Something the former Pageant Queen no matter what could not allow. As she refused to be somehow implicated in some brain dead scheme of her co-worker had came up with. "Serenity! What do you think you're doing?" Alexa called out having finally spotted her down the hall at an intersection looking herself over in a compact mirror.
"Oh... Hey Alexa."
"Don't hey me! Get over here before you do irreparable damage to our careers."
"Wh-what? Am saving us time! She works for the same league as us. It makes no sense we should be waiting 4 months to get an audition from her."
"Serenity trust me this is how it's suppose to work."
"Well it doesn't for me and if you want to sit on your hands and knees and wait be my guest but, glory only await the brave!"
"Serenity! Nooo!" Alexa cried out as Serenity bolted out of view and forced the natural brunette to give chase through the halls. While Serenity would yell back. "Don't worry I'll be sure to mention you once am done." Which would only spur Alexa to pick up the pace but, alas she would come up short and wouldn't be able to stop her bimbo of a co-worker from knocking on Miss Price's dressing room door. Not that Alexa didn't try as she would end up tackling and pinning Serenity to the floor. "What's wrong with you! I'm your senior god damn it and that means you need to listen to me!"
