The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

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The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

Unread post by ragaz »

continuation from this - viewtopic.php?f=67&t=18493

Jaegu made his way out of the ring first as Momoi was still celebrating her victory. As he was slowly walking backstage, Jaegu was contemplating whether he really wanted to keep doing this. Was it really a good idea to try his luck in this business. If Momoi's words were anything to go by, Jaegu should be expecting things to get crazier. He shuddered at the thought, he wasn't sure if he was ready for what's to come.

Jaegu's eyes lit up slightly as he saw a bench. Right now all he wanted was to just sit down, rest and think. So, he went over to the bench and just sat down. He rested his elbows on his knees, his forehead resting on his palms, his face looking down at the floor. It was a short match, but the Korean boy was just baffled at the fact that his entire body ached. Momoi folded him like a pretzel. How would he go forward? What kind of other ''accidents'' would happen? what would he do?

There was a lot to unpack and it seems there would be even more still. He heard some steps in the distance at first. Jaegu paid no mind to it at first. Then as they got closer, it sounded barefoot. And then he saw a couple of bare legs next to him in the corner of his eye. Jaegu then slowly looked up, unintentionally taking in all of her beautiful and bountiful body. Jaegu's cheeks reddened and the surprise on his face increased.
Miss Momoi..? I hope some kind of ''post-match beating'' isn't a thing here, is it? Hah hahah... He asked jokingly as well as a little nervously, rubbing the back of his head, a nervous smile on his face as he realized that all things considered, it might just be a thing.
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Re: The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

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Momoi Satsuki, fresh off of defeating Jaegu Song in his debut match as a pro wrestler, now sought him out in the arena's backstage. Thankfully he didn't make himself too difficult to find. The rookie seemed to notice the pinkette by her footsteps and greeted her, though not without some concern.

"Nah," Momoi said to answer Jaegu's question. "Well I can't say that it's never happened, because it definitely has. But it's not like some thing that happens once a week or whatever. Going after somebody like that is something pretty much solely reserved for the scummiest of heels."

"What I'm here for is to talk to you about the future," explained Momoi. "Physically speaking, you are a very talented individual. But you really don't know what you're doing. Even for a rookie, it feels like you're behind the curve for knowledge and understanding in the ring."

"However, that is something that I am very capable of helping with," said Momoi with a bounce, giving Jaegu a little bit of boing boing before getting to the point. "How about we meet up at a gym sometime in the next week? If it goes well, then maybe we can keep meeting up for awhile. Get a bit of work in for ourselves."
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Re: The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

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Hearing the "nah", Jaegu sighed in relief, his suspicions however silly, were eased. Well, until Momoi added that it does happen. Huh? Was his reaction. Was this another thing that he had to worry about?

The future..? Jaegu asked before Momoi continued. It was a bit strange and interesting how Momoi told him the same thing Moonyoung said to him once - that he has a fitting build for a fighter. He wouldn't necessarily argue against that, but it did stir up some confidence within him, swaying Jaegu's opinion slightly towards that maybe he should stay in LAW.

Well, that's true... I don't even really know how this company works, how things are done and what to expect in the ring here... I've avoided conflict as much as possible for almost my entire life. That was until I was lucky enough to be convinced and receive a crash course in martial arts from some amazing trainers over the course of a few months so that I could beat my bully in a fighting tournament...
So, am I that lucky once again?

There would be a bit of a pause.
Why would you try to help me? I'm just some nobody you fought In the ring... He would say somewhat pessimistically and a bit sceptically. Even the last time he got training, there was a reason, at least initially. So, unless Momoi was a wingless angel, there had to be some kind of reason for this, surely.
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Re: The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

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"I'm helping you because that was the whole point of our match," Momoi confessed, seeing no reason to keep any information from Jaegu at this point. "While I am a legitimate LAW wrestler, my true specialty is training and coaching others. The purpose of our match, aside from being your debut, was to see if I wanted to take you under my wing as a student. If I thought you were worth it, I'd make the offer that I'm making now. If not, LAW would've probably tried to hook you up with somebody else since you're a Young Lion. Though most likely in a different fashion than having you fight them first."

"And since I assume that just leads you into wondering why I think you're worth training, I think you fit very neatly into what I can offer as a teacher," explained Momoi. "Your physical tools are great. Power, speed, reflexes, you got 'em. Your problem is that you have no clue how to actually handle the transition to wrestling from boxing. The attire ordeal aside, remember when you flipped me over during the Figure Four Leglock? That actually reverses the hold and inflicts the pain of it back onto me. You crawling to the ropes for a break helps me there, not you. But luckily for you, I'm the girl to call when you wanna add some points to your wrestling IQ!" Momoi then stood up straight and looked Jaegu in the eyes. "So, are you interested?"
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Re: The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

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Huh? Jaegu had a confused reaction when Momoi told him that ''this'' was the point of the match. Luckily, Jaegu didn't need to ask what ''this'' was, as Momoi would explain it to him soon after. Cheeks still red, Jaegu was listening attentively, his eyes blinking, absorbing the information.
Mhm? Jaegu confirmed, recalling how Momoi made spaghetti from his legs. While he could've done without being reminded of that, it was really enlightening and really embarrassing to hear what he missed and what he could've done, maybe even won the match... Maybe.
Uhm, really? Hah... Hah ahahah... Oh man...

