”Chloe Braden”

Chloe herself was a bit annoyed, especially with how controlling the company can be with her presentation and image all the time, it felt like she had a devil on her shoulders at all points. No onlyfans, no hentai matches, no letting out her relationship with Alex Wolf, but she wanted that money and the ability to become famous, so she would just have to deal with the slog of her jobs.
“Hello Miss Braden.” One of the cameramen working said as Chloe walked up to the set they were using, she was wearing a two piece lingerie set themed after the wings of a pegasus, with all of Chloe’s not kid friendly bits covered with wings and feathers, and her wearing thigh high stockings with the feet exposed. Chloe kept her smile, knowing she had to be friendly, but she was in a state of annoyance. “We are going to have a new camera person working today’s shoot, she has not shown up yet, but she will be here any minute.”
Chloe just let out a deep sigh, before putting up a smile. “Okay then lovelies, let’s do this.” Chloe said with a pep and a jolt before she headed to pose for the set.
Chloe then fully extended her limbs horizontally, standing on one leg in front of a sky backdrop, trying to make sure her sideboob and rear end was in full sight of the camera.