Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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Continued from here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=16065&p=324912
Chiaki Nanami
Chiaki Nanami had her jacket pulled up over herself, but she hadn't changed out of the bikini she had just wrestled in, and was still visibly sweaty from the experience. "As you might expect, the stream audience likes it when I come as straight from the match as possible," she said, addressing Kanako Satawari, the woman the gamer girl had just wrestled whom was walking alongside her. "So I just stay in my attire for the stream and then shower after. You can put your clothes on if you like, but I do use a little indoor kiddie pool for these streams to relax and cool down with. So unless you want to get your street clothes wet, just sticking with what you're in is best, I think."

Chiaki and Kanako then made their way to the parking lot connected to the arena. It was an underground structure to provide privacy for LAW performers who might be heading to their cars while still in limited dress, as the two women were. "Hey hey, do you wanna ride with me, or do you have your own car to drive?" Chiaki asked. "I can give you my address if you need it, it isn't too far."
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Re: Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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Kanako was walking alongside Chiaki as the two of them were walking towards the gamer's car, mere minutes had passed since the end of their match and Kanako still had a spring to her step; she was still riding the high from her first official LAW win of her current run after all. She'd had a great time, showing her stuff to her biggest audience in over a year with her ideal opponent, and now said opponent was inviting her over to her apartment. Granted it was for a stream, but from what Chiaki had said it didn't sound like things getting more saucy was off the table.

Kanako's attention was drawn away from those thoughts as Chiaki began explaining that she'll be staying in her ring attire for the stream since she'll be sitting in a pool during it "I'll probably look a bit out of place next to you in this instead of a bikini, but if you think that's best then sure" she didn't care too much either way, she'd just have to remove some pieces of the outfit that she wouldn't want to get wet. What was more interesting to her was the follow up question "I'll ride with you, of course! I bet you look cool behind a wheel!" she'd exclaim, hugging Chiaki's arm so that it was wedged between her breasts.
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Re: Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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"Well I know that it isn't a bikini, but it looks close enough for the viewers, I think," said Chiaki. "Especially if the skirt part is detachable." Kanako then hugged the gamer girl's arm to her chest as she responded to the other part of what she had said, something that Chiaki was happy to reciprocate by gently running her fingertips back and forth across the Supernova's belly.

"I actually did a real life driving stream on a closed track after I got my license," said Chiaki. "Turns out a lot of it really does transfer over if the game controls are realistic enough. But I think if I drive like it's a video game on the public streets of Japan, then I may end up having to stream from a jail cell for awhile."

"Alright, here's my car," said Chiaki as she pulled her arm free from Kanako's cleavage. She had a small two-seater, but it was still clearly of a higher end make and model. "I don't usually have passengers, and I certainly don't need much room, so I didn't get anything very big." The streamer then smirked as she thought of a nice tease, "You might have to wiggle those curves a bit, but you can get in, I think." Chiaki then gave Kanako a cheeky little smack on the butt before getting into the driver's seat.
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Re: Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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As Kanako initiated close contact with Chiaki as they walked to her car she was pleased to see the gamer match her energy by stroking her tummy, making the superstar hum pleasantly as she listened to Chiaki explain why she can drive well from playing video games. Truthfully Kanako didn't really know what Chiaki was talking about when it came to the gaming talk, she'd never really had time for any of that stuff when she was an idol, but she looked cute so Kanako was content to listen and let her talk "Wow, so cool"

Once the two of them got to Chiaki's car the gamer would have to free her arm from Kanako's clutches, much to her disappointment, so she could open up the car. Chiaki would more than make up for it however when she teased Kanako about her curves before smacking her on the butt "Eep!" Kanako couldn't help but let out a slight yelp as she was caught off guard by the gamer's bold action, for a moment her cheeks were flushed but she quickly recovered and giggled "You'd know all about my curves, wouldn't you? You got a pretty close look at them during our match, after all" she would retort in a sing song voice, then she'd make her way to the other side of the car and make a show of waving her hips from side to side in an extremely exaggerated manner before entering the passenger side door.
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Re: Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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Chiaki was more than happy to watch and wait as Kanako took her sweet time working her hips into the car. But once the ignition was on, things weren't too eventful. As much as the gamer girl enjoyed flirting with the former idol, Chiaki had the self-control to keep a lid on it while she was driving. Even if the streamer wasn't driving like she was behind the wheel of a racing sim, things could all too easily turn ugly if she focused on Kanako's body instead of the road.

