Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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Smother Match: Winner decided only by ko via a smother. Some hentai tactics allowed

Wisteria breathed out softly as she leaned forward, extending her leg out and reaching forward to touch the toes of her black boot. Dressed in her usual purple ring gear the youngest Akan was deep in thought as she stretched, preparing herself mentally and physically for the match ahead of her.
Ever since her hentai match debut against Eirina Makishima it appeared there was a greater interest with seeing her in more… softer match types. Something Sheena wasn’t quite sure was a good thing. Kyoko definitely wasn’t a fan idea… at least going off the all capped texts she received back when she told her cousin about her next booking. Soeaking of… She was against Black Swan. One of LAW’s resident Luchadoras, and one that speacialized in smother and hentai based bouts, on top of being rather skilled in normal wrestling as well.

Once again she was paired in a match type that she was inexperienced in, against someone with more experience and roughly equal skill. In other words she was in a serious dsiadvantage and Sheena was starting to wonder if someone in management had it out for her. Either way she wouldn’t back down, Kyoko wouldn’t and neither would she. Walking up to the guerilla position she nodded to the worker who started her entrance music.

Coming oit from the curtain Sheena threw her arms out to her sides as purple pyrotechnics went off around her Sheena would waste no time in strutting her way down to the ring. Smiling softly and nodding to the fans at the front row that were cheering for her, Sheena did her best to project as much confidence as she could.

Despite the odds she was against. Climbing up the steps and then up the corner to the top she would throw her arms above her head as the crowd cheered loudly for her in response. Lowering her arms she would dive off the corner and land in a roll in the middle of the ring. Popping to her feet she would do a quick spin before leaning up against her corner in a single smooth motion. Looking up at the entrance ramp she would spread her lefs out a bit and toss her hair back as she waited for the entrance of Swan.

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Re: Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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Black Swan was quite a number of things, proud, confident, friendly and yet competitive, but if there was one thing that seemed to be a main focus of her LAW career so far, it was the luchadora's flirtatious nature, and her willingness to engage in all manner of lewd match types! This seemed to be exactly the reason why she found herself in these match types all too often, and now, yet again, she was gearing up for a smother bout, ready to engage in the softer match type she had become somewhat known for!

The masked wrestler would finish her pre match prep, taking one last moment to study her physique in the mirror, admiring her tools of smothery offense, shaking her ass in the mirror with a giggle before stepping out of the locker room! With a pep in her step, the ever optimistic luchadora would make her way to the curtain that hid her from the entrance ramp, wasting no time at all as she suddenly burst through the curtain, posing at the top of the ramp as the fan favorite lucha made her entrance!
With a smile on her face, Swan would quickly make her way down the ramp, stopping ever so often to interact with fans, always showing the people love as they supported her, more than happy to be so well liked! Eventually, Swan would end up at the ring, climbing up the steps and flipping over the ropes with a fair deal of athleticism, posing once more before she turned over to her foe, giving the purple clad wrestler a smile!

"So, you're the lucky lady that gets to be buried in my ass tonight! Sounds like you hit the jackpot!" Swan teased with a smile, engaging in some pre match talk with her opponent as she waited for the bell to start their bout!

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Re: Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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Looking up at the entrance ramp as her opponet’s music kicked in Sheena did her best to look confident as the dark clad luchadora known as Black Swan came down to the ring. The woman was obviously confident, and she had every right to be given her long tenure in LAW not to mention the match type being in the masked wrestler’s favor. The woman’s attractive form also probably played a role in her confidence as well.

However Sheena wasn’t one to be intimidated by experience, after all she had beaten opponets more skilled and experienced than Swan. Plus a smother match, while more… intimate. Was far more similar to what Sheena was used too. Looking across at her opponet as she made some trash talk the purple haired woman put on her nost sultry smirk and tried to answer in kind.

“Well jackpot for you maybe, given you’ll be getting a face full of my breasts.” Sheena replied back as flirtily as she could manage. If there was one thing she learned from her last match with Eirina, it was that flirting in a match like this was all but a neccessity.

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Re: Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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Making her way down to the ring, Black Swan would play to the crowd the entire time as she made her way down to the squared circle, a smile on the luchadora's face as she prepared for her smother match with the purple clad middleweight! With Swan greeting her opponent with a flirty line, Wisteria would respond back with a quick teasing quip of her own, getting a giggle from Swan as she confidently stretched in her corner, a smirk on her face as she faced off with the busty Akan!

Of course, Swan had little clue about Sheena's true heritage, but it wouldn't have affected the luchadora anymore, as she got ready for the start of the match, flashing Sheena a smirk as she did so!

"Oh, well that sounds like a great time! Let's see if you make it that far, or if I put you to sleep before then!" Swan said with a smile on her face, raising her hands as the bell would start things off! With a smirk on her face, Swan would step forwards, waiting to see what Wisteria did to start things off, eager to see what her opponent would choose to begin with!

