kick your ass. So anytime, anyplace. I'll take you on." Lillian said in a cold tone, before backing up from Karin, quickly running a finger over her own face and licking the icing off of it, having made it abundantly clear that she is more than ready to crush the girl in whatever match she wants!

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Re: Trouble bumping into you…

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would suddenly feel how the grab on her throat was eased and then directly let go completely. She wasn´t prepared for that and so she would slide down the wall, unable to catch herself with her feet and so she would end up on her butt on the floor, groaning for a moment. A shadow would lure over her in the next moment. Slowly the girl would lift her view looking up to the other woman standing over her who was looking down to her still scaring her.

Karin would just nod as an answer when Lillian would repeat what she just said. The Japanese woman wasn’t sure is Lillian wouldn´t go to work right her with her, but luckily for her the woman was only licking some chocolate from her face, what as kinda turning on for Karin, before leaving the place.
Karin would be left on the ground for a few more moments before she would slowly work her way back up to her feet, pushing herself against the wall, it would take a few moments before she was able to stand again and stumble around. She would bit her lips. This woman just left her to do all the work… she just couldn’t tell any official about this and let the match disappear…

But somehow Karin didn´t want to quite before the action started. She would bit her lips for a moment, no she wanted to fight this woman. She wanted to do it, even if it meant she would lose. She wanted to prove herself once more…

Karin was wondering what the name of this woman was while she was going to the gm´s office, because the woman never said it and describing her face wouldn´t be that easiy.

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