The stage has been set, thanks to the mysteries backer, who has been funding Cyber Legacy, allowing them to run amok and do whatever they want in the company for the past few months. Getting away with murder and even bragging about it online since whoever was funding them was loaded since most of their fines have been paid in full and any other issues when it came to beating up the fans were not even mentioned and settled completely before it grew into a bigger issue... and yet the owner of the company did nothing to stop the three since his hands were tied at the moment.
But the most wild and crazy thing the three had done was set a trap for the tag team champions and leave them laying in the middle of the ring beaten, and in the case of Aurora, her tail and afro were cut off by Ana using a pair of scissors after holding the woman hostage. What was worse was that the ambush was on live television, so kids and adults got to see a woman holding another woman hostage at scissor point, something that the backers didn't like at all.
And to show that the backer was the one calling the shots, they had booked a match but only let the cats know that the match was a fall count anywhere match between themselves and Legacy, who are wandering around backstage doing whatever they want to do, as each one is separate and doing their own thing at the moment.
Serilda is backstage near the catering area, running amok by bullying some of the stagehands by using her kendo stick and making them bring her food, and if they fail to bring what she wants, they end up being hit with her trusty weapon of pain and misery. Thereisa, on the other hand, is resting in their locker room, taking a much-needed relaxing break as she prepares to make another case for getting another shot at Alaina and the heavyweight title.
All the while, Ana is doing a live stream on her twitch account, since she has been meaning to get into that action since her youtube account and tik tok videos have been reaching close to two million views already... and the money she brings in from her only fans and the gravure idol videos and photosets that she sells.
"Alright, my awesome fans. Next up on the list of this is me doing some classic meme dances for everyone to see," she says while wearing her wrestling gear. "So we had a vote, and the choices for you all were what two meme dances you all wanted me to do... the choices were Cat Breakdancing Meme, Sweet Little Bumblebee Meme, or me doing a dance video to Racing through the Night by Yoasobi, or that highly overrated Ankh Dance Meme, which is so terrible and played out..." she says with a smug look on her face.
Checking the final tally of votes and seeing that the fans have picked the Cat Breaking Dancing meme and the Yoasobi-racing through the night dance video... Ana would smile and start to do the cat dancing video first, as she starts to break dance, showing off her amazing dancing skills that she learned from doing ballet and dancing schools when she was growing up.
First Sign of War(Winner)
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Re: First Sign of War(Winner)
The mysterious backer continued to be unnamed. It was clear that Cyber Legacy had extended their influence somehow. The trio had just come off a suspension, but they came back ruder, nastier, and more disgruntled than ever! Thereisa, Serilda, and Ana attacked fans, wrestlers, and staff alike! Seemingly, with no repercussions!
Just hours ago, Cyber Legacy had conducted a premeditated assault on the LAW World Tag Team Champions! All masterminded by Ana. LAW fans the world over were still vocal about how much they abhorred this display. Staff members had been giving the three women dirty looks or outright avoiding them. Even now, Serilda and Ana were still running amok. But not for much longer....
As Ana went about dancing for her followers, she'd be blissfully unaware of a scorned Galaxy Cat that had come to repay The Murder Princess in spades! Aurora's hair would be avenged.
The luchadora waited for the right time. She carefully watched Ana's movements. She approached stealthily. She waited for just the right opportunity. And when it arrived, she struck!
Aurora waited for Ana to turn around, right into her direction as Aurora ran up and aimed to floor her with a harsh running Superkick to the jaw!
Meanwhile, in the locker rooms backstage, Thereisa sits on a bench idly. She feels a tap on her shoulder and notices Kat Hart standing tall over her. The very same second Thereisa laid eyes on Kat's face, The Super Kitty grabs her by the back of the neck and sends her flying face-first into the locker in front of her! The sound of Thereisa crashing into the locker would see many wrestlers and staff fleeing the halls and the locker room! If Kat managed to get the drop on the matriarch of the Cyber Legacy stables, she'd grab hold of Thereisa once more and look to thrust her into the lockers on the opposite side of the bench this time!
Finally, Serilda was menacing just about everyone in the catering hall. Everyone but the one Cat on the premises that was looking for some payback!
Without saying a word, Tracy sped toward Akira as the belligerent redhead brandished her kendo stick to anyone and everyone! Ever the acrobat and ever the showman, Canon jumped onto one of the tables mid-sprint! The Circus Cat would continue dashing and jumping across three tables before finally launching herself at Serilda for a full-on Shotgun Dropkick! If Tracy hit her mark on a distracted and menacing Serilda, everyone in the catering hall would cheer when Tracy sent the girl flying! And Tracy would quickly kip up to her feet and take a bow!
