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Loving in the Hard Way! (Claudia vs Sunny)
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:27 am
by TheManVan
Match Type: Hardstyle Hentai
Victory Conditions: Pinfall after an Orgasm.
It was time for another exhibition of Loving Combat for the Symbol of Love, but this time it was going to require...a bit of a rougher touch for the night. Claudia Augustina smiled to herself, dressed in her red spandex suit that clung tightly to her body, her large bust contained in the tight material as she adjusted the cape around her shoulders. For such an occasion, there was no reason not to add a little flair, the red cloth hanging around her body as it was kept together by a green brooch, excitement flowing through her body as her theme began to play.
The magnificent Symbol of Love appeared on stage, the red cape flowing behind her as she sauntered up on the entrance and obstructed full view of her body from the crowd. She enjoyed a little teasing, for they would be getting all of it if her opponent came at her the way she wanted to. Making her way towards the ring, walking up the stairs and entering the ring by stepping through the ropes. Climbing up onto the second buckle, Claudia unhooked her additional layer, flinging it off of her shoulders to proudly display herself to the roar of the fans, posing and appreciating the fans for their show of love.
Now it was up to her to give them a real showing of love.
Jumping off of the corner, she turned her attention towards the entrance way, waiting to see who her opponent of the night was going to be.
Re: Loving in the Hard Way! (Claudia vs Sunny)
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:47 am
by Dubski
Psychedelic lights began to slowly flash in the arena as
"So Far" by Feed the Biirds played and Sunny Soule began to walk out to the ring, bobbing her head to the music, taking it easy as she moved to the beat on the stage, without a single care in the world. Her blonde hair was tied up and held together by her blue bandana, her fancy arm sleeves and yellow bikini top were the only things covering her upper body, and she only had a short skirt and boots to cover her body half.
When the music picked up, Sunny began to make her way down to the ring, dancing even more to the music in a rather unorthodox way, wiggling and rocking to the beat, taking the moment to shimmy with some ringside fans before she gets to the ring, lazily rolling under the bottom rope before pulling herself up by the ropes and walking over to her corner, throwing up a peace sign, still wiggling to the beat, but not seeming energized to do much else.
And then she backed up into her corner, flung her arms over the top ropes, and lounged back in it, still nodding to the beat of her theme until it faded out. Then, she said loud enough for her opponent, finally checking her out for the first time,
"Yooooooo..." She upnodded and winked, smirking.
"Cute little..." Soule trailed off, making lazy, vague gestures at former outfit that she came down to the ring in, that maybe Claudia would be able to figure out for herself, but Sunny wasn't about to make it any more clear for her.
Re: Loving in the Hard Way! (Claudia vs Sunny)
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:10 am
by TheManVan
Claudia waited in anticipation for her opponent to arrive into the arena and she was treated to a rather fancy light show, the arena darkened as the theme began to play. Soon she saw a girl appear on stage, her body moving in sway with the beat of the music as it didn't take a keen eye to see that she was wearing very little for the imagination. Already a smile curled on Claudia's lips, how already her opponent had gotten on her good side with her choice of attire, watching her carefully as she made her way down to the ring.
The more that the music picked up, so did the blonde's dancing as all of the movement kept Claudia's eyes glued to her, even beginning to bob herself with the music. She was definitely a peculiar woman, her mannerisms in the ring contrasted the lively dance she made down to the ring as she slumped against the ropes, their attention brought down to the cape that was laying in the ring, formerly on Claudia's own body as she smirked.
"Oh? This? Well don't worry lovely, this won't get in the way." she remarked, sliding her foot up to the cape and hooking it in the fabric before yanking her foot up to jerk the cape up to hands reach.
"Or what? You feeling a little cold in that get up?" she cooed as she would extend the cape outward, as if offering it for Sunny to cover up with. Even though Claudia had no intention of letting either one of them get more clothed before this match was over with.
Re: Loving in the Hard Way! (Claudia vs Sunny)
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:25 am
by Dubski
Sunny tilted her head as she listened to Claudia, then shook it, holding up a single digit with her arms still propping her up against the corner. "No... I'm not worried about it getting in the way. Totally chill about that," explained Soule before Claudia continued to talk... and she just shook her head again. "I'm not cold though."
The blonde beachbody then paused, thinking for a moment, bobbing her head in a single solid nod. "Wait... we're doing like, a flirting thing now, right?" With a huge sigh, far more exertion than the effort it would be for her pushing out of the corner, she walked up to the middle of the ring and smiled, looking very relaxed. "Yeah, uh... Okay. My turn I guess," declared Sunny who... just sort of stared at Claudia before shrugging. "I don't know. I mean, you're really hot. So it's probably going to be really cool doing the sex thing with you here," said Sunny, giving about as much effort as she was going to give to flirt right now, giving a meager double thumbs up and a smile.
Re: Loving in the Hard Way! (Claudia vs Sunny)
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 6:03 am
by TheManVan
The fact that Sunny seemed to be oblivious to what was going on made her all the more adorable to the Symbol of Love, her smile widening at the innocent response that Sunny was giving her. "Heh heh. Yeah you're right. It is going to be really cool when we start having sex. You look like a tough girl, but I'm going to conquer you by the end of this night." Claudia proudly proclaimed, it wasn't a taunt, but rather a respectful proclamation at Sunny's beauty and talent. Balling up her cape and toss it to the outside so that it wouldn't get in the way of their match as she turned her full attention back to Sunny.
She smiled at Sunny's continued attempts at flirting, only making her seem precious to Italian as she would walk right up to the taller girl, pressing their breasts together as she angled her head to keep their eyes locked. "You seem a little rigid talking...I wonder how you are with fighting? You better give me your all, I'm dying to see it."
