Knockin' On Heavens Door

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Re: Knockin' On Heavens Door

Unread post by killcarrion »

Considering that Blade had to scratch and claw for every inch of screentime all throughout the rookie years of her wrestling career, suffice to say she developed a bit of a soft spot for scrappy underdogs who struggling to find their place in the business. Hoping that place winds up being in the starlit spotlight one day and not mired back in catering, praying your name won't be on the next list of talent cuts. Blaise's history of being a traveling wrestler certainly hit home for Blade whose done her fair share of globe-trotting as a sort of a wrestling nomad. A rookie who received her own share of encouragement and sage advice from the veterans she idolized at the time, so she figured this could be her opportunity to pay it forward in a sense. Hefting Blaise out of the chair having them meet eye to eye in a literal and metaphorical sense once they came to an agreement about how one of them was still going down tonight. "Ah ha, there's the swagger of a prospective champion one day~...

...jyust not this day. Shame that your fanfic is going to wind up having a sad ending though since it's gonna end with you getting a suntan from the lights above the middle of the ring."
Blade playfully rebutted when Blaise started celebrating his victory a little too early for her likening, a mischievous smile that brightened up as she took notice of his baby blue eyes and weird dorkish charisma about him. Blade studying his own handsome features now that they were in this close proximity, but gawking when Blaise assured Blade that calling her pretty was most definitely not a case of mistaken identity. "Jeez, I-I bet you say that to all the ladies. Hmm, tell you what..." Blade then swiveling around so her back was leveraged up against Blaise's chiseled torso, a cozy nook the Wrestle Angel comfortably settled herself up against. "Let's put that to the test, shall we? Now, without peeking down, try telling me what color my eyes are. Color of my hair, whatever you can remember about how I look."

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Re: Knockin' On Heavens Door

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

Of all the things Blaise would've expected Blade Uehara to do in this moment, it was not nestling up against his torso. Hands lift with the instinctive impulse to set on her waist, but he pauses - is that inappropriate? Is it what she wants? Wait, what did she ask? Oh crap, his brain has bluescreened again. It can't be helped. A girl he fanned over pretty hard is now touching him in what feels like flirty contact! But is he misreading her?

"What color-..? Oh! Oh!" Right, now that he's caught up with the test, he has every confidence in his memory. "Way too easy. The eyes are a light brown. Like.. toffee, I think. And your hair's black." His head cants a little, nose very lightly touching the back of her head. "But that one's easy. Don't gotta look down for that," he adds. "You have flawless light skin..."

The hands finally ease in, his palms first touching down to her ribs just above her hotpants. "Your nose is small'n a little pointy, your eyebrows are a little thick.. expressive, I think it's called?" After a beat, he includes, "S'not a bad thing. Probably sounded bad, but I like it. I think it's cute." The hands begin sliding inwards, fingertips and palms traveling over her stomach. "Long legs, a slender body, sexy stomach..," the list continues, drifting a bit further away from just listing her features and taking a decidedly flirtatious tone.

"There's no way I wouldn't be able to answer all this. Someone I've been into for years? No way. Hell, I've got one of your posters back home."
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Re: Knockin' On Heavens Door

Unread post by killcarrion »

Alright, Alright. Blade may have had some ulterior motives in springing this pop quiz on the flummoxed phoenix from out of nowhere. The truth was that Blaise, whether intentionally or unintentionally, was laying on the flirtatious foreplay pretty damn thick. And Blade was having a little trouble maintaining her composure as a professional when faced with the fawning fandom of an...admittedly, sorta kinda maybe handsome fella. Hiding her face from those baby blues of his for a few seconds might be just what the doctor ordered, in that regard. She had to admit that testing Blaise was also partially due to her penchant for juvenile playfulness, but hey. Blaise was the one who stated he'd never mistake her for anyone else, so it just seemed like a natural reaction on Blade's part to have him put his money where his mouth was. Just seemed like the responsible course of action as the Wrestle Angel veteran around here, and certainly not because she was starting to get all warm inside with flickers of a blush percolating...

