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Yahagi vs Heather - Iron Belly Battle

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:45 am
by LunarOcean
Iron Belly Battle
Bikini Attire
Main victory conditions are orgasm, submission, or knockout.
All victory conditions must be done while pressed belly to belly with abs flexed.
Additional victory condition: cause opponent's muscle tension to give out and "break" while abs-to-abs.


If there's one thing any wrestler from Seaside liked, it was dominating another woman. Truth be told that was probably what most women in LAW liked but the term had somewhat different connotations in that erotic league. Domination was meant to be a show of superiority; one woman's strength and sensuality triumphing over one another in a way that was direct and (hopefully) fair. If the body was the weapon of domination, then it should be the vanguard that establishes its dominance most directly over that of the opponent.

"Body" in this case was very literal; there was not a single Seaside League wrestler who abdominal muscles they were not proud of. From the most toned and statuesque among them to the thickest and curviest, every Seasider prided themsleves on the shape, fineness, and power of what many knew as their signature weapons. Many of them were masters of complex submissions and ring-shattering slams but even the most ineperienced knew how to make one another moan through abdominal intimacy. Breasts and crotches of course contributed to this but proving your abs, abs often worked on for years, were greater than another's while pressed into them was seen as the most succulent and highest form of domination.

It wasn't a mere matter of proving another as lesser as part of why they gave in was the arousal. It was just as much an expression of intimacy and desire as it was the drive to win. Which side of the coin it fell on varied from woman to woman. For Yahagi, she was somewhere between the two.

Her opponent, Heather, wasn't the sort of girl she typically went for but alas, not everyone here was a Grecian statue representing divine physical perfection. She wasn't a snob about it. Getting this fit wasn't something everyone could do but it all that extra toning and power made these matches just so much steamier. The sheer additional friction one could generate grinding their abs over a woman as toned if not moreso than their own hit with a very particular, electrifying, body-stiffening kind of pleasure softer women just didn't have.

Still as far as she knew, Heather supposedly wasn't intimdated by the fact that every inch of Yahagi's body seemed well worked to that same idealized, muscled femininity. Even her perky, round breasts added to that appearance of raw power; washboard abs arranged in neat rows but still having a raw, untamed quality to them. Sleek and smoothly rounded biceps that looked as dense with strength as they were sleekly polished. Sharply cut legs that could probably crush more than mere watermelons.

As she leaned against the ropes opposite of the entrance to the arena, she flexed her abs and stretched her admittedly thin bikini top against her taut, excited breasts. Her night black bikini seemed to be slightly swallowed up by the blooming muscles of her thighs, flaunting her strength not just to the crowd but Heather. She'd watch her with a sly grin as she entered, almost advertising herself to her - this was going to be every bit as sexual as it was competitive.

"So... you really wanted to be in this kind of match or your agent has a fetish for ryona?" She'd ask to Heather when she went past the ropes. "I'm no heel... but you are going to literally be squashed, you know that right? Not that I think you won't get in a few good ones but let's just say girls like you usually get used as teddy bears by our heavyweights where I'm from."

She swore the girl was a bit bigger in the advertisements she saw. Had she been on a really severe diet or something? She felt a little unfair looking at her; there was a *very* large gulf between the physicality both possessed. Sexuality however? That could be the wildcard.

"I suppose introductions aren't quite necessary, not verbal ones when we have social media and the internet listing our profiles and achievements for all to see... so why not something else?" She asked, raising her hands as the match began starting. "A test of strength - lock hands, then lock abs. If you can call those abs~"

She couldn't help but tease her a little, hoping it might incense her to proving that she hopefully did have really nice abs that she'd definitely want to rub against Yahagi's. For all the technical capability Yahagi had, she was still a a very simple woman at heart; a warm body pressed against hers, competing to see who would be on top, was sometimes all she needed.