Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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Music plays from the speakers as team Trinity Angels pose and wave to the fans in the crowd before sliding into the ring, it been a week since Lilac was injury in her single match, but with her partner by her side she feels like taking on anyone. "Alright everyone thank you for your kind well wishes and thoughts, but I'mhere today with my partner demanding a match we challenge anyone who has the nerve to stand up to Team Trinity Angels" Lilac taunts as Nova poses and bends over showing her muscles and figure in her leotard for the fans.


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Re: Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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Odd enough, even with how close of friends they are, both Applejack and Rarity never thought it important to give themselves a name. Surely we must come up with a name, not having one is the same as calling is nobodies. Which we are not. Rarity said all prepped to go talking to her teammate. Do ya think that we honestly need one of this fancy shmancy names. Applejack said to her pretentious partner Well why yes of course it'll speak to our character. That way the audience knows who we are Isn't it more important that we just hog tie the fools in the ring like snakes to a southern rabbit on a summer morning What does that even mean? Ugh nonetheless we need a name...... OH I HAVE FIGURED IT OUT Well that was quick Now now you can thank me later, but I need to inform officials immediately Having that Rarity ran off to the officials going to tell their names. I hope she doesn't get lost... Applejack said putting on her gloves and jacket.

Hearing her opponents get called, Applejack knew it wasn't long until she was called with Rarity. Waiting just outside backstage,Looks like she did get lost Applejack said with no sign of her partner. Just as she was getting ready to leave. Rarity makes it just in time. Just...In time Rarity said composing herself. Got what you wanted? Applejack said, to which Rarity responds with a nod, looking to compose herself.

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN THE OPPOSING SIDE WEIGHING IT AT A COMBINED WEIGHT OF 354LBS WE HAVE THE NEWLY FORMED TAG TEAM DIAMOND OF THE SOUTH Ohhh is that... our name... Applejack said semi defeated. Lovely isn't it, lets put on a show Rarity said ushering Applejack and herself outside.
Rarity and Applejack both show out to the audience. Rarity showing more willingness to the part than Applejack. As she gave her famous catwalk to the ring. Applejack following slowly behind greeting her fans. Not much of a show until they were in the ring. Now it seems you will be the first to test our mettle, well test is a strong word for you. Rarity said taunting her opponents.

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Re: Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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Nova stays in the middle of the the ring to begin the match telling Lilac that she got this one covered and giving her rear a smack for good luck. "dont worry baby i got this, we rough them up and get our first win easily i soften them up and you finish em off" She says to Lilac before giving her partner a kiss as well before turning around to face her opponent, looking at the southern woman who taller then her. Lilac cheers her partner on making she that Nova stays focus for the match. "let go Nova we got this just make sure you keep your head in the game were going to win this easy"

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Re: Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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While their opponents did their thing. In regards to who shall go first. How do you want this to go Rarity Applejack asked her partner on how to start. Well, I should go first start the show off nice and proper Whatever you say, be sure that you don't get embarrassed Applejack said as she was on her way behind the ropes. Rarity being a pro on reading a situation saw that the current opponent had been eyeballing Applejack. Not wanting to take this moment away she'd go to Applejack to put her first. What are you doing, didn't you want to start? Obviously so, yet the adversary seems to have a keen interest in you. So go make a good show. Rarity said as she moved behind the ropes and watched Applejack go into the ring now.
Have a thing for staring huh? Well get used to the lights cause you'll be flat on your back soon enough Applejack said to her opponent

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Re: Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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"Nope your just taller then me.. but i slammed bigger bitches before so enjoy the ride." Nova replies back to the taller woman, as the bell ring for the match to begin as Nova makes her way to the center of the ring. Holding her arms up wanting to do a test of strength against Applejack. "get your big ass over here and let see who stronger"

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Re: Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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Just taller you say? Why got quite the mouth on you. Can't be to long before you take that back Applejack said confidently crossing her arms. With that the bell rings and Nova goes to the center of the ring. Arms raised challenging Applejack to a test of strength.Oh that plan is ill advised Rarity said to herself about them wanting to see whos stronger. Sure you want to do this? Applejack said moving in slowly, not because she was cautious. More so because of confidence. Quickly latching onto Nova's hands initiating the test of strength.

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Re: Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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Nova lets out a small grunt gripping her opponent hands in hers trying to push the taller woman back using her strength, planning on trying to bring the woman to her knees in front of her. "Come on Nova you got this over power her and take her to power bomb city alread." Lilac cheers for her partner on the outside, wanting to see Nova show the taller woman who stronger clapping her hands see8ng nova start to slowly push applejack back.

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Re: Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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Applejack also grunts with her opponent as they meet in the test of strength. Hearing Nova's partner cheering from the sidelines. Power bomb city? Oh sugar aren't you cute as a button Eventually Applejack would start to get pushed back. Applejack please cease this farce you know better. Rarity said on the sidelines. Weren't you the one yappin about a show... ugh fine... sugar imma show you how a real wrestler goes at it Applejack said adding more power. Pushing nova back quite a bit, threatening to either push her to the ropes or corner. That is if she doesn't fall down

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Re: Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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Nova begins to move back getting overpowered by the other woman almost to the point of being brought to her Kness, bitting her bottom lip grunting eith a lot of effort to stay standing against Applejack might."Come on Nova don't let up dig deep and push her back." Lilac cheers on her partner trying to keep the woman spirits up, since nova has never been beaten in a test of strength before. "your good but let's get serious now " Nova says using more strength to match the taller woman not moving back anymore and trys to push her opponent back again.

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Re: Tag team beatings : Trinity Angels vs ?

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Applejack grunts as she pushes back her opponent. Though it wouldn't be long until Applejack hears the partner cheering on her opponent. As if to give her some energy.She sure likes to yap Applejack admonished to her opponent. As luck would have it Nova would start pushing back. Talking about getting serious now. Your right let's get serious now Applejack said as she used Nova's power against her. Trying to throw her to the ropes. Not being one to delay Applejack would follow Nova looking to hit her with a clothesline if she were to bounce off the ropes.

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