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Joining The Club: Niko vs Madeline!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 5:52 pm
by Bare
Niko stretched backstage feeling rather confident about her upcoming match against a girl she hadn’t heard much about. The past few matches she had actually went over rather well for the girl, so well in fact she had all but forgotten her disastrous debut. So right now she was really excited to go against this girl, especially since she too was a lightweight making it easier for her to go against her.
Coming out from the entrnace ramp she smiled and struck a cute pose for the fans who immediately cheered for the small lightweight. Winking to the crowd she jaunted happily down tbe ramp to the ring. Hopping onto the apron she turned and leaned against the ropes posing again for thr crowd before leaning back fully flipping over the top rope and landing onto her feet. Sauntering over to her corner she leaned against it, waiting for her opponet with a smile

Re: Joining The Club: Niko vs Madeline!

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:53 pm
by ADarlingDucky
There was a little bit of hustle and bustle backstage as Niko would reach the ring, a sudden racket would be heard through the backstage hallways as Maddie and her two bodyguards would clear the way, workers and other wrestlers alike being pushed aside to make way for the princess! Madeline, looking as smug as always, would pause at the curtain as she awaited for Dolce and Gabbana to swoop in and pick her up, seating the princess atop her shoulders as they would step out onto the entrance ramp, carrying Madeline into the spotlight!
Maddie preened herself as her two henchmen carried her to the ring, looking as poised and regal as ever, until they reached the squared circle and Maddie would be gently set down on the apron, quickly slipping between the ropes! The lightweight carried herself with an air of importance about her, turning and regarding her foe like a homeless person begging for change, before taking a somewhat confident stance in her corner of the ring!
And you are? Actually, I've honestly never heard of you so if you're some stand-in jobber for tonight just don't even bother with names, okay?" Maddie snarked, barely giving her foe the courtesy of looking her in the eye!

Re: Joining The Club: Niko vs Madeline!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:04 pm
by Bare
Niko blinked and tilted her head in confusion as she heard the commotion backstage from her place in the ring. In the process the crowd, who was also curious, let out a chorus of awws, kawaiis and various other exclaims from the cuteness of Niko’s action.

In any case as the commotion finally calmed down the source of it came out astride two burly masked men ”Ooooh.” she said in a impressed tone finding the girl riding the two men to actually be rather attractive in a very elegant and refined way.

As she watched the girl near the ring Niko admittedly felt her heart best a bit faster, a pink tint crossing her face and if one looked closely they may even say Niko had hesrt shaped pupils. ‘This girl. Was. Hot!’ Was the thought running on loop through Niko’s head as Madeline slipped through the ropes and into the ring. However...

The moment the girl spoke that heart filled, rosy vision she had to the twintailed girl was shattered from the sheer rudeness of Madeline. “Wow.... You’re a bitch.” Was the first thought to come to Niko’s mind that also happened to come right out as words without thinking from sheer amazement at Madeline’s attitude.

Re: Joining The Club: Niko vs Madeline!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:27 pm
by ADarlingDucky
With a regal air about her, Maddie would quickly make her way into the ring, smirking at her opponent-to-be as she faced off with Niko, offering the pink haired woman a snarky greeting while hardly paying her any mind, Maddie's ego in full effect! However, her opponent was quite quick to shoot back, letting out an absent minded sounding insult in response to Maddie's dismissive remark, causing the princess to turn her head towards her foe, now giving Niko her full attention!

"What did you just... You know, I'm sorry. You're right. Now come here and let me apologize." Maddie offered, her tone changing from disbelieving anger into a shockingly sweet tone! She would offer Niko to come closer, though it would remain to be seen what the pampered woman had up her sleeve, and if she actually planned to apologize!

Re: Joining The Club: Niko vs Madeline!

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:33 am
by Bare
Niko barely even thought about wht she said, not really getting how utterly insulting they were, after all tbr small girl was only speaking her mind! Luckily it seemed her opponet understood this and even took the slight in stride. Smiling as she heard the other girl’s words the pink haired girl hopped over in excitement. “Yayy you’rs not so bad after all!” Niko declared as she happily walked over with her hand extended. “I guess you were just grumpy, I would probably be the same way if I came out with make up like that.” Niko said innocently as she clasped hands with Madeline, once again speaking without thinkkng the severity behind ber words.

