Win Conditions: Pinfall, Knockout, or Submission
Winner keeps Loser as a POW for the Night
"Alright, I can do this." After a bit of recover from that death match with Yuki, Amano was finally had the clear to start doing matches again. And this time around it'd be another fight with a debuting newbie. Not really unexpected. Amano's popularity grew since her last fight, but she was still a little new herself. A name, but not much of a presence. And guess they like sticking me with new people. Still, this would be an interesting match. She was fighting in a POW match, meaning winner kept the loser for the night. It was kind of wild that someone had the stones to fight her in such a match for their debut, but she had to admire their guts... whoever they were. The most Amano knew was that this Lorelei girl was small town wrestler using a cow motif. The thought sending a shiver down her spine as she remembered her own cow-themed match in the past. Okay, don't think about that right now. Last thing I need is the jitters before a match.
"Oh," Speaking of doing stuff before a match, she wanted to try something she saw a Senpai of hers did. Right as the announcer was introducing Amano she snatched her phone, shooting off a quick tweet.
Aiki_Demon wrote:You're favorite demon girl's back in fighting shape! 'Bout to head out and fight another newbie in a bit! Here's hoping they're AT LEAST as good as Kiyo-chan.
Might be nice to her as my trophy if she gives me a good fight~![]()
"From Tokyo, Japan! Weighing in at 107 pounds and measuring at 5 feet! Representing Maizono Textiles and the Taishuya School of Martial Arts! The Rascal Demon, Amanoooo! Jaaaakuuuuu!"
Oh wow, she'd definitely have to get use to hearing that now that she was tracking some fame. Tossing her phone on her seat, Amano gave a solid nod to herself and made her way out to the stage.
Just as her theme kicked on she rushed onto the stage, greeted with a surprisingly mixed reception. Still mostly jeers and hissed, but there were a few honest cheers in there too. Guess that death match made me more popular after all. The twitter following was nice, but the actual crowd was even better. Still, she stuck her tongue out at the crowd, striding down the ramp while flashing her black panties under her black kimono top, getting a few whistles as she did so. This time around she decided to go harder on her demon motif, horns now glued to her forehead to give her a more demonic appearance, and the crowd's reaction to it was hype.
She climbed right into the ring, giving one more quick flash of her panties and slow twirl to show off her legs before finally marching to her corner, waiting for her opponent to arrive.