Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

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Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

Unread post by Kreydos »

Match Type: Pinfall Only
Victory Condition: Secure victory only via pinfall.

Awaiting the start of her next match, Emaline stood in front of her locker's mirror and combed her vibrant pink hair. She sifted her fingers through her hair strands, appraising their silkiness and smiled when she confirmed that they matched her high standards . For her ring attire, she wore her typical emerald green bikini paired with chrome wristbands. Soon enough, a LAW official arrived and informed her that it was finally time. She stashed away her comb and made her way for the ring.
Appearance Reference
Entrance Theme
With her entrance theme signifying her presence, she strutted onto the stage. As always, she made her way down the ramp in the most arrogant way possible; her gait was graceful yet disdainful while her conceited gaze looked down upon the audience in attendence. The crowd largely reacted with boos but she heeded them little mind, save for a fleeting mocking smirk.
She clambered up the ring apron and with the help of the top ropes, she lethargicically yet elegantly backfliped into the ring. From there, she strode towards her corner, hopped onto the top turnbuckle, and made herself comfortable. She lazed across the top ropes as if it were a bed or a sofa, completing the act by resting her head onto her fist.
Pose Reference
Last edited by Kreydos on Mon Sep 06, 2021 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

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Miriam Condor
After the last match she had been in, Miriam had to take some time to recovery. Not just physically, but mentally as well. It had been a humiliating loss, one that could have been avoided too. But now she felt foolish for taking so long to step back into the ring. Some might think she was afraid. But she had just realized that she couldn't let every loss get her down. After all, it was unlikely that she'd never lose again.

At least those were the thoughts she was trying to comfort herself with. But it was about time for her match to begin. So for now, she simply had to focus on tonight! She was wearing her normal schoolgirl outfit. Light yellow sweater over a white button up shirt, navy blue skirt, and sneakers with her socks coming up just below her knees. It wasn't a typical wrestler attire. But it was a popular look... or so she was told.
Entrance Music
Finally as her music played, she would take a running start out onto the entryway before she would perform an aerial cartwheel, a move she had learned from her days doing gymnastics. She landed on her feet before raising her arms into the air, posing for the crowd for a moment before she would wave to everyone as she heads down to the ring. She was being cheered sure. But she was still relatively new. She was going to get there one day though!

Jumping up onto the apron, Miriam would look to her opponent lounging on the ropes in the corner. She tried to not judge her already though, and would grab the top ropes. Despite her size, she would continue to show her agility, vaulting over the top rope with ease as she lands in the ring, pushing her skirt down before turning to wave to the crowd again.

Now that she was here though, she'd walk to the center of the ring to offer her right hand out towards Emaline. "Lets have a good match, alright?" She was going to find out soon enough if her opponent was going to climb down from the corner and greet her politely or not.

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Re: Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

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"Hmph." Emaline grunted dismissively at the sight of Miriam making her entrance, especially when she performed that uninspired aerial cartwheel. Invariably, the Emerald Viper scoffed at the offered handshake. She stood up, placed her hands behind her back, and walked the top ropes as if they were a tightrope until she aligned herself with her opponent.
Then she hopped down and strolled closer in an aristocratic manner. "Thank you, I appreciate the gesture." She spoke in such an overly polite fashion that it came off as patronising "Unfortunately however, I suspect that my intentions for a 'good match' may not be to the liking of a stepping stone such as yourself."

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Re: Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

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Even with her opponent being a bit cold and dismissive towards her as she entered, Miriam didn't really didn't think much of it. After all, she was still green and hadn't done anything outstanding yet. But there was something about the way she was being spoke to that rubbed her the wrong way. Shifting a bit as she stood there with her hand held out towards Emaline in a kind gesture, she would finally let her hand drop away.

Of course once she talked about her being a stepping stone, it made her frown. She would head back to her corner now to wait for the bell to ring. But she backed away from Emaline rather than turn away from her. She got the feeling if she gave her a shot at her back, she would take it. Miriam fell silent too. It would be better to let her actions speak for her. And as the bell rang to signal the start of the match, she would charge forward towards her opponent. She wasted no time at all trying to close the distance as she tries to fake her opponent out with bringing her arm up. But rather than go for a clothesline, she would instead try to duck to the side and grab for Emaline's right arm to whip her towards the ropes! If she can manage that, she would try to meet her rebounding opponent with a quick dropkick to the chest.

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Re: Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

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"~Aww, the silent treatment?~" The lack of a response from Miriam elicited a derisive giggle out of Emaline. "How banal. Though, not unexpected when taking into consideration your rather uninspired wrestling attire." However, the other woman continued opting not to reply. She instead just returned to her corner.

The bell rung and Miriam instantly broke into a run. "Heh." Emaline sneered as she waited for her opponent to draw closer. Once in range, she stepped forward and thrusted her right leg outwards, attempting to give the redhead the taste of a superkick to the jaw. If the kick successfully connected, the pinkette would snicker as she executed a handstand and 'walked' using her hands over to her foe's downed body. Then Emaline simply allowed her body to fall forwards for a devastating handstand leg drop on Miriam's stomach.

