A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Chloe wrapped Alyssa in the headlock, but even though she attempted it as best as she could, the headlock was still on quite loosely. She could barely have a grip on Alyssa at the moment.

“Umm yes, cause I am free to express myself however I want, even if I do had to meet certain company guidelines.” Chloe said in an annoyed tone, and decided to attempt a side headlock takedown on Alyssa.

“This is our next pose Alyssa, so stay down.” Chloe said, secretly wanted to take out her frustration on Alyssa after how bad today has been.

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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Kookio »

Alyssa raised an eyebrow, confused as to what position they planned to be in next. Chloe didn't even reply to her question about which job she prefers more. Whatever. The question wasn't that important anyways. Doing what she was told, Alyssa got down onto the mat and laid down in a seemingly helpless position. And awaited for Chloe to put her within the next fake hold.
Discord: Kookio#2941 Kookio's Goods

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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Chloe dropped Alyssa into the side headlock takeover, having basically a complete advantage over what she could do to the interviewer. She was definitely agitated, and was taking out some of that on Alyssa.

She also wondered why Alyssa had not asked a question in a bit, and decided to ask her. “So Alyssa, got any more questions to ask, or will you please leave so I can finish this session and head home?” Chloe said with utter annoyance as she waited for Alyssa’s answer.

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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Kookio »

Alyssa would hold off on the next question for a bit because she hadn't expected the interview to require such a delicate touch and thus, most of her questions that she prepared to ask could have been ones to set the interviewee off. But when she thought of a question, she would realize a massive problem with the next hold.

Chloe using her and the positions as an outlet to her frustrations meant that the fake chokehold she was putting Alyssa through quickly became much tighter than necessary. Thus, Alyssa couldn't answer the question as the arm around her throat was tight and restricted any kind of ability to speak, unable to swallow her saliva and causing a bit of it to overflow out of her mouth and down the corner of it.

To make matters worse, Chloe was strong. Really strong and when Alyssa started struggling for real, she couldn't break out of the hold and the camera crew would just keep taking pictures, thinking that it was all part of the act.
Discord: Kookio#2941 Kookio's Goods

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