Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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POW Match
Win Conditions
: Pinfall, Knockout, or Submission
Winner keeps Loser as a POW for the Night

"Alright, I can do this." After a bit of recover from that death match with Yuki, Amano was finally had the clear to start doing matches again. And this time around it'd be another fight with a debuting newbie. Not really unexpected. Amano's popularity grew since her last fight, but she was still a little new herself. A name, but not much of a presence. And guess they like sticking me with new people. Still, this would be an interesting match. She was fighting in a POW match, meaning winner kept the loser for the night. It was kind of wild that someone had the stones to fight her in such a match for their debut, but she had to admire their guts... whoever they were. The most Amano knew was that this Lorelei girl was small town wrestler using a cow motif. The thought sending a shiver down her spine as she remembered her own cow-themed match in the past. Okay, don't think about that right now. Last thing I need is the jitters before a match.

"Oh," Speaking of doing stuff before a match, she wanted to try something she saw a Senpai of hers did. Right as the announcer was introducing Amano she snatched her phone, shooting off a quick tweet.

Aiki_Demon wrote:You're favorite demon girl's back in fighting shape! 'Bout to head out and fight another newbie in a bit! Here's hoping they're AT LEAST as good as Kiyo-chan.

Might be nice to her as my trophy if she gives me a good fight~ 😈 😈 😈


"From Tokyo, Japan! Weighing in at 107 pounds and measuring at 5 feet! Representing Maizono Textiles and the Taishuya School of Martial Arts! The Rascal Demon, Amanoooo! Jaaaakuuuuu!"

Oh wow, she'd definitely have to get use to hearing that now that she was tracking some fame. Tossing her phone on her seat, Amano gave a solid nod to herself and made her way out to the stage.

Just as her theme kicked on she rushed onto the stage, greeted with a surprisingly mixed reception. Still mostly jeers and hissed, but there were a few honest cheers in there too. Guess that death match made me more popular after all. The twitter following was nice, but the actual crowd was even better. Still, she stuck her tongue out at the crowd, striding down the ramp while flashing her black panties under her black kimono top, getting a few whistles as she did so. This time around she decided to go harder on her demon motif, horns now glued to her forehead to give her a more demonic appearance, and the crowd's reaction to it was hype.

She climbed right into the ring, giving one more quick flash of her panties and slow twirl to show off her legs before finally marching to her corner, waiting for her opponent to arrive.


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Re: Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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A small sigh escaped her lips. Lorelei was a bit skittish before her big debut, in such a big arena! She hadn’t ever fought someone with a huge crowd, it was enough for caterpillars to turn into butterflies and fly out in her stomach! Or was the expression about snakes..? She didn’t remember very much. Lorelei stood in front of her mirror, adjusting the horns on her head and looking down at her gloved palms..

“.. g-guess it’s time to go..!”

She ran a hand through her hair.. but her phone dinged, which made her jump. She wasn’t used to this new technology as such, she’d only have joined the civilised world properly very recently. A message from her opponent.. her manager had definitely been following her foe. She had it forwarded to her.. and made to leave it alone, but she got a text to send something back.

She sighed. Pressing a palm to her cheek.. she tapped a few keys.
“@Aiki_Demon Sorry, but I’m gonna win!!

I may be small, but I’m not just another rookie! You’ll be my trophy tonight before the day is done!”
.. which reminded her. A POW match?? Talk about a wild debut.. only way she could top that would probably be a death match, which she wasn’t the most keen in. Looking at her opponent make her entrance.. she smiled to herself.

She was cute! And now it seemed to be her turn, as the announcer called her in. Lorelei didn’t have much of a rep for now, some of the crowd cheering for the newbie anyways, but most of the following was for Amano. Which was expecting. Striding down the ramp, she waved her arms, dressed in a rather unique garb, a skintight front, along with sleeves and gloves, her shoulders and underarms free of clothing however. She had some admittedly annoying fabric on front, and a bell on her neck.. which was mostly aesthetic. Didn’t ring much. Lorelei waved for the audience, turning around and sliding through the ring to face her opponent..

