Victory is obtained by forcing their opponents to submit. Afterwards the victor(s) will have full rights to do with their loser(s) as the please.
"*siiigh* Kind of weird we're debuting before I do solo." Clair thought aloud, carefully applying wax onto her lips. "Maybe this is because of your little match with that puppy?" Mikoti stood beside her, emotionless as always. She merely shrugged at the suggestion, since she too had no idea.
"Well, whatever rather reason, we're going to have a fun time with this 'Allison Tumbleweed.' Gah, can you get more southern with a name like that?" The blond then pulled out something special from her pocket, a tube of green lipstick. With the wax applied, it was safe for her to apply it to herself. Since they were up against a middleweight powerhouse, she'd have to whip out her 'special helper' she used for hentai matches to even the odds.
"Hopefully she'll actually hit harder than the so called 'Hellraiser' did. I barely got wet." Ah Mikoto, ever the masochist. Clair pursed her lips, rubbing them together to get a nice even spread across her lips.
"I know, you were so disappointed. But don't you worry, we'll have a nice new toy beat you senseless when we break her." Clair out her lipstick away, and finally stepped out into the entrance ramp as their theme began.