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Clash of styles- Agatha vs Momo!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:25 pm
by SubtleRoar
*While coming off of an easy victory over the much more inexperienced Riley Blacke, Agatha was looking for someone slightly more competitive that could really accentuate her ability to perform in the spotlight. Tonight, it seemed, her request would be fulfilled, as Momo Yamamoto was going to be who she met between the ropes.* "Her talent is apparent, but can she genuinely compete with someone of my outstanding strength?" *Agatha pondered over her own question for a moment before replying to herself.* "I certainly hope so!" *Before she exited the otherwise vacant locker room, the scandinavian amazon knelt down upon her bench and prayed, asking for the Allfather Odin to bless her with the strength and wisdom she would need to guide her through this encounter.* "Your vigilant eyes watch from above, please provide me with your strength and love. With each fist I throw, and each step I take, your name I praise and your power I take. Amen." *And with that, she hopped onto her feet and casually strolled through the hallway, making her way towards the backstage waiting area.*
*It was clear to see that Agatha was nervous about what to expect tonight, but despite this she knew that win or lose, she would demonstrate that her unique style of wrestling was nothing to be trifled with. Once her music dropped, she emerged onto the scene, basking in the sensation of applause and adoration. However, she would not tarry forever, and in an instant she darted towards the empty arena, slipping underneath the bottom rope before subsequently rising to her feet.* "This shall be a night she won't soon forget~" *Agatha muttered to herself, allowing her theme music to finally die down.*

Re: Clash of styles- Agatha vs Momo!

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 1:47 am
by Dubski
Strobe lights flashed colors all over the ring as Pulses by Karmin began to play. The crowd began to clap with the song and once the lyrics kicked in, Momo Yamamoto ran out onto the stage, arms out and spinning around in place before looking out at the crowd gratefully, a big smile on her face. With a big ol' self-hug, she wiggled around cheerfully as she took in all the adoration from the fans! The Heart Throb would then skip down the ring, taking turns to slap hands with various people in the crowd before stopping at the foot of the ring to take a good look at her opponent. Intense was a word, as she still looked at her in a friendly manner, head tilting slightly as she tried to see what to make of her.
Then, Momo would take a few steps back before performing a smooth jump onto the apron and slid on it. She pumped her arm before she rolled under the bottom rope, speeding over to one side of the ring and then blowing a big kiss to the crowd, which many of the members seemed to return. She repeated it with the other sides of the ring before skipping into her corner and shrugging off her jacket, leaving her in jean shorts and her tank top. The plucky brunette would then smile over at Agatha from the other end of the ring and shouted out, "Cool look! You seem pretty serious, but I like to think I'm pretty legit myself!" A wide smile on her face, she bounced in her corner a few times before grabbing hold of the top ropes with both hands, getting ready for the bell to ring. "Good luck, babe!"

Re: Clash of styles- Agatha vs Momo!

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:27 am
by SubtleRoar
*while the energetic valkyrie continued to twist her body from side to side to keep herself as limber as possible, but once Momo's theme dropped she couldn't help but get tingles all throughout her svelte form. In an instant, Momo had made quite the resounding impact on the norse woman, something that she was more than eager to reciprocate.* "You seem like the type to keep me entertained for a while!" *Agatha retorted, digging the edges of her nails into the center of her hand to form a pair of unfathomably powerful fists!*

*As the two casually exchanged a bit of banter, the sonorous sound of the bell broke up their verbal jousting.* "Clang clang clang!" *Agatha shot Momo a gentle smirk, both of them well aware that it was finally time to see what the other could do.* "I hope you're ready for me, because I have the power of the gods guiding my every move!" *She boisterously shouted, attempting to launch herself forward to try and spear Momo into the ground!*

Re: Clash of styles- Agatha vs Momo!

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:40 am
by Dubski
Momo gave Agatha a skeptical look as her opponent proclaimed the power of gods were powering her. But when the bell rang, the Heart Throb was absolutely not about to just let her get the first hit in. Running directly at Agatha, Momo would shout, "Yeah, well I've got the power of love on my side!" She made her proclamation and then proceeded to leap frog impressively over the spear attempt!

Yamamoto would then land on her feet and then wait for the right moment to attempt to leap onto the shoulders of her valkyrie opponent! If she could land atop her foe, the Cutie would then twist her body around and then perform a headscissors to try taking Agatha down to the mat and gain an early lead!

Re: Clash of styles- Agatha vs Momo!

