Lexy's Lexinomicon: Promoting the Promoter

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Re: Lexy's Lexinomicon: Promoting the Promoter

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Lexy let out an audible gasp as Sandy finally made her move! In a quick motion, she assaulted a few of the many loved aspects of this pop-idol's appearances! She had clutched the boy's pristine, well-kept hair. She bashed his pretty face against the interview table. And there was much more to come according to The Giantess.

"What am I up to? What am I doing? I'm making sure that a pretender knows his place!" Sandy would threaten as she pursued Takeshi. She'd straddle the man, placing her long legs at either of his sides before bending over and giving the camera crew a great view of her shapely backside. Sandy would reach for Ishikawa collar, no doubt ruining what had to be a designer shirt, and hoist him up off the ground. Sandy would show off her strength by pulling her victim high enough to bring his feet off the ground.

"You came here to come reap the benefits of being a wrestler. You're cute, handsome and all....." Sandy would begin while locking eyes with Takeshi. She flashed a wicked smile at him before looking back and preparing to toss him clear over that same table! White did this with the full expectation that Takeshi would be laid out. She'd stride forward and scale the table, a feat made easier by the heavyweight's noticeable height. Sandy would poise herself to jump onto Takeshi, landing on him with a Seated Senton to keep the boy down! Should things go her way, White would land atop Takehi's face! She'd shuffle and get comfortable, adjusting her seating to press her womanhood against his face before looking into the cameras.

"As long as he's here at LAW, I'm gonna make sure he gets nothing. No promos. No interviews. No matches. Nothing, until he shows he came here to live the life of a wrestler! Oh, and Takeshi..." Sandy would say while looking down at the boy's face between her legs, grasping at the blonde locs of hair on his head. "As long as you stay here. Here at L.A.W. as more of a celeb than a wrestler, you'll be my personal boy toy. I'm gonna do to you what every horny schoolgirl in your fan base wants to do to you behind closed doors and then some." She finished with a malicious smirk forming in her facial expression.
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Re: Lexy's Lexinomicon: Promoting the Promoter

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Still stunned from having his head slammed against the table. Takeshi failed to get back to his feet before Sandy, in a impressive feat of strength, would lift him off the ground by the collar of his expensive designer shirt! And now with his feet dangling off the ground he would end up locking eyes with his cruel attacker with a pained expression on his face.

"Pre-pretender... I-I don't get it? Y-you of all people should be estatic about th-Arggh!" Takeshi croaked before being unceremoniously thrown over the table with a heavy thud. Leaving the idol star slightly dazed and staring at the bright ceiling lights with a groan.

Though before he could get his wits about him. He'd
helplessly watch as the large heavyweight easily climbed the table between them and then without warning drop down on to his face with her curvy rear first. Giving off a muffled cry the pop idol's limbs would jump from the impact before crumbling back down in a heap. As he felt the sharp stinging sensation of Sandy's grip on his now disheveled hair pulling his head deeper into her awaiting womanhood.

Struggling to pull away though he would fiercely shake his now beat red face in protest as Sandy explained her future plans with him. Yet nothing could compare to the thousands of upset female fans across Japan screaming in anger and shock from what they just heard the brutishly large women say.
Last edited by TheSuitedOwl on Thu Jan 02, 2020 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lexy's Lexinomicon: Promoting the Promoter

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The combination of embarrassment and frustration that Takeshi was feeling was the exact type of emotion Sandy had enjoyed instilling within her prey. As White stared down between her legs at Takeshi's brightly blushing face, she knew that the cutie was into it on some level. She desired nothing more than to make good on her words. To break Takeshi's resolve and charisma until he was submissive to her - until the pop singer hung on her every word.

The heavyweight athlete continued grinding her hips into Takeshi's face for several seconds while playing with his hair. Fans of Ishikawa in the arena and across social media lambasted this assault, calling Sandy all types of names that she had likely already been labeled with at earlier points in her career. Takeshi's struggle to pull away from Sandy's shapely rear and reunite himself with a consistent air supply would finally pay off for him when Sandy chose to rise. She kept a firm grip on the boy's hair, seemingly looking to maintain control of him as he rose.

"Don't have too much fun down there, boy. Not just yet." White would boast as she tried to spin him around and pull him in close. With her size advantage on Takeshi, Sandy would ensure that his head rested between her breasts. The thin layer of her leotard would see to it that Takeshi got a decent feel of her bosom as she reached under his arm to set up him for an Abdominal Stretch submission hold! Had Sandy continued having her way with Takeshi, Lexy would exit stage left while calling for security or some type of backup. And as she did, Sandy would curl her index finger towards the camera crew. Her sadistic, perverted stare would intensify as she called for the cameras to come close so they could get a good look at what she planned to do next.

