Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

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Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Trisha was making a good progress here in LAW. She was determined to make a good showing for tonight to make a name for herself as well as to build herself up before going for the gold. Of course, she was slated to face another talent here in the roster, and from what she had heard, she would be facing someone named Amber Brande. Speaking of Amber, her first opponent was also named Amber. A coincidence, perhaps.

Clad in her white wrestling outfit, trimmed with golden lines, the African American beauty waited for her cue before her music was played. Donning a confident smile, Trisha made her way to the ramp, receiving a pop from the crowd. Raising an arm, she jogged down the ramp, heading over to the ring as she gave some high-fives to some of the spectators.
Trisha Andrews
Soon, Trisha reached the ring, and she would climb up the apron before slipping through the ropes. Then, she would make her way to the center of the ring, standing tall as she would raise both her arms, getting the crowd pumped up for the match. She smiled, feeling that that the crowd accepting her despite them mostly being Japanese and her being an African American. Truly, professional wrestling was a uniting force.

Trisha would do a little warm up, doing some light stretches in the middle of the ring, displaying her own toned body for everyone to see. The crowd enjoyed the sight, thanks to how little her wrestling outfit covered her body. Being the one to show off her body, she didn't mind the attention, even liking it to an extend. After doing her warm up, she would wait for her opponent to arrive.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

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Through the backstage hallways of LAW came a blaring noise, screeching guitars and heavy drums, that if one had traced back to their point of origin they would find coming from the women's locker room, the inside being damn near concert levels of volume. And the sole woman inside the locker room who was able to deal with such noise was none other than a wrestler that was getting ready her first match in LAW, nodding along with the song as she finished putting on her attire, all geared up! Amber Brande was ready to go!

With a smirk on her face, the punk rock wrestler would step out of the locker room and quickly make her way down to the curtain that cut off the backstage area from the ring itself! And without further ado, Amber would spring out from behind the curtain, stepping out onto the top of the entrance ramp and making her debut to the world of LAW!
"HELLOOOOOOOOOO LAW!" Amber bellowed, a smirk on her face and stuck her arms out and spun around briefly, all before capping it off in a bow to the crowd, quite excited for her first show! The spunky star would then take off in a sprint towards the ring, covering the distance as fast as possible before sliding underneath the ropes, quickly making her entrance and giving a quick smile and wave to the crowd! With pageantry mostly out of the way, Amber would move to her corner and lean up against the turnbuckles almost casually, now simply waiting to get to the reason she was here, as her eyes turned to her opponent!


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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

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Trisha watched her opponent making her entrance, and one thing that she could say about her was that she sure was striking in terms of appearance. The beautiful African-American wrestler would continue watching the other woman, Amber Brande, as she made her way to the ring. Soon enough, Amber entered the ring, and Trisha directed her eyes at her before the other woman greeted her in such a casual, lackadaisical way.

"Hello to you too," Trisha replied to her greeting, showing an amused smile. "Quite an entrance you've got there, honey," she said, complimenting the way Amber presented herself earlier. Donning a confident look, she did one last warm up at the corner before she stepped forth, expecting her opponent to meet her in the center of the ring, preparing herself for the start of the match.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

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Amber and Trisha seemed to be an interesting pair, as they were seemingly opposites to one another in strange fashions, as Trisha's entrance was subdued but her outfit was quite skimpy and daring, with Amber clad in pants and a jacket but with a loud and brash persona! Though despite these differences between one another, as Trisha and Amber stood in the ring apart from one another, Amber couldn't deny that she found Trisha both quite attractive, and quite sweet, from the sound of her compliment!

"Thanks! Big fan of your outfit, you really rock it well!" Amber returned with a compliment of her own, giving a nod to Trisha's curvy, toned physique, quite impressed with her foe! Soon enough though, she'd have to contend with that very body, and so the punk rocker would soon pull herself out of the corner, bouncing up and down lightly as she prepared for the upcoming bout!

