Ina Rosenbaum vs Blake Vanderbilt(D): A Brutal Debut!!

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Ina Rosenbaum vs Blake Vanderbilt(D): A Brutal Debut!!

Unread post by Violet »

Debut Match
No Holds Barred!
Win by Pin, Submission or KO

Ina smirked when she saw the booking of her match. ”A newbie?? Against me in a NHB match? It’s either this girl is in some quarrel with the management or she is just really stupid or rather quite unlucky!, Ina said in a chuckle as no matter what's the reason for such a stipulation for her foe's debut, she would not hold back from beating this girl. She then headed out of her locker room and towards the gorilla position and prepared herself for the match.

”“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a No-Holds-Barred match scheduled for one fall! Making her way now, Ina Rosenbaum!!
Ina Rosenbaum
She came out of the curtains as her music filled the arena. Spotlights pierced their way through complete darkness before assembling on the ramp where Ina stood tall. Leaning on one hip, she basked in the cheers of the crowd that has come to love her performance in the ring. She never gave anything back but a wry smirk, recognizing that her work in the ring as something more than enough to pay for it.

Ina would then walk towards the ring, owning the aisle like some model in a catwalk. Her hair freely flowed behind her along with her cape. Her tight skirt hugged her smooth curves nicely as her hips swayed side to side at each step. She then traversed the steel steps and struck a pose on the ring apron. She then pulled her cape off in one fluid motion, eclipsing the whole ring with crimson before falling at ringside. The cheers of the crowd when she does that always make her smirk. Ina then slipped her way through the ropes to get in before settling in her corner waiting for her opponent to come.
Last edited by Violet on Sun Jan 17, 2021 5:04 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Blake Vanderbilt(D): A Brutal Debut!!

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This was going to be Blake's first professional wrestling bout. The era of amateur leagues was put behind her but for what reason? The idea to move across the world and step up into a fierce wrestling league almost seemed impulsive now. Wrestling was, by in large, something Blake assumed was a hobby at best, a petty act of rebellion against her parents at worst. Yet here she stood, waiting for the cue of her entrance music to play her into an arena filled with spectators. Although that might have been daunting, there were still far more powerful emotions of her internal doubt that took a more frontal seat in her head.

She shook her head, attempting to shake those negative feelings away. It was too late to back out now, regardless of reason and stepping into a match with doubts. Her quandaries about being her would have to wait but there was certainly a better reason. There had to be.

A familiar rift sounded and AFi's Miss Murder played what was probably the first time for this audience. The pick for her music had been fairly simple, she thought letting the music marinate with the audience. Miss Murder was decently appropriate in the tone and being deemed as "Miss Murder" seemed alright with the rest of the lyrics being a lighter so she wasn't an outright heel. She wondered if the audience could understand it but with a pat of her cheeks she steeled herself and proceeded out into the limelight for the first time.
The lights had dimmed and Blake had slipped in under the darkness. Then a pair of spotlights illuminated her revealing a cross-armed Blake. She was staring ahead at her opponent with a glare that betrayed no emotion. She uncrossed her arms and proceeded down the ramp. Her attention was no longer on her opponent and now that slight intensity she had was replaced with an air of casualness. Absently she glanced at some wild fans one moment before looking back to the ring, never revealing any sign of anything.

When she reached the edge of the ring, she climbed up plainly. The lights were progressively brightening as Blake slipped into the ring and walked over to her corner. Turning to face the center, she casually leaned back almost bored before giving an annoyed head roll and walking towards the center.

"What are you supposed to even be?" She droned as if not really interested in the answer.
Last edited by 3ho on Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:50 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Blake Vanderbilt(D): A Brutal Debut!!

Unread post by Violet »

Ina glanced at her opponent as she emerged from the ramps with her arm crossed. Their eyes met for a moment before Ina would roll hers with a scoff. ”Oh god! Another useless girl with a tough act. Haven’t I had enough of this already?!?”, Ina thought as her eyes followed Blake as she made her way to the ring. She looked cute which will make the beatdown so much better, she thought as she wanted to see that face twisting in agony.

Ina analyzed her opponent for tonight with a glare. She looked aloof and uninterested in her and this match which made Ina smirked on how much confidence this rookie got and how she would shatter that in a few minutes. Since it is too early into the match yet to notice a discernible feature from the rookie and that this is her first fight here giving her nothing to research, she didn’t really know her style yet.

