Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings

What should the match type be?

Poll ended at Thu Jul 30, 2020 12:28 am

Fall Count Anywhere Match
Belly Match
Submission Match
Total votes: 14

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Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

It had been awhile since she had been in the ring like this. She had usually spent her time in the nurses office but getting to dissect an opponent in the ring would do her plenty of good. Plus she missed the in right action, there was something about it that simply watching couldn’t fulfill and this time she was up against a new kind of opponent. Only one match on there record so far that meant Haruka had a lot to show her about LAW and how she would be up against some stiff competition on her way to the top. Though the match types were all interesting, FCA could get brutal especially if they were careless and Haruka had no intention of putting Thea in the hospital that she worked at. The Belly match was the most peculiar, Haruka had heard of it in LAW thanks to the screaming banshee that went around with that gaudy title but she wasn’t one looking for it. Still the potential for a new kind of feeling was there especially because she thought her abs were pretty good. The submission match was the most basic one there and yet had potential to be just as brutal, if push came to shove she could wrench a hold if she wanted. And she would of Thats what it took to win. Because that was her goal in the end. A nice clean victory...Haruka made her way down to the ring swiftly giving some kisses to the crowd on her way down but watching and waiting for little Thea to show her face for the second time in LAW and for Haruka to evaluate what she was made of.

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Re: Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

Unread post by Bare »

Thea was backstage, mentally composing herself for her second official match here in LAW. Her debut had certainly garnered her some notoriety and so a swirl of discussion was being comducted throughout the arena and online about her match tonight. She was apparently up against someone out of action for awhile, but before she left she had a decent reputation, although from what Thea saw she seemed a bit like a narcicist in her opinion. But that was neither here nor there.

Tightening the laces on her boots the Australian born blonde would stand up on her feet and toss her hair back as she adjusted her silver outfit. Hopefully her opponet wouldn’t be too bad and Thea coild come out of this with another win without a new enemy. But that may be difficult given the still pensive status of their match type. It was her first experience with a ‘cyber match’ as it was called and she was curious what would be decided. Virtually all the options were things that played to her strengths, at least to an extent. Although she hadn’t competed in a belly match yet she was interested, and hoped either that or submission was chosen. Though she had no problem winning with a fall count anywhere stipulation. After all in Thea’s mind she only knew she wouldn’t lose. Not without a fight.
Walking up to the guerilla position Thea cracked her neck and popped her knuckles beofre her entrance music began playing while the announcer’s voice kicked over the room. “Making her way to the ring! From Sydney, Australia, Thea ‘The Shining Fairy’ Asterssss!” The announcer called out as she walked out from behind the curtain and raised a hand up with a smile while popping her hips to one side illociting a cheer from the crowd due to her performance in her debut.

Sauntering her way to the ring Thea flashed smiles and nods to the crowd on either side of her while walking to the ring with a confident smirk. Making it to the ring she walked up the steps and, walking along the ring apron, turned and posed for the fans, even blowing a kiss to them before flipping back over the ropes and into a standing position in the ring. Walking over to her corner she looked over at her opponet and gave a curt nod to the more experienced woman as she leaned against her corner.

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Re: Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Haruka watched the blonde intently and with a smile. Already she was thinking about how cute she was and the way she came down to the ring. This Thea already looked like a fun opponent regardless of what they fought in. She certainly didn’t seem to lack confidence but that holding up depended on other things. People could always make a point of being good for the cameras but it was what they did in the ring that mattered. And Haruka was going to explore that. Getting off her corner and taking her coat off she tapped her lips observing her new playmate. “ Thea what stipulation are you hoping for? Afterall I’m sure you have one that you think is your forte. Certainly more then one of the others.

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Re: Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

Unread post by Bare »

As Thea rested against the corner, tapping her fingers impatiently along the ring rope the young blonde found she was decidedly mot a fam of the wait for the results. However her opponet seemed to find a way to distract herself from the wait, and that was by talking to her. Raising an eybrow slightly while trying to decypjer the connotation behind calling her cute, in this case whether she meant it literally, figuratively or both.

”I have no preference really. If I were to choose I’d probably say submission or belly. The latter I have more practical experience in and the other does at least introgue me.” The young blonde said as politely as she could while quirking her own up up, trying to determine what the woman was about. Looking up though Thea realized that the time had gone by faster than she thought and the vote had been comleted.

But it seems as if I’ll be able to test this interest out.” She would say as she gesture to the board which now displayed the finalized votes from the fans, thus showing that a belly match had won the vote. Cracking her knuckles in anticipation Thea waited for the ref to go over the rules so she knew exactly wha the match entailed. Though it seemed somewhat obvious to her.

