Backstage Showdown : The Atlantean vs Madam Oni

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Re: Backstage Showdown : The Atlantean vs Madam Oni

Unread post by NoChill27 »

Hoshiguma couldn't help but grin at Yoko's outrage as she wiped the vestiges of their previous encounter off her face. The girl was feisty, which only increased Hoshiguma's excitement for what was to come. She admired Yoko's attempt to restore her composure, the mix of shame and defiance emanating from her.

"Ugly, really? Is that the best insult you can think of?" Hoshiguma mocked back. " I thought sailors were supposed to be better at swearing. Or are you just one of those pretenders?"

But while Hoshiguma was busy taunting her, Yoko had already begun her next move. Before she realise, Yoko knocked Hoshiguma back, sending her crashing into a nearby empty locker room. The door swung open with a loud bang, the sound echoing through the hallway.

"Ow. That freaking hurt, brat!" Hoshiguma yelled, already back onto her feet.

But she then took noticed of their new surroundings. It seems to be a locker room , with rows of wooden lockers glistening beneath a few ceiling lights. The carpeted floor extended out, immaculate and seemingly unaffected. A few seats were lined up against one wall, indicating that the space was still being set up.
As Yoko would step into the locker room, Hoshiguma’s playful demeanor returned, her eyes sparkling with desire for a fun time.

"Well, looks like we found ourselves a private room for a our fight. How about you lock that door behind you?" Hoshiguma said. "Don't want anyone seeing you cumming your brains out once I'm done with you. Haha"
Last edited by NoChill27 on Sat Jul 27, 2024 7:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Backstage Showdown : The Atlantean vs Madam Oni

Unread post by Kookio »

Yoko had some difficulty, but she managed to push the woman through the nearby door behind her with a giant shove! She stretched her arms, preparing herself for what was going to come. She didn't wanna pull any muscles while beating this bitch into the ground. After entering the room, she locked the room behind her, just as the girl asked. If she needed to unlock it, she'd just break it down.

"Oh. Now you have a problem." she replied back to the girl's words while they got up. Once they were back to their feet, Yoko walked up to the girl and prepared to throw a mean right hook, hoping to catch the woman by the side of the face and knock ber back down onto her ass.
Discord: Kookio#2941 Kookio's Goods

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Re: Backstage Showdown : The Atlantean vs Madam Oni

Unread post by NoChill27 »

As Yoko prepared to throw a mean right hook, Hoshiguma's instincts kicked in. With a casual flick of her wrist, she caught Yoko's fist mid-swing, her grip firm yet playful.

"Whoa there, not so fast!" she teased, a smirk spreading her face. "Didn't your mommy and daddy teach you to be patient?" Hoshiguma said, teasing her smaller opponent.

"Let me change first, into something more...fitting for the occasion."

The green oni then began grabbing the hem of her top as she began stripping off her soaked outfit. Her toned abs and muscles glistened under the lights, the remaining droplets of the milk and soda from before were dripping down her body.

She took her time, peeling off her shorts to reveal a sleek black bikini underneath. Her every movement was slow and deliberate, clearly meant to tease Yoko and get a reaction from her.

The black bikini clung to her figure, emphasising her athletic build. She then began to pose, hands on her hips, and gave Yoko a cheeky look. "What do you think?" Ready for round two?"
Last edited by NoChill27 on Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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