”Quite got the attitude, don’t ya little girl?!? I’m the one supposed to beat you for your cute debut.”, Ina remarked with disdain as she took few steps forward to the center of the ring and took a defensive stance waiting for the bell to ring.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Blake Vanderbilt(D): A Brutal Debut!!

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Blake showed that she wasn't phased by her opponent's more arrogant attitude. She still had that same passive bored look on her face but she crossed her arms and tilted her head. "The phrase, 'Pride before the fall', comes to mind." Her reply was apathetic as her shoulders gave a slight shrug. "I don't intend on losing my debut."

With that, she brought herself into a more readied position just in time for the bell to ring. Her debut was underway and now she would face a true challenge supposedly. With most matches, it seemed like the first thing wrestlers do is offer up a test of strength so that's what Blake showed like she was up for. She bent forward and lead with her hands as she reached out attempting to lock up with her opponent. Assuming she made it this far, she'd quickly try and dart in with a knee strike right at Ina's belly. Of course she wasn't going to trust a heel of all people to play fairly so she was just trying to beat the other to the punch!
Last edited by 3ho on Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Blake Vanderbilt(D): A Brutal Debut!!

Unread post by Violet »

Lips turned into a snarl as she didn’t like the attitude of the rookie at all. No one talks to her like that! No one! Ina then shocked her head a little and that snarl turned into a smirk in an instance as she set herself straight with a deep breath.

”I hope you are as strong as you seem to be. It would be really disappointing if those words are just empty”, Ina replied back on Blake’s comment that she doesn’t intend to lose.

Ina crouched and had her hands out in front of her mirroring her foe. It’s something she knows she could win at, but pushing her back and overpowering her would be too boring for her so she tried to bring her heel up to stomp on her knee. It seemed like the rookie was one step ahead of her though as she was met with a knee to her gut! Her eyes widened in pain as she let out a gasp. Bending forward with one hand clasped around her stomach as she reeled back in pain.

Ina then found her back touching the ropes. One eye closed, teeth clenched as she heaved. Wanting to get back at her opponent right away and show her that she’s not to be messed with, Ina would launch forward rashly with her other arm out to the side as she would hope this would catch her opponent off guard for a clothesline!!
Last edited by Violet on Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Blake Vanderbilt(D): A Brutal Debut!!

Unread post by 3ho »

Blake's early success was promising, encouraging even. She knew roughly how to read people and certainly felt her preempted strike spared her damage there. Aggression definitely felt wrong here as her opponent seemed like that very same time. This was almost like a rock paper scissors game with stats and if Blake wasn't up to par then she'd certainly fail the aggression versus aggression clash.

So instead of pursuing her opponent, Blake hung back, watching carefully after all, this was her first match. It would be alright to be a bit cautious. Sure enough, her opponent lashed out with a wild bull rush. With that arm stretched out it seemed like a clothesline. As a counter, she tried to dip low, under that arm, and then turn on a planted heel with a kick that was looked to catch her opponent in the torso if Ina decided to stop and try to turn suddenly. Of course if her opponent kept running, it'd be a complete whiff and that would be embarrassing but this had a chance to connect for some serious damage!

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Re: Ina Rosenbaum vs Blake Vanderbilt(D): A Brutal Debut!!

Unread post by Violet »

The pain built up in her core, dwindling with a gurgle. One arm on the damaged abs, she reeled back. Looking to punish her foe for that, she charged for a clothesline. A cold glare and a snarl brandished her look as she did so. But alas, the upstart ducked her way out of the move. Forearm slashed through nothing but air. She took a glance at the woman that casually dodged it like nothing.

Stopping midway through a charge only puts you at a disadvantage, and Rache adept enough to know that. With it, she charged to the ropes for another surge of momentum. Ropes acted as a springboard. She was way to the ropes by the time Blake jumped. She stopped for a moment, taking a gander at her opponent's mistake. "Wh..what?? Are you nervous? You should be. You're sharing a ring with the best at the very start of your debut.", Ina chortled, rearing back. Ropes acted as a springboard. She sprung forward, jumping horizontally, elbow jutted downward like a stake aimed at Blake for an Elbow Drop!

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