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Re: Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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Sheena was doing her best to put up a brave front despite her unfamiliarity with this match type, after all letting her greeness in soft core matches is arguably what damned her from the start in her bout with Eirina, so it'd be crucial to not show the same weakness against Swan. Besides if nothing else the rules for this match only applied to how things had to end. Which meant otherwise it was just a normal match for her.

That's how she was trying to think of it at least. Deciding not to respond to Swan's return quip Sheena instead favored putting her hands up in preparation for the match ahead. Raising her hands she saw her opponent step forward as well but otherwise do nothing else. Narrowing her eyes slightly Sheena would dart forward at Swan, turning sharply on her heels and bringing her arms up around the luchadora's head to try and bring the woman's head up and pressed against her chest as Sheena tried for a side headlock!

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Re: Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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Teasing her opponent with a smile on her face, Black Swan was quite unphased by the stipulation and Sheena's words, instead happily facing off with the purple haired beauty, stepping forwards and facing off with the woman in front of her! Wisteria would make the first move, however, and rush forwards to swing around and throw an arm over the luchadora's head, yanking Swan's cheek against her chest as she locked in a headlock to start things off, but the masked wrestler wasn't going to let this go so easily!

"Trying to give me a view of the goods already? Thanks... but I'm more of a hands on gal!" Swan quipped, before attempting to push on Wisteria's arm and slide out behind her! If she was able to do so, Swan would attempt to surprise Wisteria by bringing her hands around the purple haired woman and up to her chest, grabbing onto her boobs before trying to surprise Wisteria with a sudden boobplex to start off the match, keeping in line with the possible lewder stipulation!

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Re: Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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Sheena watched Swan carefully, knowing how speedy and agile luchadors like her opponent in front of her could be. The last thing she wanted was for the more experienced woman to have the chance to build up speed and momentum to use against her. So naturally she darted forward, wrapping the woman's head in her arms and bringing her face in against her chest for a side headlock, perfect for transitioning to another hold or move.

But she wouldn't get the chance to do anything of the sort. Before Sheena could react Swan had teased her about the proximity causing her to blush. But worse yet her opponent had managed to slip from her grasp and get behind her! "Wha.. WHOA H-HEY!!!" Yelling initially in surprise she would soon change tune to a tone of pure surprise and embarrassment as her whole face went red from the contact! 'Why are my breasts always the first target for girls in these lewd matches!' Sheena thought to herself with a fierce blush before she was thrown backwards and slammed into the mat with a boobplex! "AGHHH!!!" Screaming in pain from the impact Sheena rolled over and landed on her face and stomach, cringing in pain and holding her back while trying to get on her knees.

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Re: Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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Swan was of course quite the mischievous luchadora, and so as Sheena yanked her into the headlock, smushing the masked woman's face up against her breasts, Swan would quickly find a way to counter, slipping behind her foe and grabbing her tits before using them for leverage on a sudden boobplex! Swan's grip on her foe's sizable chest would allow her to quite easily swing Sheena over herself and down onto the canvas with a massive thud, slamming her foe down with the boobplex and leaving her opponent stunned on the canvas!

"Ah, see, told you I'm more of a hands on gal! Here, lemme help you up!" Swan teased her foe, before quickly flipping over Sheena to get behind her once more, and with her feet on the ground, would use her grip on the purple haired woman's tits to haul her back to her feet! However, after pulling her back up, Swan would opt for a submission this time, as she slid a leg around Sheena's and wove under her arm, to tie her up in an abdominal stretch, wrenching back to strain her foe's core!

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Re: Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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Sheena groaned softly as she laid on the mat in the aftermath of that boobplex. The residual embarrassment and arousal of having her breasts grabbed and played with so suddenly not quite having left her system just yet. But part of that may have been the fact that Swan's hands hadn't quite found their way off of Sheen's breasts just yet. Something that was definitely causing the purple haired girl some grief still.

"Ngh.. what are you?" Before she could finish her retort Sheena would find herself rolled over to her feet and forced to stand at her opponent's behest. Luckily the hands of the Luchadora finally left her chest, but only to put her in a far more excruciating hold! "Gah!" Crying out in pain from the abdominal stretch as it was locked in Sheena could do nothing to free herself and for the moment was forced to withstand what pain Swan had for her!

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Re: Blck and Purple: Wisteria Khan vs Black Swan

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After taking a firm hold of Wisteria's boobs, Swan had swung her overhead and hard into the canvas, slamming her down and bridging over her with the boobplex, before managing to over and pull Wisteria up, with that very same grip on her quite hefty chest! And once her foe was upright, Swan would smoothly transition into an abdominal stretch, sliding her leg around Sheena's and slipping her upper body under her foe's arm, before tugging back to really stretch out her foe's core!

"So uh, I think you said you were gonna give me a faceful of these?" Swan said as she yanked back, before moving a hand to give Sheena's tits a light slap, causing them to jiggle against one another as the luchadora went back to tugging hard on her submission, looking to really stretch out her foe! "You feel like you're doing a good job of that right now, or...?"

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