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Cecilia Lombard vs. Sayako Jun
Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 12:54 am
by CaptainL
Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout
Cecilia Lombard was on her way back up - and that was just as she liked it. She hadn't achieved the sort of success she had been hoping for when she first joined LAW, but when she faced defeat after defeat even against her most hated of rivals, it grew clear to her that she needed to make a change if she wanted to succeed. Cecilia was known for her cold, ruthless attitude as much as she was known for her willingness to play mind games and outwit her opponents, and she wasn't about to let any weakness in herself go unaddressed any less than she would let her opponents get away with leaving an opening for her. She knew that she needed to get serious, and she had committed herself to training for when she would return to the ring, making sure she'd dominate the competition. So far, she'd been doing a fine job of that, crushing plenty of would-be challengers under her feet and without mercy. And now, she was ready to do it all again.
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Coming first to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan! At 5'6 and 135 pounds, CECILIA LOMBARD!"
The lights went dark for a moment before they came up to show Cecilia standing atop the entrance ramp, her fists balled at her sides and her gaze focused on the path ahead of her. She rolled her head from side to side, working the kinks out of her neck and shoulders. But she soon fixed her eyes on the ring with a narrowed glare, and she began to make her way down the ramp, her back straight and her pace measured. With each time she stomped her feet on the ramp, the lights began to come up, illuminating her path to the ring. There, she grabbed the ropes to lift herself in, rolling over the top rope and taking her position. As Cecilia came to one side of the ring, she looked back up toward the ramp, waiting to see how her opponent would make her arrival.
Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Sayako Jun
Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 11:42 am
by Highfly
Soon Sayako was making her way out to the ring in her orange and blue bikini, cell phone in hand. "Hey everyone! I am about to show what a pretty little streamer can do between the ropes!" She said to the camera filming herself and spinning around to show the crowd. The cheers she heard were from her channel fans, not really rooted in her wrestling ability or lack thereof.
Sayako sreut confidently down the ramp, pausing halfway to take a few selfies of her puckering her lips and a small video of her swaying her hips before winking at the camera. She put her phone down and walked up the ring steps before smiling to the crowd blowing some kisses before finally turning to her opponent.
"You look like a Debbie Downer you know that? I haven't even put a hurting on you yet either!" Sayako said ina sassy confident tone. She was sure of herself and seemed to be the only one in the arena who believed she was actually going to win.
Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Sayako Jun
Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 6:04 pm
by CaptainL
As soon as Sayako entered the arena, Cecilia groaned. Really? This was who she was up against? A streamer? She was trying to make a name for herself as a threat, and the management had offered her an opponent who didn't even seem to know what she was doing. Was this some sort of a joke? The dark-haired girl grumbled, clenching her teeth as she lowered her head and shook it. If it was a joke, it wasn't funny. Cecilia was out to shed the image she'd gained from suffering so many embarrassing losses, and going up against a barely qualified internet celebrity who couldn't even be bothered to take her eyes off her phone as she came to the ring, hardly seemed like it would do much in that regard. Was this the level the promoters thought she was on?
At last, Sayako put her phone down, after what to Cecilia felt like an eternity. She crossed her arms, glaring back at the lightweight through narrowed eyes. She could already tell, from the moment Sayako opened her mouth, that she was going to be an annoyance. But at least that was only going to make it more satisfying when she put her in her place.
"Imagine that," Cecilia muttered in response to Sayako's taunts. "You know what else? That's not going to change any time soon!"
As soon as the bell rang, Cecilia lowered herself, her arms held out forward as if offering a lockup. However, this was only her way of testing Sayako's response. If she took Cecilia up on her offer, she was going to punish her for her naivete - rather than return the gesture, she would swing to the side to try and pull Sayako down for an arm drag!
Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Sayako Jun
Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 7:56 pm
by Highfly
Sayako saw that Cecilia was much bigger than her. There was no way she was going to take her up on this! She moved in with a smile slowly reaching her hands out.
As soon as she was close Sayako would try to send a fast toe kick to the abdomen of Cecila before grabbing two handfuls of hair, spinning and throwing Cecilia to the mat by the hair!
"Haha! Fooled you ya big flubbery American!" Sayako said as she stuck her tongue out at Cecilia, holding her arms out as she strut confidently.
Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Sayako Jun
Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 11:50 pm
by CaptainL
With the way she was acting, there was no way Sayako knew anything about wrestling, Cecilia thought. It would be easier than ever to get into her head, goad her into making a mistake, and then go in for the kill, the same formula she had perfected to great success in her career. Many wrestlers now knew better than to try and match Cecilia head to head in a lockup - but Sayako was taking the bait! A smirk flashed across Cecilia's lips as she saw the lightweight reaching in closer, not even realizing she was sealing her own fate...