"This one's for all your fangirls, boy.... they get tk watch as I break you. I'm gonna make a man out of you, Takeshi...." Sandy threatened as she began sliding her free hand down Takeshi's chest while her other arm and the rest of her tight, toned, curvy frame kept him standing in place, bent in the hold. Sandy's hand did now stop there. Slowly but sure, she worked her way down to his belt and pants, undoing the strap so she could cop a feel and reach into his underwear to feel up his bare crotch! No doubt she'd ruin or possibly tear more of his brand name/designer clothes while literally roughhousing her way into his pants. The monetary costs wouldn't even cross White's mind as she wrapped her palm and fingers around Takeshi's shaft to begin pumping and stimulating his member at a brisk pace, live on the television set of what was once a wholesome interview show!

"And if you stay this hard all the time, I just might reward you and make a wrestler out you someday, heheheheh....."
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General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

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Re: Lexy's Lexinomicon: Promoting the Promoter

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With his head still wedged between Sandy's thighs. Takeshi struggled to breath his legs kicking frantically he hoped to gain some leverage. Yet to no avail the perverted heavyweight would keep her "seat". As she continued to grind her sex into his face and play with his hair.

Though that would hardly be the end of his erotic humiliation. As Sandy with a firm hold on his head would then drag the young idol back to his feet and with the side of his head gently resting against her soft chest. He would groan in pain as his body was placed in a tight abdominal stretch.

Then hearing her speak to the audiences as she invited the camera crew to come closer. Takeshi's efforts to break free redoubled as Sandy slowly snaked her hand along his chiseled frame but just before she could tear into his briefs. "Y-your way out of line! Cut it out!" He demanded with indignation. Yet to no one's surprise the blue clad Giantess wouldn't listen and in no time had worked her way into his briefs and had gripped his half erect member.

However, to his horror Sandy would make quick work of that issue. As she begun to stroke his member and in no time had him stiffer than an iron rod. While his fans would watched with moral outrage but nonetheless stayed at the edge of their seats wanting to see what would happen next. "Dammit! Cut the feed!"

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Re: Lexy's Lexinomicon: Promoting the Promoter

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"Oh no one's cutting anything, boy!" Sandy threatened in repsonse to Takeshi's demand. Her evil, devilish grin remained etched into her face as she leaned into the male pop idol's ear. She licked it before finishing her threat. "Or else Lexy's next. And after her, maybe I'll find one of your little fan girl groups after the show and show them a good time in the parking lot or on the street. I bet that kinda stuff turns you on. No wonder you're so hard right now." Sandy would boast as she continued to stroke Ishikawa. Her surprisingly soft hands slid up and down his rock-hard member as she continued to stress his core in the hold.

The tall, brutish female wrestler would stroke him for a few minutes before finally slowing down. Sandy would slide her finger, still warm with the heat of Takeshi's crotch, up the man's shirt, which was no doubt torn and rife with wrinkles by now. Sandy would grasp at Takeshi's throat and try to force his head toward her own to force a kiss on him! White would slide her tongue into his mouth before pulling back. She maintained a strong grasp his neck to keep him in place.

"You should think of yourself as a hero. A martyr. You're enduring Sandy White so that others don't have to. So that you can become a stronger man. A wrestler. You should be thanking me." Sandy would boast before placing a hand on his back and willfully undoing the Ab Stretch hold. Sandy would place a hand on Ishikawa's back and push him abruptly into the interview desk they were all sitting at several moments ago! Sandy would quickly sieze her victim from behind once more! This time, she'd bear over Takeshi oppressively. The fabric of her thin leotard would press up against his back and bare skin as she began trying to skillfully and quickly undo his belt and slide his pants down. Sandy aimed to continue working on Takeshi's member, this time with more speed and more vigor to coax him towards climaxing!

"Now who wants to see Mister popidol-boy blow his load on camera!?" Sandy would roar gleefully as she tried to hold this boy's upper body with one hand whilst manually stimulating him with the other! Sandy would keep at it for minutes if she had to! She'd aim Takeshi's junk towards the surface of the table to "christen" it with his load on the pilot episode of Lexy's interview! All the time, Lexy and her staff cowered. All of them seemed far too intimated to cut the feed as Ishikawa requested....
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
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Re: Lexy's Lexinomicon: Promoting the Promoter

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Takeshi would shiver as Sandy licked his ear and with a sour expression. He listened as she made her threats about Lexy and his fans clear. None of which came off as empty. How could they? After she had so boldly attacked him and was now having her way with him by softly stroking his manhood!

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on who you ask. The up and coming musician was still stuck in her Ab Stretch and with no strength to resist. He would have no choice but continue to endure Sandy's torment. As she begun to slowly run her soft warm fingers along his ruined shirt until she had suddenly grabbed his throat!

Gasping as her fingers enclosed around his neck. Takeshi would feel his head being forcefully turned and before he knew it. He would be, to the utter displeasure of his fans, forced into a french kiss. Before he'd feel his body decompress as Sandy would undo her hold and have the discombobulated pop idol be thrown against the interview table.

