Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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Handicap Submission POW Match:
Victory is obtained by forcing their opponents to submit. Afterwards the victor(s) will have full rights to do with their loser(s) as the please.

"*siiigh* Kind of weird we're debuting before I do solo." Clair thought aloud, carefully applying wax onto her lips. "Maybe this is because of your little match with that puppy?" Mikoti stood beside her, emotionless as always. She merely shrugged at the suggestion, since she too had no idea.

"Well, whatever rather reason, we're going to have a fun time with this 'Allison Tumbleweed.' Gah, can you get more southern with a name like that?" The blond then pulled out something special from her pocket, a tube of green lipstick. With the wax applied, it was safe for her to apply it to herself. Since they were up against a middleweight powerhouse, she'd have to whip out her 'special helper' she used for hentai matches to even the odds.

"Hopefully she'll actually hit harder than the so called 'Hellraiser' did. I barely got wet." Ah Mikoto, ever the masochist. Clair pursed her lips, rubbing them together to get a nice even spread across her lips.

"I know, you were so disappointed. But don't you worry, we'll have a nice new toy beat you senseless when we break her." Clair out her lipstick away, and finally stepped out into the entrance ramp as their theme began.
The two stepped out, Team Edgeworks making their tag team debut to a booing crowd. They definitely made the impression Clair wanted them to. They didn't come to LAW to be loved, they were just there to kick ass and sample the women in her division. Well, Clair's was. Mikoto followed her like the loyal girlfriend she was.
There was no flashy entrance, no big interesting maneuvers. They simply walked down the ramp, the Canadian eating up the hate, and entered the ring. They'd get to a corner as their music died down, waiting for the 'American Bulldozer' to make her own entrance.
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Re: Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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Meanwhile, as the new team of lightweights were making their entrance. Their opponent was finishing warming up for the match ahead. The last time Allison was in a handicap match with stipulations like this, it didn’t exactly go well for her. The cowgirl still had a tingle run up her spine whenever she thought about that particular team. Though she would admit that she’d be lying if she didn’t enjoy the match a little bit.

But Allison didn’t think that she needed to be too worried about this upcoming matchup. Sure she was facing two opponents in a match with very lewd stakes and a chance to become their prisoner. But not only were said opponents much smaller than her, but this was going to be their debut as a team into the wonderful wrestling league that was LAW. plus it helped that management offered Allison a lot more money for being these girl’s first opponent regardless if she wins or loses.

Now granted, Allison did hear that one of these ladies had already done their debut in the singles division. But the cowgirl wasn’t able to glean that much from that match with the time crunch she was on. All she truly knew right now was that one of these girls was either incredibly durable, or got off on being in pain. And with this match being overall a submission one, that may be a problem for the cowgirl.

But that would be a bridge she would cross when she gets to it. And after hearing the sound of a knock on her door, Allison figured it was time to find out. Stepping out of her lockerroom and making her way to the gorilla position. Allison would feel her smile grow as her theme began to play before finally flourishing out of the curtain and into the arena proper to a chorus of cheers.
Forgoing her usual jeans pants and American themed top. Allison instead dressed in an attire that was both sexy and easy to fight in. A tight black top and a pair of black short shorts made up her outfit, and her black boots finished the look as she made her way to the ring and slid right inside. Popping up to her feet in the center of the ring before giving her new opponents a confident yet sultry smile.

”Well howdy darlins. Let me say that you two are just the cutest things and I’m so happy to welcome you to our little league. Though don’t go expectin me to go easy on y’all ya hear. I plan on giving ya a welcome ya won’t soon forget.” She giggled with her hands on her hips.
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Re: Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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As the two watched their opponent make her entrance, Clair smiled devilishly. Her shapley breasts and hips, those oh so kissable lips, her lithe, powerful limbs, and even that powerful confidence. It all just screamed sexy. The southern gal was just the type of girl she loved to break, and she had so many ideas. She had to consciously stop herself from licking her lips, lest she ruin her lipstick and have to reapply it before she could make full use of it, or worse fall under its effects herself.

Mikoto, as always, just stared blankly, hoping she'd be getting hurt a lot more than she had her debut. There was nothing wrong with it, it just took too long for her liking to really hurt. And with how much bigger Allison was, her gut said she'd be feeling the pain soon enough.

Soon the bigger blond entered the ring, her confidence shining with every word. If this were a more scandalous match, Clair would happily take the reins and start things right now. But stuff like that could be saved when she had Alison tied down to her bed in a moaning heap.

"Please do. I want you to twist me this way and that." Mikoto replied blankly to her statement, not even needing a single second to discuss who started. She and Clair had been together for long enough that she knew she always would start things off for them. Partially for her masochism, and partially to keep Clair fresher for torturing their opponents exhausted body.

"Thanks for the compliment," Clair followed up, giving Allison a nice little once over before she exited to their corner. "But please, save your breath. You'll need each and everyone when you're enjoying the night with us~" She was equally confident. Even if they were smaller than Alison, the numbers game was in their favor. She was certain they'd end up the winners. Especially with her insurance policy.

