Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams [D]

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Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams [D]

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout
Life had been good for Sachiko thus far. She and her gang, the Heartbreakers, had experienced a number of successes in the ring, quickly setting themselves up as a formidable faction. Now, as she understood it, they had become the talk of the locker rooms - and there were few who dared to pick any fights with them, knowing they were perfectly content to accost them outside the ring just as much as they were inside of it if need be. Even if they did have to deal with their opponents in the ring, the Heartbreakers still wouldn't shy away from using any old dirty trick in the book for their own purposes. Either way, they had a reputation - and for Sachiko, who couldn't care less if she had to get by by being feared rather than loved, it was the perfect place to be in. Up until they got their hands on a title, anyway.

But even that seemed to be a prospect on the horizon, as Sachiko was quickly ascending the ranks. Tonight, though, she'd be facing off against a debuting wrestler, someone she had never heard of before, and who she had no knowledge of to help her in to expecting anything from her. To some, this would be a daunting task. But to Sachiko, it meant nothing! She was already sure that there was no stopping her!

"Coming first to the ring, from Fukushima, Japan! At 5'9 and weighing 165 pounds, accompanied by the Heartbreakers...SACHIKOOO KOIZUMI!"
Sachiko Koizumi
Kyoko Kobashi
Misako Enjoji
Sachiko stepped out onto the entrance ramp, spreading her arms wide to catch the eyes of the fans. Some booed her, but others cheered; even if the Heartbreakers had a reputation as troublemakers, they still had their share of admirers for their rebel spirit, or perhaps just their good looks. In fact, following closely behind Sachiko were her two partners in crime, Kyoko and Misako. While this wasn't a tag match, Sachiko still didn't mind their company, even if it was just to cheer her on. She certainly didn't think she'd ever need to call in their help, especially when they were up against a newcomer who surely had no idea what she was in for.

Kyoko, on the other hand, was a bit more cautious. With a pause, she looked over Sachiko's shoulder, elbowing her side to get the sukeban's attention. "Hey, sure about this? We don't know what this girl's like! What if she's really tough?! Or...oh, what if she's a half-dragon, half-demon immortal sword master, or-"

"Only you would say that," Misako muttered.

Sachiko, however, climbed up to the ring apron with a shake of her head. "Just relax. If she was any good, she'd probably have been in LAW waaay before this. I bet you they're running out of opponents who can stand up to me - and I'll prove to 'em they never stood a chance!" Sachiko then turned back around, tapping her knuckles together as she stood to await her opponent's arrival, while her partners withdrew to the ropes. "C'mon, do your worst!"
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Re: Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams

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Well. Either she’s already beginning to impress people or there are those out there wanting to stunt her growth before she can truly even begin. Not that she cared, she’ll just beat the shit out of them when she finds out who after this match. A match with this league’s group of “bad girls” as she heard it. And watching from the locker room screen of them coming out.

She wasn’t impressed.

Hell they looked like the goth high school girls that liked to had out under the overpass back home breaking old tv’s with baseball bats and calling themselves tough because they liked to wear chains or dark makeup. These chicks didn’t look any different. And yes, these chicks. Cause it doesn’t matter if this match is one on one, if there’s one thing that Janet knows about girls like these. It’s that when threatened they like to group up to make themselves look scarier.

Like you see in the Freaking discovery channel.

Shaking her head, the Jet finished her warm up and proceeded to make her way to the gorilla position. And just in time too as her theme began to play. Cracking her neck the chalk white woman made her way past the curtain and into the arena proper. The cheers of the crowd pounding against her ears. But she didn’t pay them any mind, instead ignoring them and making her way to the ring.
Unlike the heartbreakers. Janet was clad in her simple blue sports bra, black shorts, boots and gloves. Stepping inside of the ring, she showed no fear or emotion as she backed into her corner and stared Sachiko down. Instead she did some last minute stretches as she waited for the bell to ring.
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Re: Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams

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Soon, it came time for Sachiko's opponent to enter the arena - and as soon as she appeared on the ramp, the sukeban began sizing her up, leaning in closer with her hands on her hips. "Hrm..." she muttered to herself. She certainly looked tough, with a well-toned physique, and her simple outfit and unimpressed demeanor spoke of a no-nonsense attitude. But Sachiko still wasn't impressed. She and her team had been on the rise, and she was already convinced there was no one who could stand in her way. The more focused Janet was, the more she could rub it into her face when she kicked her ass.

"What's the matter? Not the talkative type?" Sachiko muttered with a grin as she closed in on Janet's corner, leaning into her face. "Shy? Don't worry...I got a way of bringing chicks like you outta their shells." She cracked her knuckles, smirking. "They still scream plenty loud~"

The referee beckoned Sachiko back to her corner, as the other members of her team were escorted out of the ring. The blue-haired girl begrudgingly obliged - but, as soon as the bell rang, she was going to come out swinging.