Unsure on HOW exactly to react. Should she greet her? Trash talk? Flip her off? No.. she’d go with.. all of them?.. maybe not flip her off tho. She just waved at her, slightly cheerily with a bit of a sigh escaping her lips.

“Hi!! Nice to meet you..! I hope I’ll have fun with you.. i-in the ring and out!”

She was supposed to be shy in a crowd, but.. Amano.. somewhat lacked the intimidating factor and more of a cute one, making her a bit at ease, as she tossed her a slightly bigger smile now..!
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Re: Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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Amano watched as her opponent walked down the ramp, raising an eye at her attire. A skin tight outfit, detached sleeves and a dress, gloves, and... horns. Okay, Amano had horns too, and the girl was clearly more cow themed with her little bell around the neck, but... Amano still felt a little disgruntled about seeing someone with a similar prop to hers. A pretty flashy attire overall though, even if it contrasted with the girl's more reserved disposition. Even once she got into the ring she seemed fidgety, unsure of how to react for a moment before she finally spoke.

And... she sounded cute.

"Snrrk!" Okay, really cute. Granted, Amano herself wasn't exactly the essence of intimidating either, but at least she tried. "Oh?" She walked forward, getting close to her face, their foreheads nearly touching as Amano matched her opponent's grin with a smirk of her own. She made an effort to sound confident, so Amano would do the same. "It's gonna' be fun for one of us, at least." She said, bumping her forehead against Lorelei's. "Better give it your all, Ushi-chan. I like my beef grounded."

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Re: Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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Lorelei kept her head high.. but as the sound of giggled erupted, her confidence crumbled. Was.. was she laughing at her? Did she do something wrong? Lorelei looked down at her outfit, mortified, her cheeks burning a fiery red. She prayed she hadn’t been the victim of a wardrobe malfunction.. but that wasn’t the case. Amano got up in her face, walking forwards as she leaned her head back, taking a slight step back as Amano approached, pressing her forehead against her anyways.

“U-Ushi-chan?” Now she realised she had the bell and the horns, but honestly! She hated the cow gimmick, she had signed up as the Rain in LAW for a reason! A slight heat rose to her cheeks, as Lorelei flushed with color, pressing her head against her tan skinned opponent..

“I.. am.. NOT a COW!! And that one of us is gonna be ME!!” . Seems like the jab at her appearance gave her a little bit of fiery spirit, as she huffed, taking a step forwards and pushing back against Amano. “Y-yeah? Well I’m gonna ground you, underneath all my beef!!” , shaking her hips to indicate that that was what she meant.
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Re: Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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Amano was holding back further snickers at her opponent's flushed expression, but soon found herself staggering back at the sudden shouting from her foe. And even as she retreated Lorelei made it a point to keep the closed distance between, shooting back a declaration of her own to take the demon down. "... ..." Amano cracked a smile. This girl had some fire after all! "Oh yeah?!" Amano pushed back, looking the girl in the eyes as their foreheads connected again. "Then gimme' your best shot, Ushi-chaan~ I like working for my meals!" She backed off before the referee could come between them, giving enough space to keep some semblance of peace between them to avoid a scolding.

Amano rolled her shoulders, loosening up for the fight ahead. She didn't have an idea of what this girl was capable of, but if Kiyoshi's debut taught her anything, it was to not underestimate someone before trading blows. Teasing aside, this cow girl might be a good fight if she bit as hard as she barked. Here's hoping.


And with the sound of the bell, the fight was on. "Come at me, Ushi-chan!"

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Re: Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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She heard her usage of Ushi-chan again. And this time she just puffed up her cheeks into a pout.. “Again..! I’m no cow.. and why do you keep calling me chan! I’m no baby, we’re around the same age!..”

Lorelei huffed. She didn’t think she’d get rid of the name anytime soon, even if she truly disliked it! So she retaliated in turn..

