Match Type: Multi-Fall Smother Match
Victory Condition: Secure falls via KO or submission with a smother move. First to two falls wins.
Within the arena's gorilla position, Yoro limbered up in preperation for her upcoming match. She jogged energetically on the spot, stopping occassionally to execute a jumping jack or a few warm-up kicks. She wore her usual ring outfit, a bikini styled after the American flag. Although her spirited demeanour was not out of the ordinary, she appeared more enthusiastic than usual. The reason why was twofold; she would be debuting her new entrance music, and her opponent was Gil, a fun adversary according to Emaline. Appearance Reference
Entrance Theme
Yoyo's lips curled into a broad smile when she heard her current theme blaring out of the speakers. She jumped out into the stage lights and struck her signature pose with the double peace signs. From there, she jogged a few laps around the area, passing out high fives to the closest crowd members along the way. Then she aligned herself at the middle of the stage where she started bouncing on the soles of her feet and pumping her fists, a practice which hyped both herself and the audience up.
To the drop of the music, she sprinted full throttle. She barrelled down the ramp before she dove under the bottom ropes and smoothly slid across the whole width of the ring, travelling all the way to the ropes on the other side. The crowd cheered as she sprung into a standing position with both fists held triumphantly up high. "Oh yeah!" With her high octane stunt of an entrance complete, she jogged to a corner and hopped onto the top turnbuckle. She made herself at home on her makeshift seat while she awaited for Gil to make her entrance.
Re: Sweet Smothers: Yoro Yobi vs Gil
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 7:01 pm
by Arista
As the year had wrapped up, Gil had been taking a bit of longer breaks between matches, something she feel she had earned given how many bouts she had taken on during her very first year in L.A.W, and it hadn't even been a full year yet...! That wasn't to say Gil wanted to put the brakes on and slow down, it was actually the opposite, she wanted to speed things up and take on one match after the next, she wanted to take L.A.W by storm, and her plans to do so came by way of kicking one booty, smothering the next, and spanking another...!
Eventually, her theme came over the speakers, a wide ear-to-ear grin spread across her face as she jogged in-place, ready to take this ring by storm...! With beams of rainbow-colored lights, and soft strobes pulsed then, out came the Great Armagilo...! SpoilerSpoiler
She sprung out with a hop and a skip, dancing her way out onto the entrance ramp with a grin plastered on her face! Her heart pumped with excitement fueled by the promise of a good match, she was definitely familiar with her opponent, and knew she would be able to offer a beyond exciting bout, though, Gil couldn't really think of any matches she had that she didn't have fun in...! She gave hugs, high-fives, fist-bumps, selfies, everything on her slow saunter down to ring-side, eventually, she finally came upon it, slipping under the bottom-most rope...!
She sprung up to her feet, her arms spread to either side of her head as the crowed roared! She bounced up onto the top of the turn-buckle opposite Yoro's, waving and blowing kisses, sticking her ass out and giving it a shake, unintentional or not, giving Yoro something to look at, as her skirt did little to hide away her cheeks, even while standing straight it barely came down far enough to cover her entire backside...!
Re: Sweet Smothers: Yoro Yobi vs Gil
Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 4:16 pm
by Kreydos
Yoro couldn't help but flash her teeth through a bright smile the moment Gil made her appearance; dancing away. When both wrestlers have finished their respective entrances, Yoyo hopped off the top turnbuckle and skipped over to her opponent. "Hey-hey!" She beamed, still wearing a cheerful expression. "It's great to finally meet yah, Gil! I'm Yoro Yobi! My friends call me 'Yoyo' so feel free to do so! Or don't! I don't really mind, haha."
Re: Sweet Smothers: Yoro Yobi vs Gil
Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 6:35 pm
by Arista
Hopping down off her corner, Gil's eyes met with Yoro's, she just knew this match was going to be a real treat...! And who knows, maybe she's make a good friend out of it as well...!
"...Hey, hey...!" Gil replied, meeting Yoro half-way, both standing center of the ring, just a couple of feet between them! "...It's great to meet you as well! I've heard a bit about you, and I'm pretty sure I saw you with Emaline at that Halloween party...!" Gil tapped on her chin, unsure. "...Either way, it's good to meet you for real!" She cocked her hip out to the side, resting her hand on it. "...Got it, Yoyo!" She giggled. "...Let's make this-" The bell rang out.
Gil skipped backward to put some distance between them. "...I guess we'll have to exchange pleasantries in other ways...!" Gil stuck her tongue out, having just skipped back, she took right to it and bolted forward, trying right off the bat to be slick! She rand until cutting the distance down to a fourth of what it was. then she would slide down, leading forward with her foot like a baseball player would. trying to find her way between Yoyo's legs, only to then shoot up and attempt a quick drop-kick on the lower part of Yoyo's back...! "...Got you...!"
Re: Sweet Smothers: Yoro Yobi vs Gil
Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 4:54 am
by Kreydos
Unlike Gil, Yoro didn't even bother to reposition herself before she sprung into action. The second she heard the bell ring, she broke into a sprint and ran at full speed towards her opponent. She jumped into the air mid-run and threw herself chest first at Gil for a running vertical splash. And even if she were to somehow avoid that splash, Yoyo would simply but swiftly roll back onto her feet where she again broke into a sprint to attempt the exact same vertical splash.