Chiaki was pulling into her driveway before too long. She had enough money to have a pretty nice place. The pinkette lived alone, but had a house that was more accommodating to extra people than her car was on account of guests not being too uncommon for her. Whether from streaming, wrestling, or even just her private personal life, Chiaki had a lot of friends. So company was by no means a rarity for her. The extra space that she turned into an in-home workout room when she became a wrestler was a nice perk as well.

Chiaki led Kanako to her streaming room, where as promised, a pool had been set up beforehand. It was small, shallow, and sturdy. Deliberately chosen to be quick and easy to both fill and drain, minimize the risk and potential damage of spills in a room with a number of electronics, and lastly designed in a way that would have most natural poses and positions keep her breasts above water.

"Post match streams are usually solo, so I don't want to start with you on camera. It'd be best if i brought you in as a surprise, i think," said Chiaki. "Having said that, I'll bring you in as part of the stream intro. Just keep the door closed and stand behind it until you're time. It's soundproofed though, so keep it cracked so my voice can travel through."

After everything was squared and Kanako was in position, Chiaki got in the pool and made sure her breasts were hanging over the edge of the pool as she reached for the start stream button. "Hey hey, It's the Ultimate Gamer Girl Chiaki Nanami here, live after my most recent LAW match," she said before drifting through the water to the other end of the pool. "I know most of you probably are upset with my most recent result, but I do have something that should make it better, I think. Today's stream is a co-op! Introducing the woman who just kicked my butt and smothered me out: Kanako Satawari!"
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Re: Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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Once the two of them arrived at Chiaki's house Kanako would allow the gamer girl to lead her to her streaming room. Kanako didn't know much about streaming and all that but she thought it was pretty cool that she had a dedicated room for it, she was kind of curious about what the rest of the gamer's home looked like but it would be rude to just go looking at her stuff without asking. Maybe she'll ask her later if she can explore. Kanako nodded along as Chiaki explained that she should wait outside the room for Chiaki to introduce her "Got it, I'll make sure to give a good entrance" she winked.

A bit later the stream would start and Kanako watched through the slight crack in the door as Chiaki started the stream and started building up to her arrival. Once she heard her name Kanako would enter through the door "Hello hello!" she bounced energetically as she flourished with her hands. In preparation for her appearance Kanako had stripped her attire of her boots, armwear, and skirt so that all was left was her chest piece and her bottoms, making the outfit look more like a fancy two-piece than wrestling attire. She would then skip her way to the pool and enter to sit beside Chiaki "I'm Kanako Sawatari! You might recognise me from the time I kicked Chiaki's butt and smothered her out!" she spoke with a cheeky tone and giggled.
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Re: Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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Chiaki would give Kanako space to make her entrance, and as expected of a former idol of international fame, she was able to assert her presence on the stream with great efficiency and ease. Though not to be outdone, the streamer was quick with a line of her own, "True, though I do recall that being what I did to you the first time we fought."

Chiaki was sure to shift the tone however, as this was obviously supposed to be a friendly stream. "Having said that, I can't complain about having had my head in between these at all," Chiaki said as she draped herself on Kanako's back and wrapped her arms around the Supernova's body, bringing her arms up under Kanako's breasts to prop them up for the camera.

"Now while I enjoy Kanako fanservice as much as I'm sure the rest of you do, this is meant to be an interview. So I should ask some question, I think," said the streamer. "You guys will get chances to ask Kanako questions, but I'll take the first one while you're figuring out what you want to ask."