Re: Loving in the Hard Way! (Claudia vs Sunny)
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 6:47 am
by Dubski
The breezy blonde ran a hand through her hair as Claudia spoke to her, still smiling, but then looking at her strangely. "...Conquer? I mean, okay then," she said, rolling her eyes with a chuckle, clearly not really taking her good-natured threat seriously. She would sigh deeply again, hopping in place briefly before stopping when Claudia walked up to her closer... and then promptly got chest to chest with her. She looked down, to the side, then back to her again when she spoke. She squinted at her opponent, pondering on what she was asking of her.
"...I'm, you know, alright at fighting, I guess?" said Sunny, smiling as she raised her eyebrows, being modest, or not really caring how good she actually was. But if Claudia was asking... well, she could try to show her a thing or two, at least. Springing rather abruptly into action, and showing probably more energy than she had thusfar, she would attempt to duck under Claudia's arm while trying to grab it in a wristlock and yank on it while also swiping at her foe's leg with her own to try and swiftly attempt to surprise her with a takedown that could make her faceplant right on the mat!
Re: Loving in the Hard Way! (Claudia vs Sunny)
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:14 am
by TheManVan
It felt great to press against the body, the thin layer of spandex covering her breasts while the bikini top of Sunny, there was very little separating them and just knowing that sent goosebumbs throughout Claudia's body. She could see the reaction of her opponent, the Symbol of Love was trying to figure out what made Sunny tick herself, slowly pushing herself harder into Sunny to continue prodding for a reaction.
And what a reaction it was, her opponent sprung into action as quickly as she could, grabbing Claudia's arm as she twisted it up and over, swinging underneath and to her side! The green eyes of Claudia widened before winching in pain as the muscles in her shoulder and elbow twisted painfully, hunched over as she shot her free hand up to her shoulder. Barely with any time to react to the move, Sunny's leg came sweeping in to chop her down from teh front, driving her face first into the mat!
"Ooooomph!" she groaned out, her features hurting from the sudden take down from her opponent, her shoulder and arm were in a tight spot with how twisted up it was. But she was none the less surprised and pleased at her opponent's talent. "Mmmmph...You are...pretty good I see." she let out, smiling in strain as she tried to tuck her knees underneath her before attempting to tuck and flip to untwist her arm in a show of athleticism to land on her back and quickly rise to her feet!
Re: Loving in the Hard Way! (Claudia vs Sunny)
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:28 am
by Dubski
Sunny Soule had performed her quick takedown, with a twist of an arm and a trip of her leg. She might have smiled more at her successful takedown, but it would be hard to tell, really. But it seemed like Claudia was taking it in stride, even complimenting her as well, getting a single shrug from Sunny as she held onto her opponent wrist still. "Eh, thanks," was the simple reply from Sunny, seemingly not really caring about any praise she could get right now.
But then Claudia began to perform her own counter to the move, trying to break free! And midway... Sunny just sort of let go of her wrist, letting her free as she wrapped up what would have been an otherwise impressive escape. "Sorry, I didn't realize you wanted out," said Soule, shrugging her shoulders, before glancing over at the giant screen at the top of the stage and pointing at it, which currently displayed the video of the two wrestlers in the ring right now. "What's going on there?" asked Sunny, who in her aloof demeanor, and she continued to watch the screen as she would drop down and attempt to nail a drop toe hold on her opponent, hoping the distraction would make her maneuver successful!
Re: Loving in the Hard Way! (Claudia vs Sunny)
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 6:11 pm
by TheManVan
Claudia flipped forward, she felt the tension in her arm being released along with Sunny's grip allowing her to show off a bit of herself to her blonde opponent, rising up quickly onto her feet to turn and face Sunny again. "Ha! You haven't seen nothing yet." she replied back as she could feel the talent and dangers laying underneath Sunny's ease going demeanor.
It made her more of a treat than normally to Claudia, the smile on her lips widening into a smirk. She was already being a bottle of fun in the unpredictable way as she pointed up to the stage. Claudia let out a huff as she turned her head towards the entrance way and to the screen with them on it. "That's us lov-" Claudia was saying before she was cut off by the legs wrapping around hers, one cutting from the back and the other sliding into her shins to trip her forward. Unable to keep her balance, Claudia had to tuck in her knee to the best of her ability while throwing out her hands to stop her fall.
Growling out she turned to Sunny, "Why you little!" she let out, attempting to try and grab one of her legs to finally get a hold of her opponent and stop her of her tricks!
Re: Loving in the Hard Way! (Claudia vs Sunny)
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:16 pm
by Dubski
The rather lazy attempt at a distraction seemed to do the trick as Sunny was able to drop down and then take down Claudia with a drop toe hold, even if her opponent was able to keep herself from faceplanting again. To Claudia's credit, she at least had solid enough of reflexes, even if Soule was being rather difficult to guess at this early stage of the match. Her frustration seemed to start showing though, which was an unsurprising turn of events given Sunny's aloof nature, and the yellow-clad girl simple offered her a big, impish smile as she went for one of her legs.
She would grab it, certainly, and it may have seemed even too easy as Sunny didn't seem to fight it very much. But what followed was the laid back girl instead moving and shifting her slim, toned legs around Claudia's arm. She would then attempt to twist her body as she tried to tighten her legs around her arm and spin, trying to take Claudia right back down to the mat in the elaborate maneuver to snap her back down to the mat. If successful, she would immediately keep her legs locked and try to apply a wristlock. If Soule could do anything in the early going, it would be to prove she was unpredictable.