Should either of her splashes succeed, she followed up by trying to apply her usual smother plus grapevine combo; she shoved her breasts into the American's face for a breast smother while at the same time, grabbing her arms by the wrists and pinning them down to the mat. Moreover, Yoro also moved to entangle her legs with Gil's to fully cinch in a proper grapevine.
Re: Sweet Smothers: Yoro Yobi vs Gil
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 4:17 pm
by Arista
Whatever pleasantries Gil was hoping to exchange would have to wait, as she skipped herself forward, only putting herself in harms-way, as Yoyotook the opportunity as soon as the moment arose...! Gil skidded on the heels of her feet, but due to her leg-warmers, really only slid faster-forward, catching a face full of Yoyo's chest, smacking her nose right into her sternum...!
She fell back, flat on her back, eyes wide as she was just hit with the softest force she had ever felt...! "...N-nice one, but it takes a whole lot more than that to- MMMPH...!" She groaned, Yoro acted fast and pressed her chest against Gil's face, trapping her between her boobs..! Gil went to kick her legs and wave her arms-about, but Yoro had her number on that, locking her up-tight, making any kind of resistance mostly futile...!
"...Mmm mmm...!" Gil muffled out a sound that sounded like one of disagreement, though, there really wasn't much to disagree with here, she was bested and that was that...! She began to wage a war with her legs, feeling as the she had the superior lower-body strength, and to add a bit extra flare to the mix, she blew out of her mouth and began to motor-boat Yoyo...!
Re: Sweet Smothers: Yoro Yobi vs Gil
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:22 pm
by Kreydos
Yoro established an early advantage over Gil, keeping her down and smothered after successfully flooring her via a running splash. She quickly proved to be quite a lively opponent; she put up a spirited resistance despite being ensared in a grapevine hold. "Hahaha!" Yoyo couldn't help laughing, especially after the motorboating. "~Big mistake.~" She teased with a sing-song voice. "You monologued while you were in smothering range."
However, Gil's vigorous efforts did not go unnoticed, threatening to dislodge Yoro's grasp on her foe's lower body. With a sunny smile still etched on her face, she abruptly dropped her grapevine and briskly bounced back onto her feet. And without skipping a beat, she leapt into the air and kicked her legs forwards. Soon enough, gravity took hold of her body and she started her descent rear-first for a devastating butt drop aimed right at Gil's stomach.
Re: Sweet Smothers: Yoro Yobi vs Gil
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 7:53 pm
by Arista
It wasn't a first for Gil, being careless and stupid in the beginning of the match, practically setting herself right on up for a good smothering...! She had little in the way of resistance, at-least she felt like she wasn't making necessary progress, but not because she enjoyed the smother, because she totally didn't...! Besides, even if she wanted to, she couldn't, having all of her limps trapped in one-way-or-another...!
Yoyo lifted up, freeing Gil's face from the soft embrace she was just in...! "...Hah, I'm much stronger than I thought, I'm like a beast among-" Again, her ramblings got her in more trouble than anything else, Yoyo dropped her hips down and crashed her ass against Gil's bare stomach...! "ACK...!" She spat out, her feet flying freely into the air only to fall back down against the canvas...!
"...Ouch..." It didn't hurt as much as it just knocked all the air right out of Gil, she stared up at Yoyo, am innocent grin spread across her face. "...Is it too late for a reset...?" She chuckled nervously...!
Re: Sweet Smothers: Yoro Yobi vs Gil
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:34 pm
by Kreydos
"Sure thing!" Yoro chirped merrily. She complied with Gil's request for a reset, except not in the way she probably expected; Yoyo jumped into a standing position before she jumped and threw her legs out yet again. Much like before, she subjected her opponent to a butt drop targetting the abdomen. As was her wont, she did not stop there. Instead, she executed a third butt drop, one just as devastating as its two predecessors.
Should Gil be battered by three consecutive butt drops, Yoro would follow up by scooting forwards and plopping her ass right onto her likely winded foe's face for the ol' reliable butt smother. She further asserted her position by grabbing Gil's wrists and pinning them down above her head. And for the cherry on top, the japanese wrestler playfully swerved her hips left and right, rubbing her rear all over the American's face while keeping her firmly smothered.
Re: Sweet Smothers: Yoro Yobi vs Gil
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:53 pm
by Arista
Gil definitely meant somethin entirely different when she requested a reset, but, she probably should have been clearer, as all she got in return for her request was three booty-blows-to-the-belly...!
Gil cried out with each and every bolder-like hit, her legs raising, and then falling back down to the mat. She groaned out as the third, and final, booty-slam buried her into the canvas for good, of course, though, Yoyo was far from finished, she had some booty to rub-in...!
"...I think you've-" Gil, again, wouldn't be able to finish what it was that she was saying, as Yoyo came down with the great eclipse of butt coming down onto Gil's poor face, nestling herself comfortably down and making sure that Gil's potential for an escape were as limited as possible...! A tight grip on her wrists kept her pinned, she shot her hips up which then, promptly, fell back to the mat, her thighs jiggling slightly upon impact...! "Mmmph...!" She moaned-out, but that wouldn't do her much good, her vision started to fade, but she tried as hard as she could to keep her eyes open and on the prize, which in this case, was Yoyo's booty...!