"Mhm...Uh-huh...Careful 'bout the eyebrows, buster...Mhm...Yea...That's uh...that what you think, huh?"
Blade dutifully affirmed all of Blaise's descriptions as he trailed down the list, finding an odd sense of comfort and security in the muscled physique she'd end up relaxing against herself against. But sneaking a peek up at him before gazing back down at the floor once the compliments became a tad intimate. Shielding her expression from view but making her feelings known via allowing his hands to continue trailing her abdomen alongside a mirthful chuckle. "...*giggle*...So I've heard. I'm gonna have to see these posters of yours you keep mentioning, ya dork. Alright, my turn. Hmm, you've got bright blue eyes. Hazel brown hair, and this weird wavy hair bang thing but you make it work. Chiseled features, kinda look like Dicaprio in the right light. Oh, and finally...ya look like you're late. Pretty sure you were supposed to be at the Gorilla Position like ten minutes ago..." Blade punctuated his tardiness with a playful poke of her elbow against his stomach.

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Re: Knockin' On Heavens Door

Unread post by CyanDimitrik »

This was, without a doubt, the most unexpected turn of events. Blaise came into this just wanting to meet someone he'd had a fan-crush on for years. And now, she's leaned back against him in her iconic gear, quizzing him on her look, while his hand explores her bare, toned abdomen in a way that is assuredly not platonic. It's surreal. And to have her now describe him just adds more to the dream-like quality of the moment...

His head tilts to finally look down at her while she speaks, enraptured by listening to her list off his features as she sees them. Dicaprio? He'll take it. That's probably a compliment, right? From girls, that's gotta be a compliment. And his gaze flicks, briefly focusing on the aforementiong weird wavy thing his hair is doing.


"I'm late?"

Like pregnant? What?

The elbow brings him to pay more attention to the last thing she said. He's still stuck a moment behind reality. Leaving her here, now, means taking his hands away from her waist. It means no longer feeling her pressed against him. His hands pull in just a little, palms and fingers pressed into her skin to feel out the muscletone he described a moment before. This brings his body to press into her back just a little tighter as well; his chest to her shoulders, his hips against her rear.

"Yeeaah, I guess I should. But, uh.." He exhales a sigh. "Win or lose, this'll stick with me forever. Weirdest, best way to meet a celebrity crush."

Finally, if reluctantly, his hands begin to slide back from her stomach towards her ribs as he prepares to disengage.
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Re: Knockin' On Heavens Door

Unread post by killcarrion »

Blade honestly couldn't comprehend a universe where being compared to Dicaprio wasn't considered a compliment. Blaise had movie-star qualities that she unfortunately may end up rearranging somewhat once she starts delivering striking superkicks against that defined jawline of his. A match that they were both scheduled for but for some reason was the farthest thing on their mind as they shared some flirtatious time together, minutes which were spent getting to know one another a little better. Whether it was their quirky personalities, facial features, or the touch of eachother's skin. Blade always fancied herself as a consummate professional though, hence why she overcame her own clouded mindset to remember that they were both due to be in the Gorilla position soonish. How's that quote go? About partings being sweet or something?

"Yeah, Yeah. I know they say never meet your heroes, but I'm glad you didn't listen...Now get outta here ya big galut..."
Blade teasingly remarked as Blaise started relinquishing himself from her, the Phoenix's tucked in warmth against her back being sorely missed already once he started backpedaling. She swiveled herself around to face him, nestling her backside against the arm of the couch with her legs crossed and extended outward. "Well, come on man. In all likelihood it'll be a loss for ya, but let's have a banger regardless. Win or lose though...let's uh...not make this a one-time deal, K? Figure there's a lot more I can offer ya besides teaching you how to breath when introducing yourself...*giggle*..." Blade snickered with a mirthful smile as she waved Blaise goodbye with fluttering fingers, hoping he doesn't trip on anything on his way out...

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