“If I’m Ushi-chan, you’re Oni-cha-.. wait, no!” And calling Amano something akin to Oni-chan.. she had meant to call her Oni as demon.. but well, onii-chan was.. big brother and that was pretty much a mistake. Thankfully the bell rang and saved her over stumbling over her words even more!

The fight was on! Lorelei usually preferred to take to the air, but for now she’d think too early. So she’d compromise, racing towards Amano, leaping upwards! She’d lash out with a foot, starting off the match on a powerful note with a dropkick to her fellow lightweight chest, planning on dropping or dizzying Amano to start off!
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Re: Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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"Srnnk!" She found herself snickering again. This girl was just too hard to not tease. And her attempt at a comeback was just as cute. Amano knew what she was going for, but... calling her 'big bro' was just... cute. She was tempted to say something back to really get the girl riled, but the bell had rang and the fight was on.

And Lorelei went right at her, charging forward with a dropkick right off the bat. "Whoa!" A surprisingly big move, but nothing Amano couldn't handle. She pivoted on her heel, turn to the side and dodged the blow in a smooth motion. Gonna' have to work harder than that~ She thought, smirking.

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Re: Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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Lorelei huffed as she heard the little snicker! That was unfair! She raced forwards with the drop kick off the bat, and Amano just avoided it like it was nothing, which was expected seeing as she was not a close quarters specialist. A slight huff escaped her lips, Lorelei staggering and maintaining her balance after bouncing on one foot post kick.. flailing her arms to keep her balance.

“Stop laughing..!!”
A small tick of anger formed on her forehead, as Lorelei twisted around to face Amano! So she took a little gamble, leaping out at the little demon like they were playing American football, planning on tackling her by the waist and slamming her on her back! If it’d work, she’d slide her knees down to Amanos arms, quickly pinning her arms underneath her knees and hopefully giving her a vantage point and a quick little pin down!
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Re: Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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Dodging the kick was easy enough with Lorelei flying straight at like that. Seeing Lorelei actually stagger and balancing on one foot like a clown? Yeah... it was hard to keep her snickers quiet. This girl really was an easy mark for teasing. Amano almost felt bad about it giving she was treating the girl's debut like a joke.

Almost... but this was honestly a funny sight, and Lorelei's pouting didn't exactly make the situation anymore serious.And the moment to two met eyes again the demon only had a wide, teasing grin on her face.

"Make me!"

And one could say Amano soon got what she deserved.

This time, the cow decided to become a bull, charging right forward and leaping to the air. This time, it wasn't another dropkick. No, as Amano started to pivot again she felt a weight a her waist, her eyes widening two later to realize she wasn't being struck, but grabbed. "Wah-!" And Amano hit the ground hard, slamming down on her back and gasping in shock and pain, stunned just enough for Lorelei to pressed her knees down on the demon's splayed out arms as she quickly came to. "Hey!" Of course, Amano wasn't going to just take this literally lying down, and immediately started kicking about. "Get your stupid cow butt off me!"

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Re: Locking Horns! (Amano vs. Lorelei)

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Oh how Lorelei relished this, being on top of Amano. A slightly cheeky smile popped up, as she’d get snug on top of her, pressing her knees down on her hands, pressing her hips against her. She gave her a teasing wink.. before leaning down and bopping her nose with a finger.

”Like you said.. make me!” She sighed. She’d rather not get down to using strikes, but it was either this or a smother and she didn’t feel like using her assets that way.. yet. Plus, some payback! She lifted up her fist and drove it down right into Amanos face, decking her with a solid punch! If it landed, she’d snicker at Amanos dazed face.. before huffing. “Shut up! I’m no cow! Stop calling me one! I’m Lorelei, Lorelei, Lorelei!!”

As in to prove her point, she spun around. Pressing her butt to Amanos face, she grinded against it a bit, a slight pout on her face! She’d make her pay, and using her free hand to give her a teasing spank, she’d intent on doing just that, nothing to hurt her too badly, but to try and embarrass the demon for a change!
Last edited by Aeri on Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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