KO match: Elm vs Anna

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KO match: Elm vs Anna

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Elm is backstage hoping up and down mentally preparing herself for her first match in the ring, after beating that doctor she been eagerly waiting for her first match and whoever they picked for her to fight. Getting her cue as the loud horn goes off and her music plays over the speakers, she makes her way to the entrance carrying her hammer prop over her shoulder. Slamming the hammer to the ground letting out a loud war cry for the fans before heading down to the ring, sliding inside the ring and waiting in the corner after making sure her prop is giving to the stage hands."let
get this show on the road already i want my first victory to be special"


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Re: KO match: Elm vs Anna

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Anna was walking around backstage as she wore her usual wrestling attire which consisted off blue wrestling shoes , blue mini skirt , white blouse with a red tie and blue color and a pair of mna gloves as she walked towards the backstage area as she wondered why it had taken management so long to book her in another match. As the redhead had bin the damn winner of an tournament in 2018 , and she had not wrestled in any matches for over an learn as she was determined to not let this happen again by giving the fans an show they would never forgot.

So after she reached the backstage area , and wait for an minute or two she would heard fighters by Christina Aquiliar coming out of the speakers. Taking this as her signal to begin she would walk onto the entrance ramp as she would do some fake punches as she walks to the ring. Halfway down the ramp he would hear the announcer say ''now entering the ring from London , England.Weighing at 155ibs , it's Anna Holmes'' as she stepped up the steel steps and climbed to the ring as she checked her opponent out .

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Re: KO match: Elm vs Anna

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Elm grins at seeing the tomboyish girl making her way down ti the ring, taping her feet in time with her music before walking forward to greet her opponent towering over the smaller girl looking down at her while holding her hand up to mock Anna small size.'... Seriously this is what their going to give me, sorry honey it best you just walk out of this ring, cause you don't want to tangle with a real woman like me." Elm chuckles posing for the crowd by placing her hand on her thick hip, before backing up waiting for the bell to ring.

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Re: KO match: Elm vs Anna

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Out of all the things she had expected her opponent to say this was not one of them as the redhead would tighten her hands into fists from the frustration she was feeling. As sure she may not have wrestled for two years , but come on she had won the last woman standing tournament in 2018 , and that had to count for something damn it as she replied ''hey I have you know that in my last few matches I ended up winning the prestige annual last woman standing tournament in 2018 . So you better show me some respect''

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Re: KO match: Elm vs Anna

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"Sweetie let me tell something.. your to young to be demanding respect from someone like me." Elm says, arms crossed turning her nose up at the younger woman shaking her head treating and talking to Anna as if she a unruly child as the bell rings for the match to start.

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Re: KO match: Elm vs Anna

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''I ain't some brat you old hag. Seriously should I worry about you breaking an hip during our match''replied Anna in response as she could not believe how this woman was acting as if she was an child. As the redhead was looking forward to proving her wrong by knocking Elm out in the most humiliating way possible.

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Re: KO match: Elm vs Anna

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"Old hag am i..." Elm replies giving Anna a cold stare, before dashing forward at her opponent raising her leg up to land a big boot to the cocky girl head. Planning to brutalized Anna for the hag comment, and show her that she is not 8n Elm level at all.

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Re: KO match: Elm vs Anna

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''Well you ain't an youngster that for sure''mocked Anna further as she would watch as Elm ran towards her as the redhead attempted to move to the right in an attempt to dodge the big boot.Should that work she would rush forward with her arm extended as she hoped to knock the old hag on her fat ass with an clothesline for what she said earlier.

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Re: KO match: Elm vs Anna

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Elm thought her attack would work, but seeing her smaller opponent move at the last minute annoyed her to no end. It was even more annoying when a cothesline slams into her chest rocking the taller woman, making her stagger backward before falling onto her butt. "Well Shit you got some power in you, i will make sure to snuff it of you" Elm replies getting back to her feet stalking forward to her opponent, before throwing a clothesline right back at Anna.

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Re: KO match: Elm vs Anna

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Anna would just smirk as she manage to knock the old hag on her big fat ass as she was about to mock her when she heard the other wrestler praise her for her strength. Only to the be threaten that Elm would snuff it out of her as she would attempt to duck under the clothesline in an attempt to avoid being hit by her opponent who was faster then she seemed.

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