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

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Trisha nodded as she heard Amber's compliment. "Thank you." She was proud of her body, and she would make sure to display her figure for everyone to see whenever she got her chance. And wrestling ring was the perfect place for her to show herself off, besides displaying her skill as a wrestler, of course.

As she waited for the match to begin, Trisha would do one last preparation before the match could begin, doing a few more stretches, showing off her body more before the referee, a young woman clad in black-and-white cropped shirt and black booty shorts, called for the two of them to the center of the ring.

After making sure that both wrestlers had no contrabands hidden in their persons, the referee would call for the bell, starting the match between Trisha and Amber. To start off the match, Trisha would take a stance as she would then shimmy to the side, carefully watching her opponent before she could make her first move.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

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Amber would pay her opponent a compliment, the two exchanging niceties before they were set to clash in the ring, both amicable women who seemed to find one another to be interesting, a good sign for their match to come, one which would be beginning soon! With the referee entering the ring, Trisha would step forwards and begin to shift herself into a wrestling stance, Amber remaining notably lax in her posture, though she would move forwards as well, the two beginning to circle as the bell rang!

With things now having officially begun, Trisha and Amber would face off, Trisha shimmying to the side, as Amber stayed mostly in place, watching her foe! That being said, the punk rock powerhouse had ideas of her own on how to start the match!

"Here goes nothin, amirite hot stuff?" Amber said, flashing a wink at Trisha as she did so, perhaps taking her a bit off guard before she would suddenly break out in a sprint, straight at her foe! And with the same haste, Amber Brande would attempt to leap up and throw a flying knee right at her foe's head, looking to start this match out with a bang!

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

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Now that the match had begun, Trisha had taken her position and stance, shimmying to the side as she prepared for her clash with Amber. But it seemed that Amber had another plan in her mind as she suddenly surged forth and delivered a flying knee strike aimed to Trisha's head. Trisha didn't see that one coming, and as a result, she took the hit head on.


To her credit, Trisha managed to remain on her feet, albeit a little wobbly as she staggered back. She held onto her head that was struck by Amber's knee earlier, and for the time being, she was unable to go for the offense, leaving herself open to whatever Amber would do next. All she could hope was to brace herself against whatever her opponent would try after this.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

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After quick introductions between the two women, Amber and Trisha sharing a amicable greeting between one another, the bell would ring and would immediately start the action between the two, as the punk rock wrestler would make the first move! Rushing forwards across the ring, Amber was able to close the distance between herself and Trisha in just a second, leaping up and throwing a knee right into her foe's head, slamming her with the sudden strike and sending her foe stumbling back!

"Booyah!" Amber cried out as she struck first, sending Trisha stumbling backwards, but she wouldn't let her foe get too far without doubling down on her offensive! With the ball in her court, Amber would keep things up by rushing forwards once more, this time throwing herself forwards in a sudden lunge, aiming to tackle Trisha to the mat, flooring her with a big spear!

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

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While Trisha didn't fall after taking the nasty knee strike to her head, she was pretty unbalanced on her feet, and this would make it easier for Amber to deliver her next attack, where she went towards her and hit her with a big spear!


Trisha was knocked off her feet by the spear, and she was taken down by Amber. She wheezed as she was forced to stare at the lights above her, and for the time being, she became an easy target for Amber, who would be free to do whatever she wished.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Amber Brande - Into the Wildfire

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Her knee had struck just how Amber wished for it to, and as Trisha stumbled backwards, attempting to keep her feet underneath her, the punk rock wrestler would dart forwards with a spear to her foe, slamming into Trisha and sending her falling to the mat! Amber would land atop her foe with a hefty thud, the white clad wrestler completely out of it after such a hefty impact, and Amber would be free to do what she wanted, standing up with a slight smirk on her face as she looked down at her foe!

"Sorry bout this girl, but I gotta make a good impression!" Amber said with a smirk, before reaching down to grab hold of Trisha's legs, tucking them underneath her arms! And with a quick tug, she would aim to suddenly flip her foe over and sit down right on the back of Trisha's head, aiming to lock in an incredibly high angle boston crab to start working her foe's back!

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