And come out swinging she would! No sooner had the match begun that Sachiko would come charging out of her corner, drawing her arm back as she closed in on Janet. As she got into range, she would swing it outward to deliver a forearm aimed at her face. If this was Janet's first match, Sachiko wanted to give her a warm welcome.
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Re: Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams [D]

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While the blue haired goth postured and pranced like a peacock trying to intimidate a possible rival for their mate. Janet continued to stretch out her arms and warm herself up, all while continuing to stare at her opponent and nothing more. This chick thought she was hot shit? The Jet will be more than happy to show just how wrong she was. Not even the bitch’s friends would be able to stop the storm that was approaching their leader.

And then the bell rang, yet while Janet simply walked out of her corner. Sachiko rushed towards her with mindless abandon, her eyes showing nothing but a focus on laying the pale woman in front of her out with a single blow. Yet despite the charge, janet didn’t flinch. She didn’t slow her approach even as the bluenette reached her, her arm swinging down to deliver a fierce forearm to Janets head.

Only it would never land.

At the last possible second, Janets head swayed to the side. Her body bending low whilst her feet planted against the canvas. Her right arm shooting up, inside of Sachiko’s guard and on a collision course with the heartbreak leaders cheek. The whole motion took less than a millisecond, yet if her strike landed it would it with the force of a cannonball. Possibly even causing The Jet’s opponent to do a complete backwards rotation before finally flopping onto the canvas.
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Re: Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams

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This would be easy enough, Sachiko thought. This was how it always was with the new meat around here. They'd show up, act like they were hot shit, and then get chewed up and spat out as soon as they ended up in the ring against one of the established stars. And Sachiko most definitely consdered herself in that category. She was in charge of a faction that had built up a considerable reputation in the League, she'd been at We Are LAW, and anyone who knew their way around here was rightfully afraid of her. Janet, on the other hand, had nothing to prove herself worthy of her time. She was a nobody who would soon crumble as soon as she had to deal with someone who was out of her league.

And that moment was coming now, as Sachiko closed in on her opponent with her arm raised to deliver a forearm...or at least, that was what she thought.

But just as Sachiko skidded to a stop, just inches away from her foe's chest...her arm would only connect with thin air, as Janet's head pulled to the side. The delinquent froze in her tracks, blinking a few times. She couldn't believe it. Everything had seemed to be lined up so perfectly - how could Janet dodge so effortlessly?

Sachiko's teeth clenched, and her eyes narrowed into a glare. "Hey! That's not what's supposed to happen!" she called back. Janet, however, wouldn't respond with her words, but with her fists. She lashed out with a punch of her own, striking too fast for Sachiko to follow its path, until it hit its target - and caused the blue-haired girl to be whipped backward through the air!

"OOF-!" Sachiko's head spun around in an arc as her body pivoted on her heel, her hair blowing behind her. She turned around as she was backed up from Janet, before her balance at last gave out and she dropped to a seated position against the mat. "G-Geez," Sachiko muttered, rubbing at her bruised cheek in between pants for air, "you can hit hard, huh?"

The other two Heartbreakers were eager as ever to shout encouragement toward their leader from the sidelines. Kyoko leaned in over the ropes, pumping a fist in the air. "C'mon, Sachiko, show 'er what for! You can do it!"
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Re: Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams [D]

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There was a quote from one of Janets personal heroes. A quote that stuck with her throughout almost the entirety of her fighting career and kept her mind in the game. Kept her from being a cocky little brat like the girl currently taking as swing at her was. It was a quote that many could learn from it they actually took the time to internalize it and take its meaning to heart.

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.

Sachiko probably thought that her opponent was just another no name rookie that had no idea what she was getting into. That thanks to her feared reputation and a pair of overly loyal fan girls in her corner would make her untouchable. That she was going to demolish this pale woman in front of this bloodthirsty crowd and solidify her place as top dog in the industry.

She probably thought a lot of things. But those thoughts would suddenly come to a loud and screeching halt when Janet suddenly dodged her punch and delivered a colossal one of her own! A punch so fierce that not even Sachiko was able to completely power through it and ended up falling on her ass in a shocked heap. Janet straightened herself, refusing to answer the bluenettes confused question.

Instead the pale woman would suddenly take off in a charge of her own. Running straight towards the seating Sachiko, before leaping forward with her knee outstretched. Aiming to cave the punks face in with a running knee strike!
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Re: Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams

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Sachiko didn't know what to expect from her opponent...but whatever it was, it certainly wasn't what she'd just been dealt. Janet was a nobody, a newcomer with no accomplishments to her name, being fed to the lions. There was no way she was even close to Sachiko's level. And yet, when the pale woman's fist came flying at her, Sachiko couldn't do anything short of take it head-on. And when Janet hit...she hit hard.

