"Oh God, oh God, oh Gooood," Mikan muttered to herself as she fidgeted backstage. She was terrified of what was about to happen. Though to be fair, it was a lot more justified in this situation than it usually was for Mikan. There were three main reasons for this,
1. Her opponent was a heavyweight compared to Mikan's middleweight
2. Her opponent was a good wrestler if her record was anything to go by
3. She specialized in high power strikes and slams
This meant that Mikan stood even less of a chance than normal, assuming that's even mathematically possible. And also that her defeat was most likely going to be painful. "Ooooh, why is this h-happening to me?" Mikan bemoaned. "LAW must want me g-g-gone. I'm too ugly and stupid to even j-job right. They must want me to quit or get too hurt to wrestle," Mikan convinced herself. Then she heard her music start to play. "W-well, I guess it's t-time.
"IN THIS CORNER, AT 5'4" 125 POUNDS: MIKAN TSUMIKI!Music: Sorry - Halsey
Ring Attire
Mikan came out to cheers, but she knew what they were really for. They were cheering in anticipation of her getting dismantled. Her body would be put on display, bent, slammed, and squeezed in holds and throws for their entertainment. Because fanservice is all I'm good for. Otherwise I'm worthless. Mikan thought as she entered the ring and waited for the woman that would use her as a training dummy.
Re: Mikan Tsumiki vs Selene Sugar
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:52 am
by Kreydos
While Mikan made her entrance, Selene waited within the locker rooms. Bouncing around on the balls of her feet, she shadow boxed to kill time. Clad in a bikini with a cookie theme, she threw jab after jab as well as the occassional kick. Eventually, it was finally her turn to take to the stage. She jumped forward and executed a superman punch before she rolled her shoulders and headed off. Appearance Reference
Entrance Theme
As soon as the first crescendo of her music dropped, she marched out onto the stage with her fist raised high and a self-assured smile splayed across her lips. The audience cheered her on, and got even more excited as she threw her trademark flurry of jabs ending with an uppercut. From there, she kept her arm suspended in place and flexed her bicep. Afterwards, she boldly sauntered down the ramp. All it took were two jumps for her to enter the ring, one to scale the ring apron and one more to vault over the ropes. Once again, she brought her fist up high and walked about before she turned her attention towards her opponent. "Heya, the name's Selene." She presented her hand as she approached Mikan, offering a handshake. "Hope we can still be friends after I kick your ass."
Regardless of wether or not the purplette shakes hands with the bronzette, the latter would then return to her corner and laze against the turnbuckles as she awaited the ring of the bell.
Re: Mikan Tsumiki vs Selene Sugar
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 3:08 am
by deezcastforms
Well, there she was. Mikan's opponent strode confidently into the ring, then approached Mikan with an introduction and her arm extended for a handshake. Mikan was trembling as all the scenarios of how Selene's gesture of friendship could be some deceptive trick went through her mind. She was only able to calm herself (relatively) when she reminded herself that it didn't matter. This woman could probably have her hands and feet tied and still win.
With that in mind, Mikan slowly took Selene's handshake, staring at the floor. "M-my name is Mikan Tsu-Tsumiki. I know I'm a t-t-terrible wrestler, s-so all I ask is that you make this qui-quick," Mikan stammered out.
Once the bell rang, Mikan's plan was simple. She knew there was no point in resisting, so she'd stand and wait with her eyes shut. She didn't want to see it coming.
Re: Mikan Tsumiki vs Selene Sugar
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 5:58 am
by Kreydos
Selene raised an eyebrow at Mikan's rather pitiful attitude, including and especially her odd request. "Spoiler alert but that was what I was planning anyway." The bronzette replied in a mildly amused manner. "Well then, let's get this out of the way." That being the case, her opponent's 'strategy' of standing around with her eyes shut didn't really surprise her too much.
Finally, the bell rung. She sprinted full throttle from one corner to the other, her blistering speed rivalling even the fastest lightweights. Lifting up her foot, she attempted to kick off the match with her signature move, the S.T.A. (running big boot). Thanks to her churning momentum combined with her immense strength, the boot would land with all the force of a freight train.
Re: Mikan Tsumiki vs Selene Sugar
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:27 am
by deezcastforms
Mikan didn't want to see Selene coming, and she accomplished that. The only indicator to the nurse that she had even been struck was a split moment of sharp pain when her head was struck by the cookie girl's foot. Mikan's head snapped back and she was out cold before she even started to fall. The impact threw her body into the ropes before she collapsed face first onto the mat. And because it was just that kind of day, Mikan's knees bent in a way that left her ass sticking up in the air as she lay unconscious.
At this point, Selene could either pin Mikan or let the ref call a KO.
Re: Mikan Tsumiki vs Selene Sugar
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:04 am
by Kreydos
At first, Selene crouched down to pull Mikan up to follow up with another move, only to realise that she had already passed out. "That's that, I guess." The bronzette remarked with a chuckle as she kicked the unconscious medic's body onto her back and took a seat on her stomach.
With another chuckle, Selene turned towards the referee and gestured to their position. "Shoulders are down ref."
Still bewildered by how short this match was, even for Selene's standards, the referee managed to recollect themselves and started the count.
Re: Mikan Tsumiki vs Selene Sugar
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 5:37 pm
by deezcastforms
"Three!" Though Mikan didn't hear it, she had been counted out by the ref. Defeated in a single move, the pitiful Mikan still lay knocked out beneath Selene. Strangely enough, Mikan would probably consider this a success once she woke up, since she got through the match quite painlessly. She knew she had no chance of even threatening to win, so Mikan would be happy that she didn't get slowly tormented.