Tornado Tag, Handicap, Smother Match
Victory attained only through smother K.O and/or smother submission of all opposing adversaries.
"Ami? AMI? WHERE ARE YOU AMI?!" Mami called out, searching for her tag partner, in a backstage waiting room. "Aha-choo! D-Darn it." Ami sneezed. She was hiding in an overturned trashcan.
"Is that you, Ami?!" "Ami isn't here right now. Please leave a message after the tone...beep." "Ami get outta there this second! We have a match soon!" "Th-That's why I'm hiding in here." "AMI!"
Reluctantly, Ami got out of the trashcan, making a big mess on the floor. A janitor suddenly came in, shocked. "I-I just came to take out the trash." He explained.
"Oh, well then you should take us both with you, because we're trash. And we need to be taken out..." "AMI!" "...of our misery."
The puzzled janitor quickly cleaned the mess and left, leaving the twins to continuing bickering.
"Ami! We are not trash! At least not with ME around. And soon, we'll be the greatest team in all of LAW! All these losers will grovel at our feet!" "What-What drugs are you on." "CLEAN YOURSELF UP! AND LET'S GO!" "Okay! Okay!"
With their usual shenanigans over with, for now, The Chan twins would be announced, exit backstage and walk down to the ring. Mami was pulling the pouting, pessimistic Ami along, as their entrance theme played. Luckily, their theme was happy and catchy enough, that Ami finally relaxed a bit. The small gals entered the ring, and Mami noticed Ami have a small smile. "I see you've finally gotten a winner's spirit?" Mami chirped. "I-I just like our music." Ami muttered, with a blush. Mami pouted, and then The Smother Twins simply waited for their opponent. Spoiler
Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 7:44 am
by ADarlingDucky
Throughout the entirety of her wrestling career so far, Aubrey Apple had never had the opportunity to step on a stage as big as the one she was about to set out onto now, and the magnitude of that moment was not lost at all on the redhead! Ms. Apple had gone through many things in her life, but few had been as exciting as this was, the teacher stepping up and taking a look at herself in the locker room mirror, a wry smile coming across her face as she examined herself, taking a second to study her own hefty breasts and behind!
But before long, the mature redhead would be on her way out of the locker room and to the entrance ramp, a smile on her face as she noted that she was facing off with two much younger wrestlers in her debut, a handicap match against foes that no doubt were quite a good fit for her to take on, a once in a lifetime opportunity to make an impact with her first match in the promotion!
With a deep breath one last time before making her entrance, Ms. Apple would push her way through the curtain and make her grand debut, posing at the top of the ramp for the crowd! Spoiler
With a confidence that few would expect from a woman making her debut in a handicap match, Ms. Apple would strut her way down to the ring with a smile on her face, quickly climbing into the squared circle, bending through the ropes and showing off quite a bit of her assets! Once inside of the ring, Ms. Apple would straighten up, turning to examine the two wrestlers that stood in front of her, a smirk on her face as she tossed her ruler aside for the time, finally addressing her foes!
"Well, aren't the two of you just adorable. I can't imagine that two cute girls like yourself would want to gang up on me, now would you?" Ms. Apple teased, eager to see just what the attitude of the ladies in front of her was!
Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins
Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:07 pm
by dddybee
The Smother Twins watched in anticipation, as Ms. Apple made her grand entrance. From the top of the ramp came a mature, curvy, teacher-themed women, the one and only: Aubrey Apple. The Chan Sisters got plenty of time to analyze her, as she posed for the crowd, showed off them curves, and then finally approached the two younger gals.
Mami wore a cute frown on her face. She was always upset when her handicapped opponent's showed zero fear in the face of her team, not that the tiny twins were intimidating in any way! "Of course we would." Mami replied. "Didn't you do your homework, ms. teacher? This is a handicap match, so you should be trembling with terror!" She proclaimed, trying her best at trash talk, before placing her hands on her hips. "Oh, and you're the one who is cute! WE'RE HOT! Right Ami.........Ami?"
Without Mami realizing, Ami had quietly stepped behind her partner in nervousness. Ami always hated being ignorant of the attitude of her opponents, not knowing if they were sadistic or not. However, Aubrey's playful, teasing words calmed Ami's nerves a bit, though she still barely made eye contact. She was intimidated by Ms. Apple's impressively curvy figure. Her hips in particular seemed to be promising Ami plenty of time under a plump behind, and they didn't seem like the lying type. Mami suddenly stepped to the side, forcing Ami to fully face their opponent.