Re: Joining The Club: Niko vs Madeline!

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 3:38 am
by ADarlingDucky
With Niko and Maddie already having exchanged terse words, it would seem that Madeline suddenly had a change of heart as she offered an apology, though fans in the stands who knew of the millionaire lightweight were suspicious that it would be anything genuine! And though Niko seemed to be believing that Maddie had an apology ready, her next comment would once again cause Maddie to bristle, her face forming into a scowl that wouldn't seem to drop, despite her best efforts to look unassuming!

"Of course, whatever you just babbled. Now, about that apology..." Maddie said, a smirk on her face as she approached Niko, before suddenly lifting her leg and thrusting her foot into her foe's belly! If she was able to double Niko over, she'd immediately wrap an arm around her foe's head, before throwing herself back, aiming to drill poor Niko's skull into the ground with a DDT!

Re: Joining The Club: Niko vs Madeline!

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:59 pm
by Bare
Niko was completely oblivious to the reaction Madeline had to her words, afte rall she wanted to be friends and Niko was just being honest! So why would she get upset? Instead she just smiled happily in stark contrast to Maddie’s scowl as she reached forward to shake hands.... only to be met with a boot to the stomach. ”Agh!” She cried out in shock and pain as she doubled over from the kick. Only to be pressed into her opponet’s side before being thrown back! “AGHHH!” She cried out in pain as she impacted head first into the mat with a cry of pain, her body flipping over and shaking with the impact as she started the match in the worst way possible!

Re: Joining The Club: Niko vs Madeline!

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:30 am
by ADarlingDucky
Shaking Niko's hand, Maddie was quick to drop her facade and throw a quick kick to the smaller woman's stomach, kicking the wind out of her and causing her to suddenly double over, setting up for Maddie's following move! Her DDT sent Niko's head crashing directly into the canvas with a loud thud, the smaller woman flipping over and landing on her back after Maddie's move to start the match off, with the rich lightweight turning over and standing up, walking to where her foe lay!

"Ah, sorry. Guess I just couldn't get over being 'grumpy' after all!" Maddie mocked her down foe, before walking around to Niko's legs, bending down and grabbing hold of them to tuck under her arms! And with Niko's legs held, Maddie would attempt to suddenly turn her foe over and sit down hard on her back, locking in a brutally tight boston crab on the woman!

Re: Joining The Club: Niko vs Madeline!

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:39 pm
by Bare
”Owwwwwieee I should have known you were just a meanie!” Niko whined out out in pain as she kicked her legs against the mat with a groan of pain. Here she was thinking she had a opponet that was actually nice and agreeable, if a bit grumpy. But no of course Madeline was the complete opposite and a liar to boot! Ohhh she was gonna show her!

All she needed was to stand up- ‘what’s holding my legs?’ She thought to herself with wide eyes and a confused expression before suddenly realizing what was happening just a moment before it did. “Oh noooooowwwww!” She cried out at first in resistance before switching to a cry of pain as her legs were bent backwards, her hips and back in turn being bent at such a awkward angle it made her whole world light up in agony as she cried out in pain over and over again! “Owww please stop it hurts Im sorryyyy!” She cried out begging for mercy already.

Re: Joining The Club: Niko vs Madeline!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:01 pm
by ADarlingDucky
With Niko's legs tucked underneath her arms, Maddie was quick to turn the woman over into a tight boston crab, immediately sitting down on her foe's back in order to bend her to her absolute limit, stretching the woman who had belittled her in the hold! Niko was quick to cry out in pain as her back was targeted in the submission, immediately crying for mercy, though Maddie kept the hold applied for now, getting comfortable on her foe as she gave Niko a chuckle in response!

"Oh, I think you know how to get mercy! You could go ahead and tap to this move and that'll end the match right now, before the really painful stuff starts!" Maddie chirped, keeping her hold tight!