Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

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Re: Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Bare »

Despite getting off to a strong start after a little trip up Morgan was now in a not great position. Being the first to end up busted open was embarrassing enough, but she had than been ragdolled with that tornado ddt from the wintery idol and left laid out by her! What was most unforgivable about all of this however... was the fact that Renee didn't even go for more.

Did she take the toolbox she grabbed? No. Did she get another weapon from the ring? No. Did she even try and bash her against the ring, steps or barricade?! NO!!! It was a hardcore match, with so many options, and Renee went for the most boring, vanilla shit possible and Morgan absolutely hated it! Getting rolled back into the ring with a glare already forming across her face Morgan would buck her hips up and throw her leg forward, kicking out at the count of two!

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Re: Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

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Renee was quick to mount atop Morgan and pin her for a potentially quick win. Much to her frustration, Morgan kicked out of the hold at the count of two, tossing the Idol off her. Renee rolls backward and pops back up to her feet. She crouches down low and shuffles around the ring, ready to pounce as she takes a few deep breaths, trying to keep herself composed. This was an environment that she wasn't used to. In fact, she was clearly disadvantaged compared to her opponent. Morgan was the type of woman who enjoyed hurting people and spreading chaos.

This was her element, and Renee had to find a way around that. As an idol, the usage of weapons and underhanded tactics disgusted her. While aware that it would ruin her image, she was more worried about sticking with her morals...even if it came back to bite her in the ass. She wasn't the kind of idol who would take a kendo stick or a baseball bat to someone out of rage or lust to win...she was better than that...She HAD to be better than that. So many idols have fallen down the route of becoming broken, jaded, bitter, and uncaring...hiding behind a faux persona of innocence while acting abhorrent in reality. This isn't what Renee wanted her career to end up like.

Once Morgan was up, Renee would move in to try and grab her with a Waist Lock from behind, attempting to quickly raise her and slam her backward via a Snap Suplex, not wanting to stall the move and give her opponent a long enough chance to counter.
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Re: Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Bare »

Spiked outside the ring and rolled back in Morgan wasn't exactly in a great position, especially as her leg was lifted up for a pin. But she'd be damned if she let herself lose so easily so damn early on in the match. Naturally she would kick out, albeit at two, far too close for comfort for Morgan as she rolled over onto her front and started to try and force herself up to her feet.

As she did so though Morgan heard a pair of boots approaching from behind before feeling something wrap around her waist. 'Oh you have got to be kidding me!' Morgan thought to herself in frustration as she began to thrash and struggle to throw off whatever Renee had planned. Despite this though... She would start to grin. Not because of what was happening, but because while Renee was seemingly above using dirty tactics, Morgan was definitely not.

Reaching into the pocket of her pants Morgan would pull out a fist clenching something. Then with a elbow driven into Renee's side Morgan would try and turn just enough to throw her arm over her shoulder... launching a hand full of sand into Renee's face that Morgan had stashed in her pocket!

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Re: Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

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Renee came crashing into Morgan, ready to blitz her with a quick Waist Lock into a mighty suplex, but the undead woman stopped the Winter Fantasy right in her tracks with a VICIOUS elbow that left her gasping. "Guh-!!!" She doubles over as the pain shocks her to her core. She coughs and gags for air while nursing her injured side. As she looked up, she was met with a mist of sand thrown directly into her eyes by her adversary. "ARGHH-!!! W-what!?!! it stings, it STINGS!!!" Not all of it connected, but it was enough to leave Renee temporarily blind as she screamed in agony, left rubbing at her eyes while stumbling around. Her back hits the ropes as she frantically whines, trying to clear the many granules of sand out of the space around her eyelids. "GET IT OUT, GET IT OUT!!! WHAT DID YOU DO!?!" She yelled frustratingly.
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Re: Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Bare »

Utilizing some well timed and used pocket sand to blind her opponent the dirty tactic had just the effect Morgan was hoping for. Making Renee panic and back away, rubbing her eyes and moaning about whatever it was that Morgan had thrown in there. Getting back up to her feet and spitting out a glob of blood Morgan would smirk at Renee. "Aw poor little poppet." Morgan cooed before launching herself at Renee. "Let me help ya with that!" She'd yell out as she ran and then leapt up at Renee towards the side, trying to reach out and grabbing the woman's head to pull her down as she fell, attempting to land a slingblade on the Winter Fantasy!

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Re: Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

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"GRAAHHHH!!!!" Renee exclaimed as she frantically pawed and clawed away at the tiny bits stuck in her eyes. Her vision was temporarily ruined as the underhanded tactics of Morgan were successfully aiding the undead-woman in her attempts to get in some offense. A strong Slingblade would soon have the Winter Fantasy laid out on the canvas, recoiling in pain once more.
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Re: Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

Unread post by Bare »

Bringing Renee down to the mat with the sling blade and standing back up Morgan would smirk sadistically as she rose back up to her feet. "Thats better." She said with a smirk as she took to the corner, climbing up it till she was on the middle ropes. Once there she would leap up, raising her knee in order to crash into Renee with a knee drop onto the woman's stomach!

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Re: Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

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As Renee recoils in pain, she desperately tries to recuperate as quickly as possible. However, the Winter Fantasy couldn't do so fast enough, as her opponent would reach the top of the corner before she could muster the strength to move her body out of harm's way. As Morgan leaped from the top, Renee barely had enough time to register what was going on as the undead brute came crashing down knee-first onto the stomach of the wintry-themed idol. The Knee Crash sends Renee into a screaming fit as she unleashes a loud, pained yell of agony, clutching her stomach as she writhes in a near-fetal position.
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Re: Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

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Crashing down knee first onto her opponent's stomach felt oh so satisfying for Morgan, especially as she heard the depths of Renee's cries of pain in response to the impact. Getting up off her Morgan would look down at the wintry idol's face... before spitting at her downed body which earned another round of boos from the fans before Morgan flipped them off. Turning and exiting the ring however Morgan would once again lift the apron up to look for something...

Smirking as she found it Morgan would rise up with a kendo stick in hand. Immediately the crowd began to panic and call for Renee to move while Morgan reentered the ring, stalking Renee like a slasher villain... then as soon as Renee was about to start getting up Morgan would act, swinging the kendo stick down across the woman's back for a brutal impact!

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Re: Shattering Glass Cannons: Morgan Romero vs Renee Winters

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Renee was struggling...The idol, unable to fight through the tremendous pain now circulating through her body, squirms across the canvas. Her insides felt as if they were on fire. Taking a deep breath, she tries to push herself off the ground, but she's immediately struck back down when Morgan slashes a kendo stick across her backside, causing the Frenchwoman to let out a shrill cry of pain, her eyes widening in shock. She falls right back to the floor for a moment, almost being driven to tears. However, against all odds, she finds the resilience to keep going. She slams her fist against the canvas and tries to rise again in defiance, trying her hardest to fight the agonizing torture.
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