Heather lets out a little groan, rubbing her face a little, sort of just--trying to wind herself down a little and sort of..take in the rest of the day. She took a deep breath in and out, stretching her arms out, a bit aimlessly wandering the halls at the moment. Her attention wasn't fully on what was happening, her mind sort of..wandering back and forth between a few things. She's been on the up and down a bit with her matches recently--hitting high strides as well as super rough lows..a bit of a back and forth in her current career length for sure.
"Haah..honestly..would like to catch a bit of a break around here..I feel like it keep..getting close to tasting some kind of championship path..and then it just slips out.." She says to herself, a bit of a huff escaping her lips. She slips her phone from her pocket, starting to scroll through the twitter pages of other LAW girls, clicking her tongue a little.
"Lots of talkers honestly.." She said to herself, her eyes fully glued on her phone as she walks through the halls.