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Re: Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Haruka nodded her head at Theas words while the results finally showed up. A Belly match huh? Haruka’s hand went to her belly as she thought about how it was going to have to endure a lot to win this match. Afterall what would be worse then losing because your abs couldn’t take a few hits. Haruka looked at the blonde, while cute she didn’t look like much and her stomach seemed pretty vulnerable in itself. That gave her plenty of confidence that this would go well for her. “So it seems we’re going to find out just how much that cute body can take. Don’t worry, your new here so I won’t be as aggressive with you as I would be with a few others.” Haruka would move ready to start this match now that it was getting started.

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Re: Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

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As she thought about the decided upon match type, Thea began running over statistics in her head, her own stomach wasn't particularly built, nor was it soft, so she would likely have to rely on her determination to not lose. Her opponent however was similar in build, although in Thea's humble opinion it looked just a bit softer than her own. Haruka also seemed to have more experience than herself but was hopefully somewhat out of practice. On top of that Thea was fairly certain she wanted this more, and would fight harder to win. However her strategizing was interrupted the moment her opponent began speaking to her once more. This time though, as Thea listened to her words, the blonde found her eye twitching in rapidly growing annoyance and even anger. "If you're looking down on me... don't." Thea said with a dark look on her face as she too circled the older woman. "You'll find yourself regretting it, because I definitely won't be pulling any aggression!" As Thea said this the bell rang starting the match prompting her to dash forward and throw a punch aimed at the doctor's stomach. After all given the point of the match it only made sense to start there of all places.

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Re: Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

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Haruka could tell she struck a nerve with Thea in that comment, but rather then feel bad she almost felt it was cute that she was bothered by it. So many wrestlers seemed to have such a sensitive mindset towards themselves. “Oh I don’t expect you too. But dont you think it’s a bit rude to tell me how much effort I need to put? If you know your own strength so do I?” Haruka’s hands went to her hips as she observed Thea before she heard the bell ring. Thea charged immediately rushing and going right for Haruka’s belly from the get to as Haruka didn’t consider that she might do that as the fist struck her dead on. But rather then let out a grunt of pain she let out a surprised laugh before she giggled. “Ohhoho! I do hope that wasn’t all you could bring to the table.” If Thea thought her abs were soft she would be sadly mistaken as Haruka had a tighter body then anyone gave her credit for.

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Re: Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

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Thea continued to glare, her growing annoyance only building up as the woman talked. If there was one thing Thea hated more than anything it was being looked down upon or underestimated, which was exsctly the feeling she was gettng from the older woman as she glared fiercely while charging forward. ”Don’t blame me when you’re on the ground defeated!” The blonde cried out as she swung her fist forward to try and crash it into the older woman’s stomach. However mich to her shock the fist seemingly did nothing as the woman just tanked the attack with seemingly no reaction. ‘Ok... so her stomach maybe stronger than I gave her credit for.’ She thought to herself before hearing Haruka’s words and gritting her teeth in anger. “You haven’t seen anything yet!” She yelled pulling her arm back before spinning on her heel and rearing her leg up to try and drive it into Haruka’s stomach with a spinning back kick.

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Re: Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

Unread post by Taskmaster12 »

Haruka’s belly wasn’t some soft chew toy for Thea to break down she was going to have to work for that win and Haruka knew how to protect herself from hits. But she also knew how to attack. Going in for another shot at Thea who seemed to be easily angered she would try and spin and go for a kick. Perfect Haruka would bring her hands up and catch block the kick from connecting with her before moving in closer and shoving the leg off to the side to throw her off balance before Haruka would try and drive a knee into Thea’s belly to finally see what the blonde was made of. “Your right I haven’t. But you will soon.

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Re: Choose the Battle: Haruka vs Thea.

Unread post by Bare »

As Thea thew her leg she knew that she that she should calm down, but she found it immensely difficult to calm down at the moment, after all she hated it, absolutely hated when she was talked down too or others were arrogant to her. Someone like Haruka did things like that in passing apparently and thus Thea was furious already as a result. Unfortunately for her this gave her opponent an opening to use against her. So as her leg came in at her opponent's stomach she would gasp feeling it caught by the older woman leaving her vulnerable! Before the blonde could think about doing anything she found her limb being tossed to the side throwing her balance off altogether as she stumbled to the side. "Guah!" She would then gasp in pain as her knee drove itself into her stomach making her stumble back. Despite wincing in pain she showed no other sign of pain of pain. The knee definitely hurt but not enough to leave her stunned or anything of the sort. "Even if you do I'll still beat you!" She cried out lunging forward to throw both arms forward for a double palm thrust aimed at Haruka's stomach

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