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:25 am
by SubtleRoar
*Attempting to bulldoze the scrawnier woman to the floor, Agatha would subsequently be left stunned at how acrobatic Momo was, almost effortlessly vaulting overtop of her with relative ease.* "W..wah..?!?" *Before she had a chance to process what was going on however, Momo would subsequently toss her towards the ground with an impressive leg toss, forcing the buxom blonde to collapse towards the floor with a reverberating* "Thump!" *That caused the audience to erupt in excitement!*

"'re stronger than you look." *Agatha remarked, trying to shake off the anguish while trying to reevaluate her battle tactics.* "I won't be underestimating you again!" *Still clinging to the ropes for support, the vigorous valkyrie readied herself for anything, gesturing for Momo to come forward with a wave of her hand.*

Re: Clash of styles- Agatha vs Momo!

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:47 pm
by Dubski
The headscissors took down Agatha quickly and Momo landed on the mat before springing up to her feet, throwing a fist up in victory. Then, the tanned girl watched as Agatha brought herself up using the ring ropes and Yamamoto looked around, flashing her most adorable smile as her shoulders shimmied and she held her hands in front of her shyly. "Underestimate me? No... that's never happened," she let out a laugh and then flashed into the cheeriest of smiles.

Then, Momo would get a head full of steam and then run directly at Agatha as she leaned on the ropes! At the last moment, the Heart Throb would slide in between her blonde foe's legs and onto the outside. Upon doing so, she would then attempt to grab Agatha's legs to sweep the feet out from under her from the outside of the ring!

Re: Clash of styles- Agatha vs Momo!

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:47 pm
by SubtleRoar
*Looking to be more agile than before, Agatha would maintain vigilant eye contact with Momo, watching for any sudden movements in the event that she could potentially outmaneuver her again. Fortuitously enough, it seemed as though the spunky brunette was keen on utilizing speed-based attacks to send Agatha spinning in circles. Watching until the last possible second, the buxom scandinavian instantaneously dropped her weight against Momo's body as she went sliding between her supple legs, causing her to execute an inadvertent pin!*

"Gotcha!" *She triumphantly declared, attempting to hook Momo's legs with her wrists to secure the pinfall attempt!* "ONE!" *The moderator counted aloud, officially beginning the countdown to Momo's potential defeat. The crowd collectively gasped from what they were witnessing, but Agatha remained determined to try and finish this match before it has a chance to get started!*

Re: Clash of styles- Agatha vs Momo!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:57 am
by Dubski
Momo was speedily coming right for Agatha, and when she went to slide down, she was surprised when Agatha sat down on her body. With a yelp, the Cutie looked panicked and then wriggled and writhed, body shifting. She wasn't used to being caught off-guard like this, but she wasn't about to let it end like this.

Puffing out her cheeks and looking determined, Yamamoto would then use her strong legs to roll over, keeping her legs hooked over Agatha's arms! Almost instantly, the pin was reversed into a pinfall pin, with Momo being in the proper position right now as she tried to hook her arms around one of Agatha's thighs to attempt keeping her pinned down! The referee went down to start her count again! "ONE!"

Re: Clash of styles- Agatha vs Momo!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:58 am
by SubtleRoar
*As both women vied for control, it was slowly starting to become apparent to the buxom valkyrie that Momo was more than her match, forcing her sideways while simultaneously attempting a pin of her own!*

"Two!" *Thrusting her taut body upwards to break the hold her opponent had on her, Agatha quickly rolled backwards before clinging to the ropes for support.* "You almost had me there!" *She jovially remarked, rolling her shoulders out to try and disperse the fatigue she felt.*

"Keep it up! Keep it up!" *Amazed at what they had witnessed thus far, the audience responded to the impressive demonstration of wrestling acumen by applauding both women. Deciding to use this as a catalyst, Agatha sprang forward to try and snag Momo inside of a headlock!*

Re: Clash of styles- Agatha vs Momo!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 1:00 am
by Dubski
Momo Yamamoto had tried to hold in the pin as much as she could, but she figured she probably couldn't get the pin from Agatha so early, especially when she seemed so strong. Falling back when Agatha kicked out, the Cutie would then roll back and stay on one knee, watching Agatha and nodding a few times before deciding she should come at her.

"Alright, let's go--Gah!" Momo shouted before being caught in a headlock, using her hands to try pushing back against it as she winced in pain. "H-hey... now..." The Heart Throb would try to pull back her body to get out of the hold, but each time she did, she seemed to get locked in even more tightly as she let out groans and grunts of exertion, trying to make her escape!