Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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Announcer: "The following contest is a Hentai Submission Match. The only way to win is by forcing your opponent to submit after an orgasm. Introducing first, please welcome Ally 'The Maniac' Harris."
Ally The Maniac Harris

Ally's music would hit and she'd enter the LAW arena chewing bubblegum and holding her trusty baseball bat. While on the stage she'd blow a bubble with her gum and the pop it before she'd spit to gum out on a tech guy working the wiring ringside. Ally would do a series of cartwheels down to the ring. Once she got to the ring she'd slide under the bottom rope. Once she was in the ring the referee told her she couldn't use her bat in the upcoming match and she'd fake her out with a motion that made the ref think she was going to hit her just for a laugh. Then Ally would give her bat to a ringside handler saying. "You better not lose it, or I'll kick your ass too." Ally said to the handler before she'd go to her corner and would begin swaying her hips playfully as she waited for her opponent to make her entrance.
Last edited by 321Shazam on Thu May 25, 2017 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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''And her opponent from New Delhi , India. Please welcome Aya Proudstar''was heard next as the announcer introduced Ally opponent.

Aya's music would hit as she entered the LAW arena as she glared at the girl in the ring as she could not believe her luck at the fact that she could humiliate a filthy lesbian in her debut match. To make matters worse was the fact that Ally had done cartwheels as she when down to the ring as it was similar to the entrance down by an wrestler she knew back in India.

After she had reached the ring she would climb the steel steps and get inside as she took in her opponent and walked up towards her as she would extend her hand for a handshake. When the Maniac would accept the Indian girl would pull the other wrestler closer as she whisper ''hope your ready to be humiliated as I reveal to the world your nothing but a filthy lesbian'' in an arrogant tone.
Aya Proudstar

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Re: Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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Ally would see her opponent and would lick her lips. Her opponent seemed to have a sort of regal charm to her that Ally thought would make her opponent a screamer. Ally would see Aya extend her hand in a show of sportsmanship. Ally would accept it and would be pulled into a stare down between her and Aya. Ally would raise her eyebrows as she heard her opponent's comments. Ally would respond by saying. "Oh sweetie,
I think you've gotta warped sense of reality. If you're not a lesbian, you will be after I'm done with ya.
" Ally said before she'd give a quick kiss on Aya lips before the referee would ring the bell to start the match. "Come on, show me what you got." Aly said inviting Aya for a lock up.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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Aya had expected the lesbian to get angry after her comment while she was shaking the maniac's hand but all she got was that the other wrestler would raise her eyebrow before replying. And what Ally had to say got the Indian girl angry as she would grind her teeth and wished she could slap the filthy lesbian across the face after she got kissed.

Luckily the ref would ring the bell a moment later an as her opponent invited the conflicted teen for a lock up Aya would make it seem she would accept. So as she got closer the Indian girl woul lash out with a kick to Ally's gut in an attempt to get the maniac to bend forward as she yells ''I intend to show you what I got and don't you ever kiss me again lesbo''. If the kick connected then Aya would attempt to wrap her arms around her opponent's head and would follow the kick up with a DDT.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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Ally seemed to have psyched out Ally with the kiss, and when the women went for a lock up Ally would be kicked in the gut. "UGH!!" Then Ally would feel Aya wrap her arms around her head after hearing her opponent taunt her. Ally knew where this was going, so she'd start throwing a series of left punches to Aya's abs to create some separation so she wouldn't get hit with the DDT. If that worked Ally would try to STO Aya to trip her opponent and send Ms. Proudstar on the mat back of the neck first.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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Aya had just kicked the lesbo in her gut and had just wrapped her arms around Ally's head to follow the kick up with a DDT when she got hit by what would be a series of punches to her abs. The repeated blows caused the Indian girl to release the maniac and stumble backwards until she was caught by her opponent and would get her neck slammed onto the mat with a STO from the other wrestler.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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Ally would liick her lips after sending Aya down to the mat with he STO. Ally would grab her opponent's hair to hoist Aya back to her feet, before tossing the homophobic woman into the ropes. Ally would try to hit Aya with a Reverse Atomic Drop to send Aya crotch first onto her knee to see how the prude would take it. If it worked she'd slap Aya in the face to disrespect her opponent. As the LAW crowd watched on they weren't sure who to root for as both women seemed to be equally self-centered.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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After she got send to the mat Aya was quickly hoisted back to her feet before tossed into the ropes as she would rebound off them and before she could even think of a way to counter got hit with an reverse Atmoic Drop. To make it even more painful was the fact that the Indian girl would land right atop of the maniac's knee causing her to grasp it in pain.

To add even further insult was the fact she got slapped across the face after that a blow like that as for a moment the crowd was silence as she looks Ally in her eyes while she was down on her knees.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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"What's the matta, ain't so high and mighty when you're put in your place?" Ally said as she locked eyes with Aya. Then Ally would run backwards into the ropes behind her. Once Ally rebounded off the ropes she'd gain momentum and charge at Aya for a Running Jumping Knee Strike. Ally was hoping Aya would stand back up so she could hit Aya in the face. If Ally missed this her momentum would send her crotch first on the top rope which would hurt her and give Aya a opportunity to fight back.

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Re: Hentai Submission Match: Ally "The Maniac" Harris vs Aya Proudstar

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The lesbo would taunt Aya right after the other wrestler had dropped her crotch first on her opponent's knees as she did not reply at first. That gave Ally the time she needed to run towards the ropes and rebounded off them but the way the crowd cheered caused the Indian girl to go from her knees to laying on the floor again and just barely avoid the incoming wrestler.

So as Aya would look up and saw the maniac had landed on the top rope on her crotch it caused the Indian girl to smirk as she got back to her feet and walked towards the other wrestler as she yells ''Karma is a bitch ain't it bitch''. Following that she would just give the maniac a simple push and watched as her opponent fall to the outside while the crowd was booing loudly.

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