Enemies in the own family?

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Re: Enemies in the own family?

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would look at the card and t hen at the cute girl handing it to her. She would lean backwars a bit and smirk. Dman this woman was the sister of the devil, so Karin was playing with fire here…
Hua would laugh loudly before she reached for the arm of Theresia and helped her daughter to get the mature woman back into a standing position. “come on help me here…” would hua say to Karin as the mature woman was trying to help her old friend. Karin would slip the card into her pants and walk over to help Theresia back up to her feet… “lets take her home to my place to sleep it off!” Would hua say with a giggle. “some things never change!”

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The Riders
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Re: Enemies in the own family?

Unread post by The Riders »

The End... or is it?

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