Unburying the Hatchet

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Re: Unburying the Hatchet

Unread post by Devastated »

Aurora Lund delivered one hell of a punch straight to that belly of Thereisa and was about to try and keep hammering at her old rival, but the brunette had other plans! As Aurora threw her arm back and was about to launch it forward the head of Thereisa shot forward and smashed right into the forehead of the blonde, Aurora hissed out in pain as her head recoiled back!

She winced and looked through squinting eyes, trying to swing out a violent right hook and aim to smash it right into Thereisa's jaw while she aimed to recover from the sudden dull aching throb that had invaded her skull after Thereisa's headbutt!

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The Riders
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Re: Unburying the Hatchet

Unread post by The Riders »

Thereisa's own head was throbbing due to landing the headbutt that stunned Aurora... but the blow didn't stun the woman enough as the blonde was able to land another punch to the jaw that hit the taller woman, spitting blood from a cut lip.

Deciding to fight dirty bow... the big German woman would raise her hands up and rake her nails across her opponent's face, hoping that the eye rake would do enough so that she could have some breathing room. Before planning her next move.

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