The SWAT Cats had been ambushed and bullied by Cyber Legacy one too many times! Today, the tag team champions were getting some much-needed and much-deserved payback!
Just hours ago, Cyber Legacy had conducted a premeditated assault on the LAW World Tag Team Champions! All masterminded by Ana. LAW fans the world over were still vocal about how much they abhorred this display. Staff members had been giving the three women dirty looks or outright avoiding them. Even now, Serilda and Ana were still running amok. But not for much longer....
As Ana went about dancing for her followers, she'd be blissfully unaware of a scorned Galaxy Cat that had come to repay The Murder Princess in spades! Aurora's hair would be avenged.
The luchadora waited for the right time. She carefully watched Ana's movements. She approached stealthily. She waited for just the right opportunity. And when it arrived, she struck!
Aurora waited for Ana to turn around, right into her direction as Aurora ran up and aimed to floor her with a harsh running Superkick to the jaw!
Meanwhile, in the locker rooms backstage, Thereisa sits on a bench idly. She feels a tap on her shoulder and notices Kat Hart standing tall over her. The very same second Thereisa laid eyes on Kat's face, The Super Kitty grabs her by the back of the neck and sends her flying face-first into the locker in front of her! The sound of Thereisa crashing into the locker would see many wrestlers and staff fleeing the halls and the locker room! If Kat managed to get the drop on the matriarch of the Cyber Legacy stables, she'd grab hold of Thereisa once more and look to thrust her into the lockers on the opposite side of the bench this time!
Finally, Serilda was menacing just about everyone in the catering hall. Everyone but the one Cat on the premises that was looking for some payback!
Without saying a word, Tracy sped toward Akira as the belligerent redhead brandished her kendo stick to anyone and everyone! Ever the acrobat and ever the showman, Canon jumped onto one of the tables mid-sprint! The Circus Cat would continue dashing and jumping across three tables before finally launching herself at Serilda for a full-on Shotgun Dropkick! If Tracy hit her mark on a distracted and menacing Serilda, everyone in the catering hall would cheer when Tracy sent the girl flying! And Tracy would quickly kip up to her feet and take a bow!
The SWAT Cats had been ambushed and bullied by Cyber Legacy one too many times! Today, the tag team champions were getting some much-needed and much-deserved payback!
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more
PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard
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- The Riders
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Re: First Sign of War(Winner)
Ana was too busy dancing to notice that she was being stalked by a masked woman. As she would start to hop around before jumping and doing a backflip and places her hand out to catch herself as she strikes a pose, her hand would be palm first on the ground, the other holding her foot, showing off her skills as much as the views on her recording going up more due to the fans seeing the amazing moves. "Now check this out, everyone, and be amazed by my windmill moves." Ana would say before starting to windmill her legs to the beat of the song.
Just as she was finishing up her last spin, Ana would spin out of her windmill routine before placing herself in a one-hand stand, spinning and putting both of her feet on the ground, and striking a pose after showing off. But as the blue-eyed woman turns around, right into a superkick that sends her into dream land, she staggers before falling face first into the floor, out cold from the move.
In Cyber Legacy's private locker room. Thereisa is still resting before feeling someone tap her shoulder to turn around. Turning her head to look up at Kat, who struck by grabbing the older woman by the back of the neck and slamming her face first into the lockers, before grabbing her again and slamming her into the other side of the lockers with anger. The older woman slams into the locker, knocking it over as she lays on top of the metal, dazed and stunned by the sudden attack that she didn't expect at all, as she rolls over onto her side, holding her head that is pounding from hitting the hard metal object.
Serilda, on the other hand, would be taken out with a drop kick to the back that caused her to stumble over a table and crash to the floor. Her kendo stick goes flying and ends up in the hands of a lucky stagehand, who quickly leaves with the infamous weapon.

In Cyber Legacy's private locker room. Thereisa is still resting before feeling someone tap her shoulder to turn around. Turning her head to look up at Kat, who struck by grabbing the older woman by the back of the neck and slamming her face first into the lockers, before grabbing her again and slamming her into the other side of the lockers with anger. The older woman slams into the locker, knocking it over as she lays on top of the metal, dazed and stunned by the sudden attack that she didn't expect at all, as she rolls over onto her side, holding her head that is pounding from hitting the hard metal object.