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Re: Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

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The taunt about her outfit was quite embarrassing. It only reminded her that she still had a long way to go. And it only cemented in her mind the kind of opponent Emaline was. It was frustrating that another opponent was proving to be condescending. But Miriam hoped to get her to shut up or at least change her tune by taking her down a peg in the ring.

At least that was the plan. And it went south almost immediately. Emaline didn't react at all like she expected, and instead Miriam found her head suddenly rocked backwards, pain shooting through her jaw from the sudden superkick. Her body drops to the mat in a heap, giving a small groan as she shakes her head. Staring up at the lights above, Miriam was trying to shake off the hard blow she'd run right into. But it felt like her skull was rattled through and through. Which left her wide open as Emaline walked over to her in her handstand, and drove her leg down hard into her stomach with the leg drop. "OOOOUUFF!" Her arms and legs kick up into the air from the impact before slumping back down, gasping for the breath that was just knocked out of her.

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Re: Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

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"Heheh." Emaline snickered upon hearing her opponent grunt aloud in pain. "It is an improvement over absolute silence." She remarked as she rolled and shifted her body. "However, there is always room for more improvment." Before long, she snapped her thighs shut around Miriam's bicep and pulled away at her wrists, hyperextending her elbow and ensaring her in a cross armbar. "Now, if you would kindly please grace my ears with your screams. You have my gratitude in advance."
Armbar Reference
Should Miriam fail to counter the armbar or grab the ropes, Emaline would maintain the submission hold for about a minute. Afterwards, she transitioned to another move. She freed the trapped bicep and tugged the redhead's arm closer. Then the Viper wrapped her legs around Miriam's throat for a triangle headscissor.
Triangle Headscissor Reference

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Re: Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

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Already things were going poorly for Miriam. Not only was her opponent turning out to be exactly the kind of person she disliked, but she was already knocked down and out of it. As she tried to catch her breath, Miriam felt those legs clamping around her arm as it was pulled back, pain already shooting up through her elbow and shoulder from the hold. Being told to scream like that too meant that she tried to hold back as best she could. She really didn't want to give Emaline the satisfaction. But despite her efforts...


Her feet were thudding against the mat as she writhes in pain. Her free arm would flail, reaching for the ropes. But they weren't close enough to reach, and she couldn't managed to pull any closer either. Miriam was simply forced to endure the hold until Emaline finally let up on it. Her arm was still held though, groaning as she was pulled closer to Emaline.

Her dazed and pained expression fell to her opponent as those legs locked tight around her neck. Her free hand was already grasping for Emaline's thigh as she struggles to get free. "Uuhhnn... Let me go..." But even as she groans out the words, she knew that her opponent wouldn't let her go unless she wanted to. And her head was already spinning from the tight grip on her.

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Re: Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

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It took a while but eventually, the armbar drew a scream out of Miriam. Her flailing about with her legs only made the moment all the more delectable. "Mmm." Emaline hummed in sadistic satisfaction. "A most beautiful symphony." Nonetheless, she tired of the submission hold and smoothly moved on to apply a triangle headscissor.

The Viper sneered when she heard her opponent pitifully ask to be freed. "Very well." She answered in an arrogantly urbane fashion. "I shall deign to acquiesce." Yet all she did was lighten the steely grasp of her thighs, barely enough for her trapped victim to gasp for breath. Moreover, she granted only a single second of reprieve before her legs clamped shut again.

She repeated this vile process for as long as she pleased, artificially prolonging Miriam's suffering by keeping her on the cusp of consciousness. Of course, there would come a time when Emaline tired of this too and finally decided to end this cruel game, squeezing her legs as hard as she could until the redhead passed out.

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Re: Emaline vs Miriam Condor: Constricted Prey

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Was Miriam goinog to get lucky enough to be released? Hearing the response from Emaline gave her hope that she might be able to get away and recover enough to turn things around. But then the reality of the situation returned as the hold was simply loosened. She tried to take a deep breath before the hold suddenly tightened around her neck once more!

The blood had started to flow normally, but then it was cut off, making her head spin. She was trying to get her legs and knees under her to try to start getting up. She wanted to move for the ropes. But the sudden tightening of the hold made her slump back down against the mat. "N..Noooo..." She was groaning in protest, knowing that her opponent was just wearing her out.

Everything was blurring, her eyes fluttering as she felt like she was getting close to passing out. And then she could breath again, gasping and writhing in Emaline's grasp. Hope that the hold would end was dangled before her, and then it was snatched away. Each time the hold was reapplied it was a much shorter time for it to be hold before it seemed like Miriam might pass out. Already she was just slumped on the mat, barely able to put up much of a struggle outside of a bit of squirming. She was drooling a bit too, tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked at her opponent. She was trying to beg to be let go, yet all she could manage was groaning between labored breaths.

And finally the hold tightened even more. It was beyond what Miriam could handle, her legs kicking lightly against the mat before she soon fell limp. Her eyes fluttered a bit before closing as everything goes black for her. And if this wasn't a pinfall only match Emaline would have been declared the winner already.

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