To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

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To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

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Sophia Wolfe Vs Kira Scylla
Match: POW - Loser of match will become Prisoner of victor for a seven days
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, Knockout, Count out or DQ

It was a rare occurrence that a LAW show would disappoint the fans... a rare one indeed. Given how much the fans were on their feet after an explosive card... it was clear this was not one of those rare nights either! The fans went wild after one hell of a match, and they were left wanting more, knowing there was one more match on tonight's show. A match that had some building history over the last few weeks! Just when it felt like the crowd had reached its maximum volume, somehow the cheers grew even louder when Sophia's theme tune began to hit the PA system at massive volume.
As the music began, a mist began to fill the entrance area along with a few flashing lights, as the fans got pumped up knowing one of the fan favourite was about to appear. When the mist cleared, Sophia Wolfe was naturally present, kneeling in the centre of the entrance area with her eyes closed, prompting the fans to cheer louder still. Soon enough Sophia Wolfe jumped up to her feet, performing a few solid strikes as a few flashes and fireworks began to erupt in unison. She finished with a flying spinning kick in the air along with the biggest flash from a powerhouse firework, only managing to set the crowd off more. When the opening antics were complete, Sophia began to make her way down the entrance ramp towards the ring. She was slowly getting used to the theatrics... she had no desire for the fireworks, but she could not deny that it got the fans going.

The wrestler nicknamed Scar for the visible mark down her eye was clad noticeably more conservative for this match. Often she had her midriff bare, but she noticeably wore her full outfit this time. No doubt betraying that Kira had been slowly getting into her head with her antics.
The young German beauty was not one to play to the crowd as usual despite their love for her, ignoring the outstretching hands for tags, though she did give the occasional nod to passionate younger fans who had come to see their heroes tonight. It was a vast improvement for her given she did not normally even acknowledge them at all. A work in progress given she was not exactly a good people person.
She entered the ring as her music continued to hit on the PA system, soon taking the far corner as her starting area for the upcoming match. Again, she did little to play up to the crowd, but she was beginning to make some efforts, giving a bow towards the ground before she turned around and knelt back down onto her knees by her corner. Sophia almost looked like she was meditating, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, as all she did for now was wait for her opponent to show up in tonight's highly anticipated main event.

She didn't quite look herself... she seemed to have a slight nervousness about her tonight. Many speculated it was due to the change in stipulation that was announced only hours ago that the POW conditions had been altered. What was supposed to be one day had turned into a week... It was all last minute... with Kira no doubt pulling strings somewhere... it all added to the mind games... before Kira's music began to play at high volume!

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Re: To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

A new theme kicked in as two well chiseled men that were dressed like aquatic themed spartans stepped out of the entrance way lugging a chain across their shoulders. They continued to march forward as they dragged behind them a cylinder tank that was filled with water, the treads underneath the tank making it easier to move the container inside the tank floating in it was Kira with her long blue ponytailed hair and her revealing armored bikini with her starfish shield on her back. The soldier lackeys continued their march until they brought the tank halfway towards the ring before they dropped the chain and marched off. As the song began to pick up in intensity around the 50 second mark, Kira opened her eyes from within the cylinder to look towards her prey with a evil smile on her face as she brought a hand up to the cylinder. She then narrowed her eyes as she shifted into an intense glare as she pulled the shield off of her back.

It was then at about 1:07 into the music that Star let out a scream within the water as her arms stretched out to slam her shield into the inside of the cylinder and with well timed pyrotechnics the some little explosions trigged on the outside of the tank that made the front of the cylinder explode outward, letting the glass explode outward as the water flowed out of the tank to make Star look like she floated down to the ground as she then spewed the water out of her mouth like HHH would do after swigging his bottle of water before he entered the ring. The lady leviathan was let loose now as she then smirked confidently as she continued to stare at Sophia as she marched towards the ring, letting the excess water drip off her body and hair. She then took her shield and set it down at the corner of the ring as she then slid into the ring. Slowly rising up to her feet as she gripped her wrists and rotated them a little, ready to begin.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Fri May 07, 2021 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

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"That was... an interesting entrance. Do you believe yourself to be some form of goddess all of a sudden?... If so that is quite the promotion. You will look all the more foolish when I defeat you again." Sophia spoke to Lady Leviathan once the woman entered the ring. By now Sophia was on her feet, slowly taking a fighting stance as all she was waiting for was the bell to signal the start of the match.
"And don't think for one moment that your mind games will do anything for you Kira. I know you had the stipulation altered... this amount of time was never agreed upon... but it won't matter when I defeat you. It is my intent to win tonight and offer you to Keiko as a Prisoner of War... she deserves retribution for what you did to her." Sophia further declared, her expression souring slightly with anger.

Soon enough, the bell began to ring, and Sophia wasted no time going upon the advance. By now she had no liking of Kira Scylla at all. Her intent for Sophia was all but clear, her horrid attack against her during her fight with Keiko, and now this altered stipulation. For all her posturing, there was evidence of Sophia being intimidated by Kira, even if she emotionally did not reveal so. Her changed attire hid more skin when Sophia was known of commonly baring her midriff... and she spoke first to Kira, coming out with her threats, when normally Sophia was stoic and quiet... often letting others address her first before replying.