The emotionless girl stepped up to the middle of the ring, deadpan and expressionless as she soon offered her hand to Alison. If the middleweight accepted her handshake, Mikoto would try to blindside her by pulling her in for a clothesline to try and lay her out before the bell rang. She'd try to get the advantage, make Alison a little angry, before the southerner would start attacking and inflicting pain on her. If she succeeded, she'd even drop her elbow down onto her opponent's chest just as the bell finally rang

Ding Ding Ding
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Re: Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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Allison had no clue to whatever devious thoughts were going on inside the blonde leaders head. She figured that the blonde was the leader because the raven haired girl in pink has so far done next to nothing without her permission. Though the cowgirl did feel her eyebrow quirk slightly when she heard the pink girls response to her challenge. Well looks like the rumors about one of them enjoying pain a little too much were true.

That complicated matters, especially since it would be her that would be starting this whole shebang off. It means that Allison probably wasn’t going to be able to make this girl tap no matter how hard she tried. She’d probably like it far to much and the cowgirl would be doing nothing but wasting precious energy. Sure her endurance is something else, but she didn’t want to put it on the line against someone that craved getting beat up on.

That only meant she would have to wait for (or force) the pink girl to tag her partner in. Allison had a feeling that she’d have an easier time with her fellow blonde than she would with this chick. Speaking of what was this girls name again? Himiko? Her partners name was easy enough to remember. Clair was short and sweet but himiko was just plain confusing.

Japan was weird.

Speaking of Himiko finally began to approach the cowgirl and give her a hand for a shake. While the sportsmanship was nice, Allison couldn’t help but see the writing on the wall that this was a trap. So when she of course took it and was met with a sudden yet not surprising lariat, the cowgirl was ready. Twisting her body to the side, Allison would grab hold of himiko’s arm and yank her over her shoulder for a takedown onto the canvas.

”Whoa now darlin! That wasn’t very nice don’t ya think. I figured with the relationship ya have with your partner that she would have taught you a thing or two about MANNERS!!” The last part of her sentence ended with a shout as she jumped into the air with the intention of driving her knee into the ravenette’s belly and driving the air out of her.
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Re: Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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Devious, sexy, it was more a combination of the two in Clair's head. They often were, as Mikoto well knew. Such was the way of the Canadian sadist. And she had planned to make sure the cowgirl would know each one of them.

Of course that would be hard to do, unless Mikoto was actually useful. Her cheep attack was countered easier than Clair expected it would be, taken down like the ragdoll she liked to be sometimes. She even remained motionless, by choice, as the bell rang and then Allison dropped her knee right into her gut, leaving her groaning in pleasure. "Come on Mikoto!" Clair called out. "Ger back up and show this bumpkin what for!" Probably wasn't wise to poke the bull, for when she finally was in there.

But if the two had their way, Allison would waste her energy on the emotionless masochist before Clair reentered. It was a strategy that got them several wins in their indy days. The Japanese girl took the hits and had their opponents waste their strength, getting her own hits in now and then, before Clair came in and tortured them a bit before finishing things off. And especially against a bigger opponent like Allison, it was a strategy the sadist believed would be fool proof. Especially in a submission match like this. 'Just keep fighting, Allison. Get nice and weak for me~' She'd think, gripping the ropes.

If Allison allowed her, Mikoto would get up, holding her gut as she worked on regaining her breath. "Manners, huh? Then could you hit a bit harder, please," she'd request. The blow was about how hard she liked it already, evident by the blush on her cheeks, but she wanted to see if the cowgirl could hit harder. She would attempt a kick to her gut, hoping to get her opponent bent over so she could grab her head under her arm and fall back to spike her face into the canvas with a DDT.
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Re: Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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Two things that Allison has learned in the last couple of seconds. She was dealing with a team that didn’t care a lick about sportsmanship. And the girl she had just dropped her knee on didn’t look all that hurt aside from a little out of breath. Even the groan she heard wasn’t one of pain but of ecstasy. Like someone had just cracked her back in all the right places rather than having a knee driven into her gut.

Another thing she had learned was that this little pain lover’s partner was definitely the mouthpiece between the two. And boy did she have a mouth on her, Allison couldn’t even remember the last time someone had called her a “bumpkin”. And usually that name was followed up the term hick or whatever derogatory taunt that people liked to use on southern gals like her.

It was why Allison was able to ignore it as easy as water off a windshield. So when Mikoto would get back to her feet, the cowgirl was ready for whatever she had in mind. Even if the cowgirl was a little put off at how the ravenette got off on pain in a way that was both disturbing yet slightly sexy from all of the sounds she would make. Of course that wouldn’t stop her from trying to send a kick to Allison’s stomach in hopes of bending her over.