Except Sayako, as it turned out, knew just what she was doing! Right as Cecilia was about to grab onto her, her opponent swung a kick into her gut, causing her to double over forward with a groan as her hands shot down to shield her stomach. But as she bent over, she would only put herself at Sayako's mercy, as she grabbed her by the hair, swinging her off her feet! After hitting the mat, Cecilia rolled aside, soon coming to a stop, where she began to sit back up. She rubbed at her temples to try and dull the pain in her scalp.
Cecilia looked back up at Sayako, and she grumbled in frustration, her eyes narrowing into a glare. Getting swung off her feet by the hair was never fun, but the pain wasn't bothering Cecilia nearly as much as the fact that she had let herself be outsmarted, no less by someone who clearly had no business even considering herself on the same level. The fact that Sayako was being so smug about it was even worse. Her hand trembled, and Cecilia had to hold back the urge to go over and smack Sayako in the face then and there, just to shut her up.
But that, she reminded herself, would do her no good. There were far better ways to handle this. For now, she would continue to try and mess with her head. Hoping to lull the streamer into a false sense of security, Cecilia stayed lying on her side, watching Sayako. She wanted her to let her guard down, thinking that she was vulnerable, so that she would come closer and into her trap!
Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Sayako Jun
Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:30 am
by Highfly
Sayako saw Cecilia was still down and decided to try to keep up with her attacks! "Lets show her what we can do shall we?!" Sayako shouted as she dashed towards the downed Cecilia! Sayako was screaming as she ran full of confidence! This match was starting out much better than her debut had so she wanted to keep putting on a show for the fans knowing full well the better she did the more people would check her out on her channel!
Sayako tried to run and slide at Cecilia hoping to hit her in the abdomen with a low running dropkick! She hoped her speed which was her best attribute would help her crash into the abdomen of Cecilia with some solid force! Sayako wanted to hammer this lady, her sourpuss attitude in total contrast with the loud, brash Sayako.
Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Sayako Jun
Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 3:59 pm
by CaptainL
Cecilia rolled onto her side, but she stayed there, propping herself up on her elbow. She would keep her eyes locked on Sayako, watching as the streamer came in closer. Little did she know, that was exactly what Cecilia wanted! If Cecilia didn't get back on her feet, she'd come across as weak and vulnerable, and that would goad her impulsive opponent into making a mistake. A mistake she would pay for.
A smile played across Cecilia's face as she watched Sayako run closer. It was exactly what she had planned for, and the only thing that could make it better would be the satisfaction of landing her counter-attack - which, as a matter of fact, she was about to do just now! Just as Sayako's foot was about to connect, Cecilia lifted her leg off the ground, spinning herself around in a circle toward Sayako as she went for a kick to her head! She moved with a quick burst of energy, one she hoped would take her opponent off guard!
Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Sayako Jun
Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 8:05 pm
by Highfly
As Sayako came running in her opponent sprang to life and swung her leg up positioning herself just right to adjust, hitting Sayako in the head instead of Sayako sliding into the exposed abdomen of Cecilia!
"ARGH!" Sayako screamed as she crumpled to the mat in a heap. Her arms cradled her head as she moaned out in agony clearly hammered hard by the surprise counter!
Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Sayako Jun
Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 12:08 am
by CaptainL
Sayako thought she had it. She had Cecilia in her sights, and she was diving down in her direction, her legs held out in front of her as she prepared to connect with her opponent in a sliding dropkick. Even some of the fans had to cheer for her in that moment. Sayako might not have had all that much experience when it came to wrestling, but she still knew her way around enough to pull off some surprisingly effective moves.
But whatever experience Sayako had, Cecilia easily had a leg up on her. She'd been wrestling even longer than the lightweight had, through the good times and the bad, and she had mastered her fair share of holds, reversals, and tricks that were designed to take advantage of her opponents' mind as much as their physical reality. And she was the one who had baited and set the trap to begin with - now, she was going to spring it! Right as Sayako came into range, Cecilia pushed off the ground with the palms of her hands, lifting herself into the air as she swung her legs out to connect with Sayako's skull in a brutal kick!
Crying out in pain, Sayako fell back on the mat, clutching at her head. Cecilia soon settled down to face her, leaning forward from where she had come to rest. "You really think it's that easy, do you?" she teased. "Not at all..." Taking Sayako's leg, Cecilia would twist it into place around her own, holding it down before she dropped onto her back to put her in a figure four leglock!
Re: Cecilia Lombard vs. Sayako Jun
Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 10:09 am
by Highfly
Sayako groaned as she was smacked in the head and laid out on the mat vaguely hearing what Cecilia was saying to her. However she was jolted back to reality harshly when the submission hold was locked in! "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Sayako howled, flailing as her small frame was twisted and her legs bursting with excruciating pain! Sayako flailed and howled, stuck in the hold without her being able to escape, at least not through purely technical means! Sayako howled in pain as she tried to buck and roll, thrashing about as she was stuck!