"Don't be a scaredy cat! Show this teacher girl your scary face!" "Boo. And thanks. F-For calling calling us cute." "I SAID WE'RE HOT!"
Ms. Apple would have certainly gotten a good read on these two, as the audience anticipated the match to begin!
Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins
Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 6:38 pm
by ADarlingDucky
Entering the ring with a smile on her face, the crowd seemed immediately quite interested in Ms. Apple, no doubt thanks to the teacher's busty figure, and her confidence that seemed to carry her forwards with a certain grace, even into this handicap match! And as she faced off with her opponents, she couldn't help but let out a slight giggle as Mami addressed her, before the two sisters would begin to argue with one another once more, both of them trying to get on the same page!
"Oh, well my apologies for that young ladies. But please, we have a match to get to." Ms. Apple said with a smirk on her face, taking a step forwards, before motioning to the pair!
"Alright then Mami and Ami, which of you would like to go first? Or perhaps you'd like to make this a group assignment and wrestle me at the same time from the very start?" The mature teacher said with a wry smile, the bell ringing as she motioned for either of the two girls (or both) to come at her, letting her opponents make the first move!
Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 7:51 pm
by dddybee
After Ms. Apple giggled at her, Mami let out a cute, little growl. She was determined to look as intimating as possible, but her silly attempt at trash talk only served to amuse her more mature opponent! Ami on the other hand, would take a step back, as Aubrey stepped forward, clearly unnerved by the slightest bit of aggression shown to them!
Soon enough, their curvy adversary would signal for the twin sisters to square up, as the bell gave off its signature: "DING!" The match was on! "Alright Ami!" Mami commanded, dramatically raising her arm, before pointing her finger at Ms. Apple. "ATTACK!"
"M-Me?!" Ami stuttered. She didn't know what their teacher-themed opponent was capable of, and she most certainly didn't wanna be the very first one, to physically find out! Rather than bicker again with her bossy sister, she thought fast this time. "But Mami." She started. "If you went first, alone, you could use one hundred percent of your power, and take her down in one shot! Then you would be known, as the greatest wrestler of ALL TIME! Unless, you can't do that."
For a moment, Mami's eyes glistened in awe. "The greatest wres-OF COURSE I CAN!" Mami declared, having been successfully manipulated. "It's hip attack time!" Mami would then rush at Ms. Apple, before turning her body, to try just that. Blinded by ambition, Mami attempted to take Ms. Apple down in one hip attack, while Ami careful observed.
Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:36 am
by ADarlingDucky
Once the bell had rang, Ms. Apple waited patiently with a smile on her face as her two opponents stood across from her, watching and waiting to observe what they would do and how they would approach the busty teacher! And as was her prediction, Mami and Ami would begin to bicker between one another, Mami commanding Ami to attack first, with the much more shy sister not quite eager to approach, Ms. Apple giving them a coy smile as they continued to argue!
But it was when Ami pulled a bit of reverse psychology to send her sister charging in first that the match would begin in earnest, the smaller wrestler charging at the teacher and launching herself with a hip attack!
"My my! A bold maneuver, but perhaps you shouldn't announce what you're doing ahead of time!" Ms. Apple said with a smirk, readying herself as Mami flew at her, before catching the smaller woman in her arms! Ms. Apple would manage to grab hold of her foe, but wouldn't stop Mami's momentum at all, instead accelerating it as she looked to counter the attempted hip attack into a sudden and powerful german suplex, teaching her foe this lesson in quite the harsh manner!
Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins
Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 3:00 am
by dddybee
As Mami rushed at Ms. Apple full speed, going in for a hip attack, she was sure this was it. A defining point in her wrestling career. Could she really take out Ms. Apple in one move? Of course she could! All she had to do was believe in herself. And then, ANYTHING was possible!.....Or not. Instead of knocking the taller teacher down, Mami felt a restrictive sensation. She opened her eyes wide and realized, she was...caught. HOW COULD THIS BE! Her partner gasped at how easily Ms. Apple stopped Mami's attack cold! Though given the size of the twins as individuals, it should have been no surprise.
"What the what? Put me do-UGGGGH!" Mami cried, as Ms. Apple gave the reckless lightweight exactly what she was about to demand. However, Mami likely had other ideas, not wanting to be slammed down hard, with a mighty German Suplex! Along with her own strength, it seemed the intelligent teacher had used Mami's momentum against her, leaving the twin rattled on the mat! Mami groaned from the move, while Ami took in what had just occurred.
