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The Wolf and the Serpent [Scar vs Python]

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 9:42 am
by thesteedman
Sophia Wolfe Vs Python
Match: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, Knockout, Count out or DQ

With another successful card running its course, all that remained tonight was the Main Event! Sophia Wolfe was already booked in to face one of LAW's newcomers... and already the crowd were on their feet in anticipation for one of the fan favourites carried over from Full Metal Wrestling to the LAW! Soon enough, the lights began to darken, and already the crowd began to pop knowing the Main Event was about to start with Scar's theme music beginning to explode on the PA system at high volume!
As the music began, a mist began to fill the entrance area along with a few flashing lights, as the fans got pumped up knowing Sophia was about to appear. When the mist cleared, Sophia Wolfe was naturally present, kneeling in the centre of the entrance area with her eyes closed, prompting the fans to cheer louder. Soon enough Sophia Wolfe jumped up to her feet, performing a few solid strikes as a few flashes and fireworks began to erupt in unison. Sophia herself was not exactly a fan of the theatrics that had been added to her entrance by the upper brass, but she could not deny how much it got the crowd going when she finished with a flying spinning kick in the air along with the biggest flash from a powerhouse firework. When the opening antics were complete, Sophia began to make her way down the entrance ramp towards the ring.

The wrestler nicknamed Scar for the visible mark down her eye was clad in a variation of her variant attire, wearing a red and black top that covered only her upper torso, leaving her shoulders and upper arms bare, along with her well defined and alluring midriff exposed. Her forearms were clad in red straps and black elbow pads with matching finger cut gloves, whilst she wore her Gi pants with her Gi top tied low around her waist. She walked barefoot, adjusting her elbow pad as she made her way down the ramp with a stoic expression upon her angelic facial features. The young German woman was not one to play to the crowd despite their love for her, ignoring the outstretching hands for tags, though she did give the occasional nod to passionate younger fans who had come to see their heroes tonight.

She entered the ring as her music continued to hit on the PA system, soon taking the far corner as her starting area for the upcoming match. Again, she did little to play up to the crowd, but she was beginning to make some efforts, giving a bow towards the ground before she turned around and knelt back down onto her knees by her corner. Sophia almost looked like she was meditating, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, as all she did for now was wait for her opponent to show up in tonight's highly anticipated main event. As the crowds continued to cheer... that reaction soon shifted when the music ended, signalling the entrance of Sophia Wolfe's opponent for tonight!

Sophia kept her eyes closed for the time being... knowing her opponent would appear shortly. It was unusual circumstances for tonight... as the newcomer Python had specifically requested a match to fight Sophia Wolfe herself. Regrettably Sophia had little to go on, knowing virtually nothing about Python past the rumours that circulated around her, and a total air of mystery. Wolfe would fine out soon enough, as Python's theme music began to hit the PA system, prompting the crowds to turn their attention to the new recruit in LAW!

Re: The Wolf and the Serpent [Scar vs Python]

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 2:00 pm
by ZorzLeth
Python's music played, which gave off a sense of foreboding, as Wolfe's opponent at last arrived. The woman that emerged had a rather ample body with tanned skin covered by clothing that could could easily be associated with the jungle girl archetype. The woman's top and briefs were a combination of fabric, animal fur (unknown if it was real or fake) and teeth; with the primary colours being brown and yellow. The vambraces on her arms appeared to be of a similar make to her main clothes, yet keeping up with the design of a jungle girl attire it appeared to held together by string. It could also be said the same for her toeless stockings, as they too were held together by string.

The crowd to what they thought about this Python. She looked drop-dead gorgeous, but she was one of the more recent arrivals to LAW. It was uncertain just how good of a wrestler she was. But tonight would be the night that answer would be answered.

She walked down towards the ring and climbed on in, eying her opponent in the process.

"So, you're the tough Sophia Wolfe?" Python teased a bit, once she had got into the ring and started to joke, "I wonder if your bark is the best thing you got.