Serilda, on the other hand, would be taken out with a drop kick to the back that caused her to stumble over a table and crash to the floor. Her kendo stick goes flying and ends up in the hands of a lucky stagehand, who quickly leaves with the infamous weapon.
- winner3
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Re: First Sign of War(Winner)
Ana's breakdancing performance was cut short by a scorned Galaxy Cat. Her social media profiles would flood with comments and images of the frames where she took a boot to the chin! Aurora would squat down and collect the bluenette's phone. She held it up like she was taking a selfie and winked at the viewers watching the livestream.
"Splendid dance routine, Ana..." Aurora began.
"About as wonderful as the retribution you'll be facing for what you and your family of ne'er-do-wells did earlier." With that, that lightweight luchadora tossed Akira's phone aside. Aurora would grab hold of the bratty bluenette by the rim of those hot pants Ana had on. She'd pull Ana up to her feet and begin womanhandling and forcing the woman down the backstage halls of LAW, all with the intention of bringing her out to the arena, at the top of the entrance ramp!
Meanwhile, in the Cyber Legacy private locker room, Thereisa had been thoroughly acquainted with the lockers, courtesy of Kat Hart. The old, gritty, veteran finds herself in a game of pinball where her head is the ball and the lockers are the bumpers. After throwing Cyber Widow into a set of lockers hard enough to knock the metallic structure over, The Super Kitty grabs the girl by her long, brunette ponytail and forces Thereisa up to her knees.
"You thought you were safe, didn't you? Even after the stunt you guys pulled? Nah... we're not done, big girl. Not by a long shot..." With an aura and expression of seriousness that could be felt beyond the mask, the heavyweight squats down and hauls Thereisa up over her shoulder, bending the bigger beauty and putting Niedermeyer's assets on display so that she could stand up and carry her off towards the entrance ramp.
Finally, on Tracy's front, she managed to floor the belligerent redhead for brandishing her kendo stick at everyone backstage. After building up some momentum from leaping table to table The Circus Cat's Shotgun Dropkick sent Serilda up and over one of the tables, knocking it over entirely! The kendo stick practically flew out of the aggressive redhead's hands! The wooden stick landed at the feet of one of the catering staff persons that Akira was terrorizing! The catering hall worker squealed with glee upon picking up the kendo stick. She celebrated to herself while proclaiming that she'd sell the kendo stick in an online auction. And when she said that, Tracy gave her a finger gun gesture and a wink!
"Mama Tracy will sign that for ya! But first! Mama gonna knock Liger OUT!" Canon would declare loudly for everyone in the catering hall to hear!
The Circus Cat would march right over to the reeling Yakuza Liger and flash a wide, toothy smile at the girl before pulling Liger up by her hair. Wrestlers and staff in the catering hall would pull out their phones and record as Tracy looked to have some fun! Mama Tracy would take a few seconds to grip some of the fabric of her own leotard. Her smile curled with mischief as she looked to poke a hole into her leotard over her abs! Tracy would use two hands to tear the hole wide open, nearly making an ab window in her own wrestling attire! And after doing that, she'd immediately look to hoist up Serilda and lift her into an upside-down position, as if to set her up for a Tombstone Piledriver, but with a twist! People would gasp and cheer if Tracy got her way, for if she did, she'd dominate Serilda by hoisting the foul-mouthed girl upside down and stuffing Serilda's red-haired head into the ab window she created, forcing skin to press up against skin and forcing Serilda's head down her leotard! If the stars aligned, Tracy would parade the girl around for several seconds before dropping down to her knees to hit Serilda Akira with an Erotic Tombstone Piledriver to put her down!
This display would be followed by Tracy spreading her legs and sliding forward such that she could sit her bare booty and womanhood on Serilda's face! And Tracy would, of course, indulge in this for a moment before looking to haul Liger up and carry her towards the stage at the top of the entrance ramp, just as her fellow SWAT Cats did with the other members of Cyber Legacy!
"Splendid dance routine, Ana..." Aurora began.
"About as wonderful as the retribution you'll be facing for what you and your family of ne'er-do-wells did earlier." With that, that lightweight luchadora tossed Akira's phone aside. Aurora would grab hold of the bratty bluenette by the rim of those hot pants Ana had on. She'd pull Ana up to her feet and begin womanhandling and forcing the woman down the backstage halls of LAW, all with the intention of bringing her out to the arena, at the top of the entrance ramp!
Meanwhile, in the Cyber Legacy private locker room, Thereisa had been thoroughly acquainted with the lockers, courtesy of Kat Hart. The old, gritty, veteran finds herself in a game of pinball where her head is the ball and the lockers are the bumpers. After throwing Cyber Widow into a set of lockers hard enough to knock the metallic structure over, The Super Kitty grabs the girl by her long, brunette ponytail and forces Thereisa up to her knees.