Chiaki then leaned back against the edge of the pool with her arms back over the side. Naturally water dripped to the floor, but that had been accounted for in the set up, so the gamer girl's precious electronics were not at risk. "Kanako, this was your first match in LAW after working your way up through the indies," said Chiaki, who chose not to acknowledge her friend's time wrestling under a different name. "A lot of people ask what it's like, but I want to know how much you fought. Approximately speaking, how many matches did you have in the indies from your start at zero to your arrival in LAW? And about what was your record?"
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Re: Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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Kanako couldn't help but chuckle at her own expense as Chiaki reminded her viewers that Kanako had been the one being smothered out when they'd first fought "That's true, maybe we need to go at it again to settle the score" she chirped. Soon after Chiaki would decide to turn the conversation in a direction more suited for the tone she intended for the stream by getting behind the idol and pushing up her breasts playfully "Haha, you're such a perv Chiaki-chan" she fired back jokingly, though she had no issue playing along and subtly leaning forward for the camera.

The two of them weren't here to just play in a pool however, even though Chiaki's viewers would probably be more than fine with watching just that, so Chiaki would start interviewing the superstar. Her first question was quite an interesting one; she had enquired about Kanako's career on the independent circuit "Haha, I don't think I can remember the exact number. But I wanted to get as much experience as I could, so I bugged the matchmakers to put me on as much as possible. Had to have been at least fifty though. As for my record, don't be too shocked but I probably only won about a third of my matches" she admitted, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head "They weren't technically my first matches, but this was me starting from scratch so I was basically still a rookie. I'd had the best training a girl could ask for, shout out to Melony Peaches by the way, but I still needed the experience to learn to apply my techniques in a real match. Which is just a nice way of saying I got my butt kicked a lot until I 'got good', hehe. It was worth it though, cuz now I've got all the tools I need to kick butt in LAW!"
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Re: Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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"Only a third?" parroted Chiaki, surprised despite Kanako's request for her not to be. "I imagine that a lot of those losses were front loaded in your indie career, right? When you were still closer to the wrestler you were after your first LAW stint than the wrestler you are now. At least, you wouldn't have made the step up to the pros and done well if you never were able to win consistently in the indies, I think."

After getting a reply to that from Kanako, Chiaki would move on to another topic. "Alright, I'll ask one more before I start pulling for questions from the fans," she said. "Admittedly, this is a question I already know the answer to, but I think it's something that the LAW fans would be very interested to hear about from you."

"What makes your smothers different?" Chiaki asked. "What makes the breasts and butt of Kanako Satawari more dangerous, more painful or more pleasant, and more sleep-inducing to get your head stuck in than the average LAW Lightweight? Your body? Your techniques? What makes a Supernova smother special?"
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Re: Post Match Interview! Chiaki and Kanako

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Kanako shifted self consciously when Chiaki couldn't hold back her surprise at hearing about her win-rate in the indies "W-well yeah it's like I said, I was really dropped into the deep end at first. Sure I'm awesome now, but I had a lot of catching up to do, and those girls didn't intend on going easy on me." What Kanako didn't say was that a lot of them likely resented her for her popularity, but saying as such out loud for all the internet to hear probably would have come off as catty so she kept that thought to herself "I was winning plenty by the time I was ready to go back to LAW, d-don't get too hung up percentages"

Chiaki would mercifully change the topic of conversation to a question Kanako was much more comfortable answering; one about her ass and tits "I don't know Chiaki-chan, I think you're quite qualified to answer of my behalf, hehe" she giggled "Okay but seriously though if I had to give a reason, besides my body just being amazing, I guess it's because as an entertainer I'm naturally inclined to want to please people. When I've got someone in a smother I'm not just out to put them to sleep, I want them to enjoy it, to be so distracted by my body and my embrace that they don't even want to leave. Kind of like you today, Chiaki-chan" she added, teasingly.
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