Re: The Wolf and the Serpent [Scar vs Python]

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 9:31 am
by thesteedman
"I suppose you will find out one way or another." Sophia replied in a stoic manner, adjusting her elbow pad a little as she stood on her feet finally. She eyed Python up and down as she began to get into position, taking a fighting stance before her as the bell was prepped to ring. Sophia knew nothing about Anna Conda... Her outfit suggested her origins were beyond the civilised world, and her well defined build suggested a lot of power. The LAW no doubt had confidence in her ability to pit her up against Scar. Sophia carried with her a reputation from her former federation in the Full Metal Wrestling... she had long been one of its... if not its top wrestler. She had claimed many championships, and Sophia was already an established presence long before that in her Martial Arts tournament days, becoming a champion long before she was even a wrestler.

Python?... She was an unknown. Sophia did not like that, she had no knowledge of what she was going in against, but if she had to wager, Python was a form of powerhouse. Her well sculpted body, her subtle but visible muscles... Python could probably pack a punch. As her name suggested, Constrictors were strong creatures, relying not on poisons like many other serpents, but their own cunning and ability to capture and squeeze their prey with raw strength. Anna Conda was no doubt full of strength.

There was only one way to find out just how Python fought... and that was to test her in combat. Sophia shifted her stance, before moving in towards Python, looking to throw a few strikes towards her chest, hoping to drive her back a little, before she attempted to finish off her combo with a big kick, looking to try and plant her bare foot deep into her stomach. If successful, she hoped to drive Python towards the corner!

Re: The Wolf and the Serpent [Scar vs Python]

Posted: Mon May 24, 2021 7:37 pm
by ZorzLeth
"Such a confident creature." Python said, with her comment joking about Wolfe's last name, "I will enjoy crushing your spirits." While this would be the first time Python met Wolfe in person, she was aware of some aspects of her opponent's history. Being a former champion of a previous wrestling enterprise would get people to know more about someone like Wolfe. With the kind of experience that Wolfe had, Python suspected that Wolfe could try to overwhelm her with a variety of different attacks and strategies. Of course, Python could always adapt, she had the stamina and endurance to take the punishment.

Still, she was slightly surprised that Wolfe took the initiative by going for a few strikes at her chest. Python raised her arms to block the blows that were meant for her chest. After Wolfe made the next few strikes, Python side-stepped her opponent, managing to avoid a kick to the stomach. Getting behind Wolfe, Python quickly wrapped her arms around her opponent's waist. Then, she proceeded to lift Wolfe off the ground.

"You like to show your bite is better than your bark. I like that." Python whispered into her opponent's ear before she arched backwards, taking Wolfe with her. She was about to perform a back suplex which, if successful, would slam Sophia hard onto the ring.

Re: The Wolf and the Serpent [Scar vs Python]

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 12:55 pm
by thesteedman
Sophia gasped as Anna was able to pre-empt her heavy kick towards her stomach, all but side stepping the strike to leave Sophia's bare foot hitting nothing but air. Before she could pull her leg back and retreat, Python was already within reaching distance, slipping her arms around Sophia's waist from behind. Sophia grimaced as Anna Conda hoisted her upwards off her feet, applying powerful pressure to her waist.

"Ugh! I am not sure that I like you." Sophia replied to Python as she held her up. She certainly disliked the manner in which she whispered down her ear, holding a seductive tone. Sophia was about to try and slam her elbows down against Python's arms, but the taller wrestler was quick to act before she could. The German wrestler gasped out loud as she was hoisted higher, tensing her midriff to endure the growing pressure. A bearhug was not the attempt however, and Sophia was caught off her guard when Python fell backwards, arching herself into a C like shape before slamming Sophia down hard against the mat below.

Sophia grunted loudly, bounding off the mat hard. The crowd gave off mixed reactions, unaware of Python's nature, and as such for the time being they cheered her on, giving equal support to both Sophia Wolfe and Anna Conda. Sophia grimaced, favouring her back after taking all the slam, before she looked to try and get to her feet quickly, knowing well her enemy would not relent upon their attack!