"You thought you were safe, didn't you? Even after the stunt you guys pulled? Nah... we're not done, big girl. Not by a long shot..." With an aura and expression of seriousness that could be felt beyond the mask, the heavyweight squats down and hauls Thereisa up over her shoulder, bending the bigger beauty and putting Niedermeyer's assets on display so that she could stand up and carry her off towards the entrance ramp.
Finally, on Tracy's front, she managed to floor the belligerent redhead for brandishing her kendo stick at everyone backstage. After building up some momentum from leaping table to table The Circus Cat's Shotgun Dropkick sent Serilda up and over one of the tables, knocking it over entirely! The kendo stick practically flew out of the aggressive redhead's hands! The wooden stick landed at the feet of one of the catering staff persons that Akira was terrorizing! The catering hall worker squealed with glee upon picking up the kendo stick. She celebrated to herself while proclaiming that she'd sell the kendo stick in an online auction. And when she said that, Tracy gave her a finger gun gesture and a wink!
"Mama Tracy will sign that for ya! But first! Mama gonna knock Liger OUT!" Canon would declare loudly for everyone in the catering hall to hear!
The Circus Cat would march right over to the reeling Yakuza Liger and flash a wide, toothy smile at the girl before pulling Liger up by her hair. Wrestlers and staff in the catering hall would pull out their phones and record as Tracy looked to have some fun! Mama Tracy would take a few seconds to grip some of the fabric of her own leotard. Her smile curled with mischief as she looked to poke a hole into her leotard over her abs! Tracy would use two hands to tear the hole wide open, nearly making an ab window in her own wrestling attire! And after doing that, she'd immediately look to hoist up Serilda and lift her into an upside-down position, as if to set her up for a Tombstone Piledriver, but with a twist! People would gasp and cheer if Tracy got her way, for if she did, she'd dominate Serilda by hoisting the foul-mouthed girl upside down and stuffing Serilda's red-haired head into the ab window she created, forcing skin to press up against skin and forcing Serilda's head down her leotard! If the stars aligned, Tracy would parade the girl around for several seconds before dropping down to her knees to hit Serilda Akira with an Erotic Tombstone Piledriver to put her down!
This display would be followed by Tracy spreading her legs and sliding forward such that she could sit her bare booty and womanhood on Serilda's face! And Tracy would, of course, indulge in this for a moment before looking to haul Liger up and carry her towards the stage at the top of the entrance ramp, just as her fellow SWAT Cats did with the other members of Cyber Legacy!
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more
PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard
If you just need plain old winner, please reach out via If you're interested in scoping out my characters and/or pitching RP ideas, here's my roster
- The Riders
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Re: First Sign of War(Winner)
Ana is groaning and trying to stand on jelly legs; her head is throbbing from the quick, super kick that caught her in the jaw. As her hot pants were grabbed, she could feel herself being dragged around by the masked woman before being taken backstage to the front of the stage ramp in front of the live crowd.
Thereisa is reeling and clutching her head after being slammed into the lockers and knocking the metal object over. Letting out a low groan of pain due to her hair being grabbed, the older woman would be slung onto Kat's back and carried like a backpack. Her breasts are barely covered by her torn outfit as she is carried out on stage.
Serilda wasn't fairing any better. Tracy's wild drop kick sent her over the table, and losing her trusty weapon... as she had seen stars before, blackness would be the only thing she saw. What the redhead doesn't know is the circus cat had stuck her head inside her leotard and held that position for a while before spiking her into the floor with a piledriver.
Out cold from the move, even felt the other woman sitting on her face with her ass and crotch before getting dragged and placed on stage with the rest of her group.
Thereisa is reeling and clutching her head after being slammed into the lockers and knocking the metal object over. Letting out a low groan of pain due to her hair being grabbed, the older woman would be slung onto Kat's back and carried like a backpack. Her breasts are barely covered by her torn outfit as she is carried out on stage.
Serilda wasn't fairing any better. Tracy's wild drop kick sent her over the table, and losing her trusty weapon... as she had seen stars before, blackness would be the only thing she saw. What the redhead doesn't know is the circus cat had stuck her head inside her leotard and held that position for a while before spiking her into the floor with a piledriver.
Out cold from the move, even felt the other woman sitting on her face with her ass and crotch before getting dragged and placed on stage with the rest of her group.
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