And while he would manage to catch himself from hitting the wooden surface. He would fail to stop Sandy from pinning him against it. As she used her weight and size to keep him steady while she with the least care in the world would unbuckle his pants and whip out his hard penis as she continued to work him over!

Yet, as mortifying as that was for Takeshi. He still had to bite his tongue from loudly moaning in pleasure. Though once he realized he couldn't keep his composure together for very long. He would try to hide his face from the cameras or atleast not see them by burying his head further in-between Sandy's large chest. Not the greatest move concerning his fandom but what choice did he have?

As the young singer tried to holdout as long as he could against Sandy's handjob. Which wouldn't be very long once he had begun to pant perfusely against one of Sandy's tits. Until he finally couldn't handle it anymore and would coat the surface of the table with his cum!

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Re: Lexy's Lexinomicon: Promoting the Promoter

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Sandy would giggle mischievously as Takeshi buried his head into her chest and blew his load all over the interviewer table. If nothing else went right for Lexy's pilot episode this time around, at least a scene like this would attract some more than modest ratings. Takeshi's fan base was no doubt feeling a torrent of emotions right now. Who would have guessed that his adventures into pro wrestling would lead him straight into the clutches of a sadistic and perverted bully like Sandy White?

"Ohhhh, if you were a real wrestler, no a real maaaan, you might have been able to do something, huh, Takeshi?" Sandy would taunt before pulling his head by his hair and kissing him. The taller, brutish gal would thrust her tongue deep into Ishikawa's mouth right there on camera. She abruptly end the kiss to laugh and drag his head across the table, right there where he had just finished climaxing. Sandy's power trip seemed to have no end in sight. Her sadistic smile and laughter filled the room incessantly until Lexy finally worked up the courage to tug lightly on her blue leotard to interrupt.

"Ahem.  Umm, Miss Sandy? Sandy White?" Lexy asked politely whilst staring up at her unwelcome guest. She did her best to feign a genuine smile in the presence of a bully that felt like she was twice Lexy's size.

"I just wanted to ask if you'd mind....possibly....maybe....showing the poor guy some mercy and to stop hijacking my show. I put a lot of effort into getting LAW management to give me a chance with this gig."

Sandy looked at Lexy for a second. Her smile transitioned into a grim expression. Lexy could feel her evil intentions manifesting.

"Wait! If Lexy's Lexinomicon gets canceled, you won't have a platform to bully and jump people live on the air backstage!" Lexy blurted out suddenly. She dug deep into her wits to put together a tangible reason to get Sandy to stop.

"Hahahaha!" White would laugh in reaction. "I like you, kid. You.... actually have a point there." Sandy said as she finally let up on Takeshi a little. She'd sling the poor, tired, cute boy up over her shoulder, patting his backside as if he were some kind of trophy.

"Are you.... taking him with you?" Lexy would ask as Sandy seemed to be getting ready to take off.

"Yeah, I'm gonna take him home. And I'm gonna do a lot more things to him on camera to upset his fans. Maybe if he mans up, I'll give him a break every now and then." Sandy said with a smile on her face, as if she were doing herself and the world some kind of good deed.

Lexy looked dumbfounded. She, of course, wanted a nice and light-hearted interview. She was excited to get to know someone as beautiful and charismatic as Takeshi. But there she was, narrowly avoiding a lewd beatdown of her own while her guest was worked over and milked on her very first episode. She'd fake a smile until Sandy was off-camera. After that, Lexy would sadly and solemnly begin to collect her chairs, paper, and other props for her show. If she was going to make this Lexinomicon thing work, she'd need better security or a better selection of guests....
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Lexy's Lexinomicon: Promoting the Promoter

Unread post by TheSuitedOwl »

Beaten, battered, and now jacked off in front of millions of his comflicted fans.This was hardly how Takeshi thought his interview would go. As his tired body would slump against Sandy's admittedly comfortable frame and helplessly listen as she continued to bad-mouth him.

Though even this didn't seem enough for Sandy. As she would steal another kiss from the wornout idol. Who at this point could only scowl to show his discontent while Sandy shoved her tongue down his throat. Then after having her fill, she would throw Takeshi head first into the cum soaked table so hard that he would have bounced off. If Sandy wasn't there to catch and smear his head against it as well.

Of course neither the crew, Lexy, or Takeshi knew how long this would last. Sandy seemed content to just punishing the boy all night and sure enough. Just as Lexy managed to dissuade the heavyweight from continuing her torture. She would immediately move to shoulder carrying Takeshi. Who only managed to groan in pain as Sandy laid out her plans for the two of them tonight. Which obviously didn't go well with Takeshi or his fans. As a massive uproar came from the arena's crowd while Sandy made her exit with her new plaything in tow.

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