Only to be yet another move that wouldn’t work as the cowgirl would easily catch the girls foot in her arms and look up at her with a smirk. ”Well, since ya asked so nicely. Who am I to deny ya!” She’d reply before suddenly yanking Mikoto towards her so she could wrap her arms around her waist before leaping backwards and chucking the ravenette over her head in a belly to belly suplex!
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Re: Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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Things weren't going great for the debuting tag team. Mikoto hadn't been able to land a hit, and instead was getting tossed around. She may be loving it, but Clair was not. Allison was in the dominant position, having stopped her girlfriend's offense once more before throwing her over with a suplex. Clair couldn't wait to get in there and show her what dominance truly looked like.

In the ring, after she was thrown down, again getting the wind knocked out of her and let out a pained meal, the masochist would again try to get back to her feet if she were allowed. She was a bit unsteady, but her flushed cheeks said by themselves that was what she wanted. She wanted - needed more. But she also needed to actually land a hit as well. The last time she had been decimated like this, Clair hadn't struck her or let her in the ring for an entire month. It had been horrible for her.

And so she'd try once more, trying to clap her hands right against Allison's ears to stun her before attempting to grab Allison by the jaw and drop down for a jawbreaker. It wouldn't be much, but maybe it would be a start.
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Re: Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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Currently, things were going well for the American bulldozer. Allison was putting on a clinic as she countered another of Mikoto’s attacks and threw her tiny body behind her in a belly to belly suplex. But the cowgirl couldn’t let it go to her head, she can’t allow herself to keep beating on this pain loving girl because she knows full well that’s what her partner wants her to do.

She needed to focus on attacks that would drain the least amount of energy from her. So when Mikoto stumbled back to her feet with a noticeable smile on her face and her hands coming to smack the sides of her head. She already had a serious of moves in mind to completely turn the girl’s attack on it’s head. And it started with using her hands to bat the ravenettes away.

Then the cowgirls head shot forward, slamming her forehead right into Mikoto’s skull for a true southern headbutt! Yet before the girl could fall away, Allison was yanking her back by her arms and ducking low. Twisting her body the cowgirl would spin around whilst lifting the poor lightweight into the air before slamming her backfirst onto the canvas in a spinning spinebuster!
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Re: Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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Things were not looking good for the debuting team. Mikoto was unable to land a single hit, but she got slammed and thrown around quite plenty. All while Clair was left in the corner watching the pitiful display. The crowd at least was entertained, watching the bulldozer handle the tiny girl as easily as a matador would a bull. All while barely breaking a sweat. Though the sadist had a convincing mask, beneath she actually was getting a little worried. Was this management trying to punish them, possibly moreso her, given how Mikoto's debut had gone? Or was this just a giant universal 'fuck you?' Either way, she just had to hope Mikoto could figure something out so she could do more than just stand there.

Meanwhile back in the ring, Mikoto's bell clap failed horribly. What was worse was her own bell was rung by the cowgirl's headbutt. She didn't get a chance to even fall back, her arms pulled and her body pulled flush against Allison's before she was spun around and dropped spine first into the mat with a powerful 'thud.' "Ahhn~~" She cried out loudly, lying in place. Her cheeks were red, her breathing heavy, and she lay there unmoving. Her masochism and pain made it hard to summon strength at the moment, leaving her open for the southerner to do whatever.

Clair tightened her grip on the ropes, frustrated. "God dammit, get up Mikoto! You pathetic, waste of space!" She'd yell, hoping the insults may give some life to her. "Stop letting this southern trash manhandle you!" And maybe, if she was lucky, the insult would give said 'southern trash' more of a pause than her earlier insult had and give Mikoto more time to recover.
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Re: Team Edgeworks [D] vs Allison Tumbleweed

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Allison was beginning to wonder if this girl was making her attacks so obvious simply for the sake that the cowgirl would counter them. Not in some elaborate plan to counter her counters, but simply for the sake that she could feel the pain of her beating on her body. And Allison only became more sure of that theory when she heard the soft mewling moan of her opponent after she had just slammed her back onto the canvas with a spinebuster.

Her opponents partner on the other hand was a different story entirely. The more Allison beat on the ravenette, the more frustrated the blonde on the corner apron seemed to get. And Allison couldn’t tell if it was out of worry for her partner, or if she didn’t want her team to look bad as currently the cowgirl was dominating what was supposed to be a handicap match.

Course that didn’t stop the green blonde from shouting from really and dare she say controversial things to her partner and in turn the cowgirl. ”Now ain’t that just a mean thing to say isn’t it. Your partner doesn’t exactly have a filter does she darlin?” Allison asked as she would pull Mikoto to a sitting position before sitting behind her and wrapping her legs around her waist and pulling her head back underneath her arm for a Dragon sleeper, body scissors combo. “Tell ya what darlin. What don’t ya just give up here. If I remember right, me winnin means I get to take ya home. And that means I can give ya all the pain you could ever want. Don’t that sound nice?”
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