Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*After suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of the wicked Junko, Tess was in dire need to take a sabbatical from the spotlight- She rediscovered herself during this break, having reinvigorated her fighting spirit by jumping at the chance to prove herself against someone named Allen. Whoever she may be, she would feel the force of Tess's unquenchable might!*

"Right! It's time to remind the audience of my presence!" *Dashing down the hallway and out of the curtains, Tess heard the chants of her fans, calling her name while calling out* "Welcome back! Welcome back!" *As she darted down the metallic ramp.*

*Ascending the staircase before hopping over the top rope, Tess subsequently jumped onto the highest turnbuckle to give her adoring fans a wave of gratitude!*

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Allen Riley was going to have another match, and she was prepared for it. Donning her signature pink outfit with flame patterns, she would wait for her cue before her music was played. Oath by Starlight was playing from the loudspeakers, and the spunky Brit made her way out to the ramp, cheered by many. The British daredevil never failed to make a spectacle out of herself with her insane stunts, and she was planning to do the same here in this match.
Allen Riley
Soon, Allen reached the ring, and she would climb up the apron, grabbing onto the top rope before vaulting into the ring, flipping in the air before sticking a perfect landing, earning her another massive pop from the crowd. Raising her arms to rouse the crowd some more, Allen would then look at her opponent whom she would be facing tonight, and she decided that she might as well talk to her for a bit before the match could begin. "Hello there," Allen greeted Tess, closing in and offering her a handshake. "Let's have a good match, yeah? Whoever wins, no hard feelings."

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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*After her theme music finally faded out, Tess turned to face her competition, and suffice to say she was instantly gobsmacked by what she witnessed- The dynamic intro, the vibrant attire, all wrapped up in an athletic body that was almost guaranteed to go the distance!* "Woah~" *She muttered to herself, feeling her heartbeat faster as the woman approached her.*

"Y..yeah! Definitely!" *Overzealously shaking Allen's extended hand, Tess jumped up and down in tandem, unable to control her enthusiasm!* "I'm Tess by the way! Hope you don't mind losing to a rookie!"

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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Allen smiled as she shook hands with Tess, the exuberance of the other woman seemed infectious. "Well, if you're strong enough, then you may probably beat me, but I'm not planning to lose either. Like it or not, I'm going to leave this ring tonight a winner." She nodded to Tess a bit more before she stepped back, preparing herself for the match.

And so, now that both wrestlers were in the ring, the referee would get between them and start explaining about the rules. Then, the referee called for the bell, starting the match. Allen decided to start off the match by offering her hands to Tess, wanting to initiate a contest of strength between the two of them so that she could ascertain her opponent's strength.

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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"Right! I doubt it!" *She quipped, unabashedly trading playful banter with her adversary before the fight officially started.* "I might look playful and cheery, but you'll learn soon enough that I'm not the type to be taken lightly!"

*The bell finally sounded, giving Tess enough incentive to tie up with Allen and prove her worth as a proficient grappler!* "Ggrrh! You're good, but I'm not even trying yet!" *She declared, digging her feet into the canvas for maximum stability!*

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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Locking up with Tess in the grapple, Allen could clearly see that her opponent was at least quite skilled in grappling, though she wouldn't be the one to lose here as she would also struggle to gain an upper hand. But for the time being, the two of them had entered a stalemate, and Allen needed to do something in order to break the stalemate and gain an advantage over her opponent.

"Gghhhh... t-that's good to hear, since I'm going to show you what I'm capable of!" Allen declared as she would sidle to the side, shifting her position a little. Then, after giving herself a little bit of a distance from her opponent's body, the Brit would suddenly ram her shoulder into Tess' chest, wanting to stun her and leave her breathless so that she could gain an upper hand over her.

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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*As the two women struggled to claim uncontested dominance over the other, Tess couldn't help but feel as if she wasn't gaining any significant ground. Suddenly, Allen decided to lunge forward, knocking the bubbly blonde backwards with a powerful blow!* "Ggnrrrh!" *Slightly baffled at just how strong she was, Tess decided to weaponize this new position, intentionally stumbling backwards to spring off of the ropes and back at her foe!*

"How about I return the favor!" *Slightly elevating herself, Tess became a living projectile, catapulting herself towards Allen while tucking her knees into her chest to become a human cannonball!* "Get ready to take one hellavah hit!" *She declared, eager to make contact with her target as soon as she could!*

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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Driving her shoulder into Tess' chest, Allen could see that her opponent was pushed backwards, and she would prepare herself for her next move. But, it seemed that her opponent made use of her new position to bring herself backwards even further, going towards the ropes and rebounding from them before returning back to her, making use of her momentum to launch a double knee strike aimed to her chest!


Allen grunted in pain as she took the hit, and she fell backwards. Still, she would try to make use of her momentum of falling backwards to roll over, trying to get herself on her knees before attempting to regain her bearing. For the time being, she would direct her gaze towards Tess, wanting to see what she would do next so that she could defend herself properly.

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

Unread post by SubtleRoar »

*As the tactile sensation of her cannonball blast managed to be more effective than she had anticipated, Tess was overflowing with explosive vigor!* "Yeah that's right!" *She planted her feet against the ring, stabilizing herself before flashing the peace sign above her head!*

"And I'm just getting started!" *Maintaining her degree of enthusiasm, the bubbly blonde darted forward to try and connect with a basement dropkick to Allen's jaw!*

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Re: Rising above- Tess vs Allen!

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Regaining her bearing, Allen would rise back up onto her feet, keeping her eyes on Tess. But as she was still currently recovering from the attack from her opponent, she was unable to move away from her opponent's attack, which was a dropkick aimed to her jaw.


This time, she was brought down onto the mat and was unable to quickly get up. She groaned in pain as she clutched onto her jaw, writhing in pain and left a vulnerable target for Tess. The British daredevil seemed to be in danger, from the look of it.

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