Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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Standard Match Rules
Victory Via Pinfall, DQ Or Submission.


A single palm raised out to the sky would be followed by another, as the thick bodied sumo Charlotte Foster stood centre of the wrestling ring. The crowd having given the young rookie a modest reception upon her appearance and pace down the ramp, Charlotte's personality and constant determination to push herself had earned her a modest fan base for one so new to the world of wrestling. And today, she opted to bite near enough towards the top of her division, in hopes of not only finding the distance between herself and a championship opportunity, but perhaps knocking off a big name as well!

"Erin Quinn..!" She'd mutter to herself, though the referee would curiosily turn her head as Charlotte adopted the pose, her eyes to the ramp as it turned to Erin's turn to appear.

"Our battle...shall be legendary!"

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Re: Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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Bouncing on her heels, Erin would wait for her turn to make an entrance. The would give her outfit a few last minute adjustments before heading out to greet a cheering crowd. With her signature wide grin he waved and rushed towards the ring. Quickly Erin hopped up and made her way through the ropes. "Hope everyone's ready to see a beat down!" The redhead called out to the crowd, not bothering to address her opponent just yet.
Finally Erin turned to face Charlotte. Her eyes scanned the woman, looking her up and down. For a moment her gaze focused on appeared to be a bit of an odd choice of gear to the Irish brawler. She would quickly focus on more important things though. Charlotte looked fairly built. She was certainly not an opponent Erin would be able to easily toss around. She was excited though. It was just another opportunity for her to test her strength and show off what she could do. "Hmm...Anyway ya look tough enough." The redhead soon blurted out. "But let's see if you can back that up." She taunted.
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Re: Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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Charlotte didn't move a inch as Erin made her entrance. She didn't know what to expect, be it a high-flyer, or a powerhouse, or somewhere in between. The Irish beauty looked to be something of the latter, with thick arms and legs that suggested that whilst it was Charlotte with the wider figure, power would not be something she overly excelled at with this foe. Still, even if a loss came about, not that she was aiming for one, Charlotte would be able to use a quality of foe like Erin to gauge her current skill and see how far she was from the top. On the off chance this was to be a controlled bout and win on her own end, she might very well pursue a title first thing in the morning.

"YOU!" She'd raise a hand with a finger extended, only after Erin was comfortably in the ring. "Are Erin..Quinn!"

Her voice carrying her usual boldness, as the sumo of justice persona swung into action. Though given Erin's reputation, Charlotte wasn't at all deeming Erin to be her usual form of foe; a heel in need of vanquishing.

"We shall have a most glorious battle!"

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Re: Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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Erin tilted her head to the side as her opponent seemed to point out the obvious. She didn't quite know what to make of the statement. "Yeah I think so. That's what people seem to call me anyway." The redhead teased and would respond with a chuckle. Clearly she wasn't taking things as seriously as the sumo was. And so she decided teasing would be more fun than just going along with Charlotte. "Hmmm glorious battle huh? You sure you don't mean me wiping the floor with ya?" She said before briefly poking her tongue out at the other woman.

It wasn't long before Erin raised her arms and was ready to fight. She would wait patiently for the bell. Trying to vary her strategy a bit, the redhead wasn't planning on charging right in. Instead she would take the time before the match started to try and figure out the best way to deal with her opponent. When a thought finally popped into her mind she would smile and glance back to her foe. "Aright then, ready when you are. Let's go!"
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Re: Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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"A-HOHO!" Had this been a villain, or at least one Charlotte had dubbed to be one, before her, her reaction would have been considerably less boisterous. Chants about justice and delivering her foe to it would be made, but in the face of another positive character, Charlotte could but take those taunts in a good way.

"We shall see, Erin Quinn!" With that, Charlotte raised her right leg up just a inch or so, before stomping it down. The base of her foot making quite the awful racket as she thrust out her palm towards the air, before her hands relaxed somewhat.

Opting to circle her busty foe, Charlotte's look told the crown and Erin a like that this was a bout she was most certainly looking forward to!

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Re: Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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The redhead smiled, happy to see her opponent taking her teasing in stride. She appreciated a foe that didn't quite mind it. Soon Charlotte was getting ready and Erin would do the same. She watched as her foe slowly circled her. "Hmmm well hopefully sooner rather than later." The Irish brawler responded. However Erin didn't plan on giving Charlotte that choice.

Since her opponent hadn't made the first move, Erin decided she would start off. She was curious to see how her strength compared to that of a real sumo and so the redhead lunged forward with arms raised in an attempt to lock up with her foe. Erin was eager to test herself against the woman and if all went according to plan she would start to shove them back towards the ropes. For once though she wasn't entirely sure if she could manage that with her current foe.
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Re: Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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Moving somewhat slowly in a controlled way, Charlotte's hands practically mimicked Erin's as the Irish gal sought a test of strength. Spreading her thighs even wider, Charlotte turned herself somewhat akin to an immovable object, as she prepared to give her fellow middleweight a run for her money in the power department. She wasn't a hundred percent sure if she could actually shove Erin back, but with a sumo frame and level of skill to her, Charlotte was damned if it was her that was going to be moved!

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Re: Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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With her usual confident grin Erin locked hands with her opponent and would quickly try to overpower them. Her smile would soon fade though as she realized that no matter how hard she pushed there was no progress to be made. "Nnnnng...D...Damn it! What are you...fucking made of boulders?" The redhead groaned as she strained her muscles in an attempt to move the unmovable. While there were certainly foe's that Erin struggled against, this was the first time that she found herself completely unable to move someone. It wasn't long before it became apparent to Erin that she needed to change tactics.

Maybe she couldn't push Charlotte but that was far from everything Erin knew how to do. She would soon try to bring her opponent's arms down to her sides before attempting to quickly wrap her arms around her opponent's frame. She'd see how much Charlotte wanted to stay in one place once she had Erin's arms digging into her curves while trying to squeeze her senseless.
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Re: Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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Neither figure moved an inch, and whilst Charlotte's own mind was filling with alternative methods of attack, it soon became apparent that Erin was all the more eager to switch things up. Thick arms swatted aside, Charlotte would find her thicker midriff pulled into Erin's own, as the Irish gal tried to squeeze a little life out of her. Naturally Charlotte tensed up, with her hands shoving hard into Erin's chin, whilst bringing her hips and thick thighs back. Whilst it was rare for her figure to be caught in such a dominant hold, it was not a first. And with experience came the knowledge on what to do, as Charlotte tried to peel her body out of Erin's grip starting from below!

"You are very strong, Erin Quinn.." She'd roar out, amidst efforts to keep her cool. "But I am mightier!"

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Re: Charlotte F. Vs. Erin Q. - Irish Sumo!

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For a moment Erin thought she had solved her problem. She had her arms tightly around Charlotte and proceeded to give the woman the tightest hug she could. They didn't appear to appreciate just how warm Erin was trying to be though and would quickly try and deter the redhead from squeezing her opponent senseless. Soon Erin felt a hand pushing her chin back in quite an annoying manner. "Nnnng come on! I'm TRYING to squash you!" The redhead groaned.

Charlotte's maneuver had worked to deter Erin from applying her full strength while she was being pushed away, but it hadn't stopped her from responding. "Keep dreaming!" She replied. While she had trouble moving Charlotte before, Erin was hoping a few twists and turns would unbalance the sumo enough so that she could toss the woman down to the floor. That should take care of her immediate problems for right now.
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