A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

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A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

In the backstage of the arena LAW uses
”Chloe Braden”
The situation Chloe was in was usual, but also unusual at the same time. Chloe was needed by her company to do some photo work, especially with the new shipment of very skimpy lingerie they just got, like if Chloe’s gear could barely get her in the SFW section of the card, this would past that line. But the studio was closed down for renovation at the time, so her company on emergency asked LAW to rent out an area of the arena so they could do a shoot with her, including calling her to the building when she was not scheduled to have a match.

Chloe herself was a bit annoyed, especially with how controlling the company can be with her presentation and image all the time, it felt like she had a devil on her shoulders at all points. No onlyfans, no hentai matches, no letting out her relationship with Alex Wolf, but she wanted that money and the ability to become famous, so she would just have to deal with the slog of her jobs.

“Hello Miss Braden.” One of the cameramen working said as Chloe walked up to the set they were using, she was wearing a two piece lingerie set themed after the wings of a pegasus, with all of Chloe’s not kid friendly bits covered with wings and feathers, and her wearing thigh high stockings with the feet exposed. Chloe kept her smile, knowing she had to be friendly, but she was in a state of annoyance. “We are going to have a new camera person working today’s shoot, she has not shown up yet, but she will be here any minute.”

Chloe just let out a deep sigh, before putting up a smile. “Okay then lovelies, let’s do this.” Chloe said with a pep and a jolt before she headed to pose for the set.

Chloe then fully extended her limbs horizontally, standing on one leg in front of a sky backdrop, trying to make sure her sideboob and rear end was in full sight of the camera.

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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

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Moments later, a girl with short pink-hair came running from the entrance, her outfit barely staying on as she was trying to put it on at the same time as running out. She was never late but the outfit she was wearing took so long to figure out how to put it on that she just gave up and thought she could get out there and figure it out when she got there.

Speaking of the outfit, Chloe would see that the girl was wearing a tight-fitting playboy bunny girl bikini, though it was her top that was constantly threatening to come off at one wrong move.

"Sorry! Sorry! I swear I wasn't late! My outfit was being picky!"

She apologized. She would normally bow with apology but for obvious reasons she would only bend over slightly. Though she was here to do a photo shoot, she had her own personal objective for taking this job. To get close to Chloe for a surprise interview! And she knew just what kind of questions to ask. Seeing her partner already in position, Alyssa would hurry up and join in after getting her bra situated, Also posing in a way that made her sexual bits stand out.
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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

“Oh here she is.” The crew member yelled as Alyssa just barely made it, Chloe was still holding her pose as she saw Alyssa come out in a very exposing outfit. Chloe was confused on how to feel about all this, for one Alyssa was a very attractive women, but she felt like Alyssa was trying to take her spotlight away, this was post to be her photoshoot.

The Cameras flashed as Chloe completed the first pose she did, and Chloe decided to stare at Alyssa before asking her something.

“Okay new photographer, why did you decide to come in that outfit? It’s sexy and all, but this photoshoot is post to be focused on me. Could you please put on something a lot less showy?”

Chloe said all this, hoping that Alyssa would listen, and they could continue with the photoshoot. Chloe was irritable at this point, and did not need someone like Alyssa stealing her thunder.

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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

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After the first photoshoot, Chloe immediately slapped her with a question that pointed out the obvious. Alyssa looked down at her outfit which was only barely holding on, her breasts were mushrooming over the fabric slightly. Why did she wear this outfit again..? She placed a fingertip to her pillowy lips for a moment in thought.

"Oh right! Cause we're gonna be doing the photoshoot together for some pictures!"

She replied, pointing at her partner.

"Oh! And I also get to interview you while we do it!"
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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Chloe’s face full of questioning turned to a face of shock and fear. Why did no one tell her about this, why was she not getting any warning. As if this day could not get any worse, now she has to do a photoshoot with someone who was probably very inexperienced at the job.

“Okay pink haired girl.” Chloe said in an extremely annoyed tone as she approached Alyssa. “One, how much experience do you have at this and two, what kind of interview are we talking about? Cause if you’re a rookie working for some tabloid ready to spread nasty rumors about me, be warned that I’m a fully trained professional wrestler and I will wipe you off the face of the planet if you try anything funny.” Chloe sounded legitimately angry, like no one has ever seen her generally angry. Usually all they see is the charismatic smiling and sexy model who is also a wrestler, not like this.

Chloe waited for a response from Alyssa, wondering how she would react and hoping the day will get better then it had so far.

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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

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Alyssa felt a bit of pressure from needing to tell Chloe that she had absolutely zero experience when it came to posing in front of the camera. But that anxiety was quickly replaced with annoyance when Chloe questioned her experience and even went as far as to imply that she's a crooked reporter.

"One, none. Nada. Zip. BUT TWO, I am very much popular on Twitch and other news media! AND THREE! I also wrestle! Its the best way to get interviews! Truthful Articles. SO NEVER QUESTION MY JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY."

She replied, pointing her finger back at Chloe. The two were like raging fires attempting to fight for dominance and their anger quickly shut the camera crew up who were left speechless.
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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Chloe was still annoyed as she listened to Alyssa answer the questions that Chloe asked, turns out she will be working with a rookie for the night who can also wrestle. Ah this was going to be fun.

“Okay then, but remember, do not ask any questions that cross the line.” Chloe said hoping to get the point across to Alyssa. “Now that we understand, now come with me.” Chloe said as she headed to the center of the set motioning for Alyssa to come with her.

“Since we are both wrestlers darling, let’s do a collar and elbow tie up.” Chloe winked and smile, trying to put up her usual demeanor and hide her anger and annoyance. She then got in position for a Collar and Elbow Tie Up, hoping Alyssa would engage.

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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Kookio »

Now that their boundaries were established, Alyssa would calm herself down. She shouldn't have burst out like that. She was a professional. It was just something about being questioned about her journalistic integrity that always angered her.


She would say as she would get into position as the victim of the Tie Up as photos flashed in front of them, taking pictures of every ounce, especially with how their bodies pressed up against one another. Question time would always come in between them changing positions.

"So. Are you always demanded to do hentai matches because of the field you're in? And how do you feel about it?"

She asked in between changing poses.
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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Epicsnivy »

Chloe used the Collar and Elbow Tie up to press herself against Alyssa, and while the usual feeling of displaying your superiority against another cute wrestler was usually something that brought a smile to her face, this was just annoying her to no end.

Eventually Chloe ordered Alyssa. “I’m going to put you in a side headlock.” Chloe said, wanting to put Alyssa in a less dominant position, and not let her take her spotlight.

When she was asked the question from Alyssa, Chloe responded with a sigh before saying “Yes I am, and I fully get why people want me in those kinds of matches. I am probably the hottest wrestler they ever seen. And I would take them, but my company say that’s against my contract with them.” Chloe would say this while attempting to put Alyssa in a slightly messy looking headlock, she was not the best at grappling.

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Re: A Photoshoot gone horribly wrong! (Or right!)

Unread post by Kookio »

Alyssa was a bit uncomfortable with the position, primarily just cause it was awkward to support herself and trying to stay as still as possible for the photos. By the time things were done, Alyssa stretched her back a little.

"Wooh! Okay!"

She replied and getting into position. It was once again uncomfortable. Anything for a story.

"So you enjoy this more? Which do you prefer to do?"
Discord: Kookio#2941 Kookio's Goods

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