Re: The Wolf and the Serpent [Scar vs Python]

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 1:34 pm
by ZorzLeth
Sophia, however, would be proven right about her opponent not relenting. As she tried getting on her feet, Python tackled her to the ground. As Python laid on top of her, the posing between the two looked....'suggestive' to say the least.

"Oh that is such a shame." Python said in a sad tone that was intended to be mocking before she whispered seductively again, "Because I think I'll like taming you into an obedient mutt." As they talked, Python slipped her arms around Sophia's waist. While pinning Sophia to the floor, Python gave her opponent a sharp squeeze.

"Now howl for me, girl." Python jokingly said as she slightly tightened her grip, "I want to hear you howl in pain."

Re: The Wolf and the Serpent [Scar vs Python]

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 3:48 pm
by thesteedman
Sophia grunted when Python pressed her momentum and advantage, coming in to full body tackle the German wrestler off her feet before she could even come to stand on them. The crowd gasped out at the impact, as both Wolfe and Python went down to the ground with Anna naturally managing to get on top being the perpetrator of the move. Sophia felt winded, briefly stunned from the impact, allowing Python to slowly and suggestively slide up against her form, slowly slithering over her in a seductive and alluring manner.

Sophia winced, managing to gain her bearings, feeling Python slowly bearing down upon her. The look within Anna's eyes betrayed both malicious intent, and something more. There was a longing within her glance that bode ill for Sophia, and all too late she realised that Python had managed to wrap her powerful arms around her slender waist. Slowly, her arms began to tense up, forcing a low groan from Sophia. Her stomach tensed up to try and endure, as instinctively Sophia began to press against her shoulders, coming to discover exactly why Anna Conda was known as Python given her powerful grip. Another sharp squeeze forced a brief shout from the German as she heard Python begin to whisper in a low teasing and seductive tone as her face neared her bare stomach.

"Ugh! You will find... I cannot be tamed!" Sophia gasped out in defiance!

Re: The Wolf and the Serpent [Scar vs Python]

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 10:25 pm
by ZorzLeth
"We shall see..." Python said with a tone in her voice that would make Sophia even more unsettled. Having tackled her opponent to the ground, and secured her arms around Sophia's waist, Python proceeded to squeeze on Sophie's waist. Of course, she was not going to go all out with her strength. Instead, she was going to tighten the bear hug each time she felt Sophia's body taking in a breath. Then, she would tighten her hold.

The audience continued to display their mixed reaction to the whole thing. They weren't sure if to fully cheer for Python or Sophia. Python took not of this and smirked as she whispered to Sophia, "You think your fans hopes will break as the same as when I break your spirit?"

Re: The Wolf and the Serpent [Scar vs Python]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 9:05 am
by thesteedman
Sophia gasped out as Python began to constrict her form akin to that of a dangerous constrictor of her namesake. Sophia's bare stomach tensed up as Python began to squeeze, adding a little more pressure each time Sophia drew breath. It was certainly a unique method to apply the hold, though as it began to tighten ever so slightly more with each strained breath, there was certainly an effectiveness to the hold. Sophia winced, pushing against Python's shoulders.

The method in which she slid against her made her gasp out in alarm, seeing a look within Python's eye that she did not approve of. The manner in which she spoke was most seductive, and there was a desire set within her watching eyes as she kept her gaze upon Sophia whilst slowly constricting her alluring form. Sophia bit on her lower lip to try and suppress a moan of pain, looking to see if the ropes were near, hoping to try and reach and attempt to get a rope break to escape the deadly hold upon her.

Re: The Wolf and the Serpent [Scar vs Python]

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 2:31 pm
by ZorzLeth
There were ropes that were behind Python. However, they were a few feet away from the two. This would mean that Sophia might have to reach for the ropes. In the mean time, Python smirked as her bearhug tightened more and more.

"Come on now," Python said in a teasing, yet mocking tone, "Let's hear those whimpers, dog." She tightened once again when she felt her opponent take a breath, adding more to the unbearable pain. The squeezing was starting to force Sophia to arch back in the process.

Python was enjoying the process of tormenting her opponent.