After that, he contemplated for a few moments. He felt entirely green again. Jaegu recalled the last time he felt and actually was that way. He was extremely reluctant to learn to fight. His trainers/friends had to go the few extra miles to finally convince him to dedicate himself. Now, Jaegu had another such chance and he would not repeat the same mistake. He would accept it right here, right now.
Yes, I am. But uhm... How is this going to work exactly? Is this official? Do I have to sign somewhere? Do I have specific obligations to you, Miss Momoi..?
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Re: The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

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"Eh, LAW will have it on record that I'm working with you, but I just have to make a call and say we're doing it and it's good," said Momoi. "Honestly I wouldn't even need to do that just to meet up and work, but then LAW would probably try to hook you up with a different person to train you."

"As for your obligations towards me; try, I guess," said Momoi. "LAW handles monetary compensation for people who are training YL's, so all you have to worry about is taking the training seriously." Jaegu had said he was interested, and only seemed hesitant because he was reasonably expecting a catch. So the pinkette predicted that things should go smoothly from here.
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Re: The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

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Right, so it is official and it seems the rookies get a trainer as a normal procedure, huh. Well, now that Jaegu thought about it, it made a lot of sense. LAW certainly was rough in it's own way, but at least they had the good sense to prepare people for it, huh...

So, I guess you will be training me in everything I need to know about wrestling... There would be a bit of a pause before Jaegu would continue. Then try is what I'll do!
Jaegu would say a little more assertively than normal, bumping his fist like a hammer downwards against his other palm.

Jaegu's eyes would dart to the side for a moment, thinking about something. Miss Momoi, do you... Have my contact information? The blush have become more prominent as he figured Momoi would need a way to contact him directly, but didn't want to make it sound like he was asking her out on a date or something.
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Re: The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

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"No, but I can just get it from LAW since we'll have a mentor student relationship," said Momoi. She liked the enthusiasm that Jaegu was showing, the analyst had been worried that his defeat might have left him overly dejected, but that didn't seem to be a problem. "You could also just give it to me now, of course," the pinkette reached into jacket pocket and pulled out her phone. "Do you have your phone on you? Or do you remember your number off the top of your head?" Momoi asked. "We can exchange info, then head home, relax, and figure out how we want to do this in the morning. I bet you're plenty tired right now."
Last edited by deezcastforms on Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

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Oh yeah, I see... My number is... Jaegu then proceeded to slowly dictate his phone number, then Momoi made a call to his phone to make sure everything is correct and so Jaegu added her to his contacts. It still strangely felt like agreeing to date... Although as attractive as Momoi was in both physicality and personality, Jaegu's mind was constantly preoccupied with another...
Heheh, yeah... My entire body hurts. It feels like I'm completely green once again.
Jaegu would then stand up and turn to leave, but would then stop and speak up.

Miss Momoi... I've agreed to take this seriously and I intend to keep my word, but I still can't help wondering whether I made the right choice joining LAW. It is more a means to an end for me rather than the main focus. I figured this was the best way for me to earn money so that I could... No, never mind, that doesn't matter.
Jaegu wanted to say so that he could keep looking for his girlfriend, but he stopped himself. Too afraid to say it, fearing that Momoi may consider it all kinds of stupid and it might negatively affect their deal. On the other hand, he wanted to be as transparent and truthful with Momoi, but it was complicated...
Do you think it was the right decision?
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Re: The path forward (for Deezcastforms)

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"Hehe," Momoi chuckled after Jaegu mentioned his soreness. "Yeah, grappling stings you in a whole different way than striking." The analyst's face then shifted to become a bit more serious when the young man questioned if he should've even joined LAW at all. "Well it depends on what you want out of LAW," she began. "If you just want to fight for cash, then LAW probably is your best bet in terms of getting the most money out of the least amount of time, skill, and experience. But if you're looking for professional success, then I don't know why you wouldn't have just joined a boxing league."

"Well, I'll hit you up sometime after I've had breakfast, and we can figure out how we want to work from there," Momoi said as she prepared to leave. "First lesson is how to conduct yourself in the event of your opponent having a wardrobe issue. See ya!" With that, Momoi turned to leave, having given Jaegu something to blush about for the next day or so.

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