"Yikes!" Ami squealed. "But yeah, that was kinda dumb, sister dear.""Oooowww. L-Less talking m-more attacking!" Mami retorted, unable to immediately rise. Ami had tried to delay the inevitable, but it was her time to make a move. "F-Fine." She said nervously, options and outcomes racing through her head. Maybe her twin had just used the wrong type of hip attack. Ami would back up a little, before charging and jumping. She turned her lithe body in the air, aiming to use her backside to nail Ms. Apple's face. With her twin still floored behind their foe, Ami went for a flying peach attack instead!
Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2021 8:45 am
by ADarlingDucky
With Mami flying towards her, Ms. Apple would deftly catch the smaller wrestler right out of the air as she came flying in, using the small woman's momentum to bring her completely up and over, slamming her down with a massive german suplex! The suplex completely floored Mami, her sister letting out a yelp of surprise as she watched, while Ms. Apple would let go of the downed wrestler, standing back up with a coy smile on her face as Ami and Mami once more began to bicker, feeling like she was beginning to see a pattern here as the two smaller wrestlers went back and forth, Mami spurring her sister into action through her words!
And sure enough, Ami would soon be rushing towards Ms. Apple as well, leaping towards the teacher and turning in the air, attempting to hit a flying peach, a quite similar maneuver to the one her sister had just failed to connect with!
"Oh my, you poor dears! You haven't learned at all!" Ms. Apple chided the pair of sisters with a coy smile on her face, as she watched Ami fly towards her, suddenly stepping to the side! Aubrey's plan was quite simple, and that was to teach the sisters a painful lesson as she simply intended to let Ami miss with her flying peach, and land on her sister, who was still floored by the german suplex, the pair likely to end up in a pained heap on the canvas after their attempts!
Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:45 am
by dddybee
While still floored on the mat, Mami watched in eager anticipation, as Ami tried a flying peach attack on Ms. Apple. Surely this would hit. Surely Ami would avenge Mami's previously failed attempt, to ram her booty into their mature opponent. A flying hip attack was different enough from a running hip attack, right? How could this possibly go wrong?! Or so Mami Chan thought...
"HehHehHehHeh-AAAAAAAHHHH!" Mami's giggling quickly turned into a panicked scream, when Aubrey side stepped her sister's attack, at a perfectly timed moment! Not feeling her angled bottom connect with the clever teacher's face, Ami felt as though something was...aMISS. But soon enough, Ami's attack would hit someone, that someone being her floored partner! "What-OOOOFFF!" Ami exclaimed, as she landed rump first on her twin's body! The momentum sent both poor girls rolling over one another, ending up in an aching pile, just as their foe predicted!
"Oooow...We're on the same team, dummy!" Mami snapped, after taking the full brunt of her sister's dodged move. "Owie...Y-You could've gotten outta of the way, sl-slowpoke." Ami retorted, becoming annoyed with her bossy twin, having taken some recoil damage of her own. "Y-You weren't even good at breaking my fall.""GAH! Just get off me!""You're the one who's on me.""No you!""Good grief."
In truth, the two twins were more or less "on" each other, tangled in uncomfortable heap. With their attention currently off their formidable adversary, Ms. Apple would likely be the one on both of them soon, if the Chan sisters couldn't get themselves together!
Re: Ms. Apple (Debut) vs. The Smother Twins
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:23 am
by ADarlingDucky
Letting Ami fly past her, Ms. Apple would allow the hip attack to soar by as she looked on with a sly smile, watching as the flying sister crashed into the downed sister, causing the pair of them to collide with quite the impact, the two wrestlers doing far more damage to each other than to Ms. Apple! The redhead turned to observe the pair, seeing Ami and Mami tied up on the ground, looking like a tangle of limbs as they shouted at one another, neither one seemingly able to separate from the other, much to their dismay!
Ms. Apple paused for a moment as she watched they struggle, giving a light sigh, before walking over to the piled up women, perhaps getting their attention as she turned and sat down on top of them both, taking a load off on top of the tangled up pair!
"Seems like you girls have quite the problem with working together. So how about a little group assignment for you two! Let's see if you can figure out a way to work with one another! Let's start by getting out of this predicament!" Ms. Apple instructed happily, crossing one leg over the other as she sat atop the pile of Ami and Mami, a smirk on her face as she waited to see how they would attempt to fight out and get her off, if they were able to work together that long!