Welcoming LAW's Newest Sexfighter! Aja Verdant vs Chloé Guillaume

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Welcoming LAW's Newest Sexfighter! Aja Verdant vs Chloé Guillaume

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Match: Hotel Hentai Endurance match.
Rules: The first girl to make their opponent pass out due to multiple orgasims will be the winner. No referee will be present in the room to give the girls privacy, however, the match will be recorded from 48 separate cameras in the room, and will be broadcasted both to officials, along with being streamed from LAW's main website. Open palm hand strikes are allowed, but all other strikes are forbidden. Underneath the bed there are a box of toys which competitors may use but neither of which have been told about.
Location: A Hotel room
Attire: Sleepware

Hotel room
Chloé Guillaume was rather annoyed as she was sitting criss-cross-applesause on a bed in the hotel room LAW had rented out for the match she was about to go to. While waiting for her opponent to arrive, the French farmer girl had been, texting with her boyfriend, trying to get a hold of him for the last 15 minutes, but was getting no response from him. She figured he must have been going out with Amy, his highschhol sweetheart that had been living with the two of them for a few months now, as he would often do whenever the French fighter had to travel for a match. The Catholic knew and was ok with him doing so, but stil was annoyed about how he was ignoring her text when she really needed the emotional support before a big match.

The blonde was fairly nervous about her upcoming match. She was going up against a rookie in her debut match. Normally that would mean that her opponent was inexperienced and probably nervous. However, from her scouti g report, Chloe was able to tell this new girl wasn't just some random highschooler off the street. No, this was an experienced sexfighter with years if experience under her belt. A multi-time world champion in a smaller promotion. This woman could be anywhere from a fairly pathetic jobber who only got this far due to favoritism and lucky pair ups, to a sadistic domanitrix that would hang Chloe out the window after the match if Chloe would allow it. Seriously,, where was Kyle when she needed him?

Not hearing anything, Chloe would put down her phone and instead pull out a Bible from her bag that was on the bed with her. Laying down on the bed, the French native would start reading through scripture as she awaited for her opponent to arrive.
Last edited by Harem Girl on Mon Feb 10, 2025 4:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Welcoming LAW's Newest Sexfighter! Aja Verdant vs Chloé Guillaume

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For Aja verdant first match in LAW, she was kinda expecting, you know a ring? Instead she went all around this new town that she moved into just to be closer to the facilities, was even worse since she hadn’t had a chance to find her way around town yet. After a while though she found her way to the hotel, exhausted she makes her way to the front desk where she would meet a member of staff.

”h-h-Hi! I’m here for my match? Is this the right place?” trying not to look winded in front of the front desk lady. But with no response, the the lady would just point to the elevator where a man in a suit waited for her. After entering the elevator, the man would press a button. Once they got to the floor the man would point to one of the many doors and before leaving saying Goodluck.

As Aja made her way to the door, she fiddled with the lock using the card given to her my LAW officials. Once entering she would find what she assumed to be her opponent for the night, Chloé Guilaume. She seemed to be reading something so without interrupting too much, she quietly announced her presence.

”ummm…Hi…I’m Aja, you must be Chloé. I’m your opponent for the night! Nice to meet you” Aja would head to the dresser removing her jacket for the soon to start match.

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Re: Welcoming LAW's Newest Sexfighter! Aja Verdant vs Chloé Guillaume

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Looking up from the scripture, Chloe would watch as a shorter greenhaired woman would enter into the room wearing some sleep wear. The clothing wasn't much to gawk at, but the girl herself eaked of cuteness. The slightly timid nature of the woman would scream of that, which almost gave Chloe a heartattack from her pure innocence.

"Hi!!!!" The blonde would say in a friendly tone as she closed her book and set it down. She would slowly rise from the bed and make her way over to her opponent. Prehaps the French woman should be more on guard knowing that her opponent was a former underground sexfighting champion, but the blonde would put that away as soon as she saw the cutness of her opponent. "Yes, you are in the correct place. Aja, right? Its so nice to meet you!"

If not stopped, Chloe would approach the woman and wrap her arms around her, giving her a short soft friendly style of hug, before letting it go and stepping away from the ex-champion. "So.... I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, but you... aren't what I was expcting. I heard 'former underground sexfighting champion,' and kind of pictured you as either this supermodel looking diva, or some super large buff girl who probably was on steriods. You... once again, don't take this the wrong way, look like one of the cutest girls I have ever see. Like, you look like a young lioness fresh out of highchool rather than a super experienced fighter."

The blonde would gush for a few seconds, not intending to do so but acting like the older sister to the smaller girl, rather than the soon to be opponent of the girl.

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Re: Welcoming LAW's Newest Sexfighter! Aja Verdant vs Chloé Guillaume

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As Aja would formally meet with her opponent Chloe, she’ll find her to be a fairly sweet person with her giving Aja a warm greeting as she entered the room. After setting her stuff down, she’d be met with a small interrogation from the French girl-which were mainly about her looks and history.