The delinquent was thrown off her feet, dropping into the corner with a throbbing sensation in her cheek. She tried to rub at it in the hopes of getting herself back into the action, but all the while, one thought was running through her mind - who was this woman, and who did she think she was if she was going to walk all over her like this?

That was a question Janet wasn't answering. Sachiko looked up at her with a glare, watching her shrug her off as though she hadn't even heard her. This was an outrage! Sachiko liked being in charge, and she wouldn't let any would-be hotshot treat her with such disrespect! "Hey! Dumbass! I'm talking to y-"

She didn't even get to finish her sentence before Janet struck again - she came charging in at full speed, lifting her knee to ram it into Sachiko's face! Letting out a gasp, the blue-haired girl's head cracked backward, her back striking the turnbuckles with a thud. She winced, her words dying down into a pained groan as she sank into the corner and her arms dangled limp at her sides.
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Re: Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams [D]

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It looks like this punk wasn’t used to not being in control, to not knowing who she was dealing with. Janet didn’t know if that was because this brat was some genius that immediately got a bead on who she was fighting and the pale woman was an anomaly. Or that she just had her head so far up her own ass that she didn’t know there were much better fighters than she could ever dream of. And that she was currently in the ring with one of them.

Janet felt that it was the latter.

Which is why instead of getting into a defensive stance, thinking of a counter attack, or even getting it in her mind to actually dodge. The first thing Sachiko did after getting socked in the face was to open her mouth again and try to somehow intimidate the pale woman. But she would barely be able to get a word in before the Jet rushed towards her and slammed her knee into her face with enough force to launch her into the corner!

They say that the cardinal sin of fighting is to talk while doing so. This is because it increases the chances of biting your own tongue off from a well placed uppercut mid sentence. Sachiko seemed to be lucky in that regard, but that was where her luck ends as now with her trapped in the corner with nowhere to go. She was in the perfect position to be Janets punching bag.

And that’s exactly what she used her for as blow after precise blow would rain down on the punks body from all angles. Pounding her into the corner with brutal strikes that just guaranteed bruises with each one that landed.
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Re: Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams [D]

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Sachiko thought it was bad enough being intercepted by Janet's knee, the force of the blow nearly knocking her senseless on the spot as she was thrown back against the turnbuckles. Little did she know, her torments were only beginning! No sooner had Sachiko settled against the post that Janet flew into a volley of hard-hitting blows, bludgeoning her from all directons. Every last strike hit its mark, landing with the sound of a thwack, and causing Sachiko's body to bend in that direction off the force of the impact as she groaned and gasped. Janet was hitting faster than Sachiko could hope to keep up with, and the palette of bruises coloring her body spoke of how much it hurt!

Seeing their leader in trouble, Kyoko tried to buy Sachiko some time by serving as a distraction. She leaned over the ropes, cupping her hands to her mouth and shouting back at Janet. "HEY! Loser! You don't wanna mess with Sachiko! You're gonna regret it, trust me!" she said.

Kyoko believed as much, and even Sachiko would be remiss to say that she didn't think she stood a chance with her opponent. But she'd take anything she could get to turn the odds in her favor, and she could certainly appreciate a diversion right now. If Janet let up in her assault, Sachiko would attempt to fight back, drawing back a fist to drive it into her abs!
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Re: Sachiko Koizumi vs. Janet Wiilams [D]

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Like a punching bag during training, Janet was absolutely merciless in the corner as she pounded away at whatever opening she could find in Sachiko’s defenses. Which were numerous as it looked like the punk spent so much time attacking that she didn’t know how to block. So the Jet was able to pound away at her body as if she were tenderizing a useless cut of meat.

And Janet would have continued, if it wasn’t for hearing a voice call out behind her. And it wasn’t the referee who seemed oddly content with watching the punk get beaten down. Turning her head, Janet would see that it was that ginger chick the punk brought along with her. And it made Janet wonder where the final clown of this little circus was hiding.

It would turn out though, that she wasn’t what the pale woman should be concerned about. As she would suddenly feel a fist impact against her abdomen…and promptly stop in its tracks. Like a scene in a horror movie, Janet would slowly turn her head back towards Sachiko and stare her in the eyes. At the same time, her free hand would pull the punks fist away from her belly and begin to twist it back. Deciding that she had enough fun in the corner, the Jet would try to drag Sachiko back to the center of the ring for more punishment. Her grip on her arm never ceasing.
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