Even now, she was being a little more reckless than usual, pushing forwards towards Kira, as she looked to open her up with a flurry of strikes, hoping to create an opening to where she could attempt to flip Kira towards the centre of the ring!

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Re: To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

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"Quite the opposite dear, not a goddess. You should know by now that you're messing with a demon of the seas. Also, you should have read the contact before signing it." Kira teased with a smirk about the extended stipulation. She then noticed Sophia rush her and she did her best to try to block the barrage that Sophia exploded with. A few strikes made it through, but Kira was able to grunt her way through most of the pain, but then she was caught by the arm and flipped onto her back. However as she was flipped onto her back, Kira's legs lifted up and back, catching Sophia by the side of the neck. "Mind games won't do anything for me? Ha! you started off aggressive, and therefore, reckless!" She called out as she pulled with her legs to flip Sophia over her and onto her back as she then rose to her feet. "Seven days as my poochie, this will be a glorious week."[/color' she taunted as she took a few steps back, allowing Sophia to get up, though as soon as she did, Kira charged at Sophia, leaping up and twisting her body sideways as she lifted her knee up to try to slam the side of her leg into Sophia's chest to make her slam back to the ground again.

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Re: To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

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Sophia was well known for her overwhelming tactics of attack, but normally such a strategy did not come into play until Sophia had sized her opponent up. She normally started off defensively, gained a feel for her opponent and their own tactics and strengths before she would engage. She had fought Kira once before... but even then Sophia was smart enough to know opponents could adapt and would still play it somewhat safe at first. This was unlike her... and it seemed Kira was counting on it when she was able to capture her neck with both her legs before flipping her with considerable strength.

Naturally Sophia was up on her feet just as quickly as Kira was, but Kira was swifter on this occasion, flying in with a stiff kick of sorts straight into Sophia's chest. Sophia gasped out, the momentum and the strength of the strike digging deep into her chest, sending her straight back down onto her back. With a grunt, Sophia looked to roll away, trying to keep Kira from pressing an advantage, before she went for a sweep kick towards Kira's legs, hoping to catch the woman off guard and bring her down in what was fast becoming a heated exchange between the two.

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Re: To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

It wasn't a kick, more like a side knee strike that knocked Sophia to the ground, but before Kira could capitalize she found feet swept from under her, falling sideways to the ground with a grunt. She then rolled onto her stomach as she pushed her upper body up as she glared at Sophia through gritted teeth. She then pushed forward, bursting up from the ground as she hooked her arms around Sophia's upper legs, pulling her up off of her feet as she charged to the corner turnbuckle, attempting to ram Sophia's back hard into it.

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Re: To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

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Sophia gasped out as Kira charged her, managing to hoist her upwards before running the length of the ring towards the corner. The crowd gasped out as Sophia was slammed hard, back first against the corner, making her cry out in pain as Kira grinded her deep against the turnbuckle. Sophia bit on her lower lip hard, pressing her arms down against Kira to try and seperate herself from her to little avail.

"Uugh... I will make you... pay for what you did to Keiko!" Sophia grimaced out.

She cusped her hands together, before trying to double axe handle Kira down against her back, trying to nail her a few more times if she did not release her from the press against the corner. She looked to force Kira to back away, prepared to kick her in the chest with a dropkick using the corner if the chance came to be!

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Re: To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

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Kira grunted out as she was axehandled in the back, forcing her down to one knee before she rammed Sophia's body again, they were trading blows back and forth like this was more of a street fight then a wrestling match. Sophia did managed with her last axehandle to make Kira stagger back, however when she went to plant her feet into Kira's chest, Kira ended up absorbing the blow as she wrapped her arms pressed into Sophia to make her legs slide up to her shoulders as she then wrapped her arms around Sophia's thighs. She then screamed out in rage as she jerked Sophia away from the corner as she then twisted around to face towards the center of the ring as she pulled down with her arms to power bomb Sophia to the mat in retaliation.

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Re: To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

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Kira showed off her raw power, managing to hoist Sophia upwards after her dropkick attempt, before she span the German beauty around and soon landed a brutal powerbomb against her. Sophia hit the mat hard, near folding in on herself before she lay on the mat. The crowd began to jeer loudly, as Kira was finally able to get the better of the exchange between the two wrestlers.

Normally Sophia was quick to rise, but getting hit so hard with such a powerful move clearly took it out of Sophia. Though fresh, she was clearly hurt, taking too much time as she rolled onto her side and tried to struggle up to her feet.

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Re: To the Victor... [Scar vs Lady Leviathan - POW]

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Kira raised her arms out to the side, smiling slightly as she played to the jeers of the crowd as she walked over towards Sophia. As she Sophia tried to get up, Kira was on top of her, she bent over as she locked her arms around Sophia's waist as she was still pushing herself up to her hands and knees. She then pulled Sophia's body straight up off the ground as she walked with her around the ring, showing off her strength before she then flipped Sophia and fell back to slam Sophia on her back in a Cesaro-style Gutwrench Suplex.

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