”Oh!…um…well I know I may seem like this cutesy girl, but that is actually my main way of deceiving my opponent…” Aja would make her way to the bed where she would take a seat nexts to Chloe, “many are quick to judge base on physical looks, so they never expect it when I start to have my ways with them…” A slight blush would rise in Aja, not really used to talking about her previous careers it would surprise her as how lewd she makes herself sound. Wanting to change the subject, she’ll move onto the match itself

”Anyways! Would you like to get started?” Aja would stand up, slightly towering her opponent while asking the question.

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Re: Welcoming LAW's Newest Sexfighter! Aja Verdant vs Chloé Guillaume

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As Chloe would take a seat in the bed, The former champion would talk about her looks being used to throw off her opponents, which would cause the blonde to tilt her head in confusement. "Huh? Is that so, I would have never have guessed. You seem so innocent, and cute! You even told me to put me on guard, that seems so nice of you. But ill take your word for it."

At the request to start the match, Chloe's shoulders would sink down. "Awwww, but if that is your wish, sure. Sorry, I just was hoping to get to know you for a few minutes, but nevermind that, I get it. Just want to get this thing over with, right mademoiselle? We can.... oh wait. Mind giving me a second? I didn't come in changed, and I should get into my Pajamas's before we start. Mind just giving me a moment?"

Chloe would take her bag and go into the bathroom. She would only take about two minutes to strip down her more business casual wear, and slip into her sleepwear, a fairly thin almost see through puple sleep dress. Underneath that she was wearing no bra, and only a matching set of panties. The girl would take off her glasses but leave her long blonde hair in a pony tail. She would take a second to reapply her 'Dior Miss Dior Parfum', before coming back out.

"Sorry about the wait sweetie." Chloe would say as she would slowly make her way over to the bed, and lay down on it next to the smaller sexfighter, facing her opponent. "So.... how did you want to start? I am ready whenever you are."

Last edited by Harem Girl on Tue Feb 18, 2025 1:36 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Welcoming LAW's Newest Sexfighter! Aja Verdant vs Chloé Guillaume

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It seemed that Aja had disappointed her opponents with her request to begin the match. Fortunately, there wasn’t much argument, as Chloe simply left the room to get ready. When she returned, she was dressed in an outfit strikingly similar to Aja’s. A small smile played on Aja’s lips as her eyes traced over the sheer, see-through sections of Chloe’s attire, which only served to heighten her anticipation for the upcoming match.

“Oh wow, that is definitely quite the outfit to wear. Are you trying to get me even more excited for this match? Because if so, it's certainly working.” Aja said while watching her rival take a seat next to her on the comfortable bed, which served as the starting point for their match. Her gaze lingered on Chloe, taking in every detail of her attire, the way it accentuated her figure, and the playful yet competitive energy between them. But it was interrupted as Chloe asked her how she would like to being.

“Hmmmmm…” Aja murmured, her mind swirling with countless thoughts. She considered her options carefully—after all, this was her debut, and perhaps it would be best to start slow. A teasing smirk graced her lips before she made her decision.

“Well… how about we start with this~” she purred, her voice dripping with playful intent.

Aja reached out, her fingers weaving gently into the blonde’s hair as she cupped the back of her head, holding it in place. She leaned forward, closing the space between them, her breath warm against her rival’s lips. And then, in one fluid motion, she captured Chloe’s lips with her own, locking them in a deep and tantalizing kiss.

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Re: Welcoming LAW's Newest Sexfighter! Aja Verdant vs Chloé Guillaume

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As Chloé would make her way onto the bed, the green haierd former champion would start to flirt with her, which would get a blush out of the French Native. It would actually force Chloe to stay quite for a second, until the green haired woman would eventually start the two off, teasing the two as she made her way to the blonde and planted a deep kiss on Chloe's soft lips.

"Mmmmmmm" Chloe would say trying to make it sound like she was enjoying the kiss, (which was easy.) while at the same time not actually enjoying the kiss (Which was more difficult). The blonde would respond in kind as she locked her own lips with the smaller green haired woman's.

As the two started kissing, the French woman would press her body up against her opponents, softly pressing her soft breast up against the ex-champion, before putting more of her weight into it and attempting to slowly push her opponent onto her back. Less as an offensive move and more acting like a lover, Chloe would try to put herself ontop of her opponent, getting ready to start to make love with her rooking compeitor.

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Re: Welcoming LAW's Newest Sexfighter! Aja Verdant vs Chloé Guillaume

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Aja smirked as Chloe’s hesitant reactions didn’t go unnoticed. The green-haired wrestler loved playing games, especially when it came to teasing her opponents, and Chloe was no exception. As the kiss deepened, Aja couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh against Chloe’s lips, enjoying the power dynamic shift, but keeping it playful.

“Careful there,” Aja teased softly, her voice just above a whisper. She felt Chloe press against her, their bodies locking as the blonde tried to shift the position, pressing closer in hopes of taking a dominant position early in Verdant debut. Aja let it happen for a moment, but then, with a swift motion, she used her legs to roll them both, shifting her weight until she had Chloe beneath her.

"You thought you'd have the upper hand?"Aja murmured, her lips brushing against Chloe's neck."I'm just getting started~" Aja hand would be released to wonder as it sneaky went under Chloe shirt. It explored the covered part of her body before find her sizeable breast. There she bag an to squeeze and tease while deepening the kiss.

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