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Kyoko Kobashi vs. Ashley Lucas
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 3:58 am
by CaptainL
Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout
Even if they'd only made their mark in a handful of matches so far, the Heartbreakers had already garnered plenty of discussion as a new rising stable in LAW. Their ruthless tactics had earned the ire of many a fan, but their flippant and carefree attitude meant that they brushed off everything. They had no agenda but their own, after all, and that usually stopped at just causing chaos!
In addition to their debut as a team, the apparent ringleader, Sachiko Koizumi, had made quite a standing in her singles debut, where she had shown no mercy to her hapless opponent. But now, it was time for some of the other team members to make their standing in singles competition. This would be one such night!
Even before things began, it seemed as though ill tidings were on the horizon. Even as perrenial ring announcer Misa Otomura prepared to announce the next match, something crossed her mind, and her gaze flit nervously back and forth between the ring and the entrance ramp. After an unfortunate run-in with the Heartbreakers come their debut, it seemed as though Misa didn't want to press her luck again. Finally, she decided to pass the microphone off to the commentary team to do the announcing, as she covertly slipped out.
"The following contest will be scheduled for one fall! Coming first to the ring, representing the Heartbreakers! From Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 125 pounds and 5'6, KYOKO KOBASHI!"
As her name was called, Kyoko proceeded down the ring, as the Heartbreakers' skull logo lit up on the screens behind her. Despite her reception with the crowd, her attitude seemed more in keeping with a typical face; she cheered and waved to the crowd as she ran down the ramp, even as they booed her. It didn't really bother her, though, as she slipped into the ring anyway before popping back up with her fist in the air and a grin on her face. She ran across to her side of the ring, awaiting the opponent she'd be facing off with.
Re: Kyoko Kobashi vs. Ashley Lucas
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 12:25 am
by pikazard
Ashley took a deep breath in as she stood ready in the Gorilla position, watching her opponent for tonight Kyoko enter the ring. With the way she was acting you would think that she was your typical face wrestler, but Ashley knew otherwise. As an avid wrestling fan who loved to watch matches as much as she loved to fight in them she had seen most of the matches in LAW's history, including Kyoko's debut. She was a member of the Heartbreakers, a group of heels that like to fight dirty. Watching that match had pissed Ashley off. But now she could put that anger to good use.
Ashley walked out as her entrance music began to play. She had her eyes glued to Kyoko and didn't try to play to the audience this time, instead she just strode purposefully to the ring. Anyone who had seen her debut match would be able to see a clear difference. Ashley climbed into the ring and walked over to the opposite side of the ring to Kyoko, locking eyes with her the whole time "Hope you're ready, cuz this is going to hurt." to emphasise her point she cracked her knuckles threateningly.
Despite the aggressive energy she was giving off Ashley would wait patiently for the bell to ring.
Re: Kyoko Kobashi vs. Ashley Lucas
Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:41 pm
by CaptainL
As she stood in the ring, Kyoko thought about what she could expect from this matchup. She was usually a team player; even when Sachiko wasn't around, she and her fellow team member Misako went back a long while, and they had always been working together in some way. This time, though, she was looking to take things on one on one. Which was, of course, not to say she couldn't do it - quite the contrary in fact, Kyoko seemed as excited than ever, as wore a bright smile on her face while she cracked her knuckles in anticipation of the match ahead of her! She shook herself out, jogging in place as she watched the ramp - and, as such, saw her opponent, Ashley, make her arrival on the scene.
As Ashley entered the ring, Kyoko stopped from her pre-match warmup, raising a hand to wave to the blonde. "Heeeeey!" she called cheerfully. To those familiar with the Heartbreakers' image, seeing raw, unfiltered Kyoko, without her partners to shape her conduct, seemed rather incongruous. But the more subtle cues in how she held herself proved she wasn't messing around - she stared dead into Ashley's eyes with a focused intensity, as if she was watching her every move in case she'd need to act on the slightest provocation, and her body was tensed and ready to strike. Kyoko was definitely in the zone.
And it wasn't long before she proved that. At the sound of the bell, Kyoko allotted her opponent little time to prepare herself before she came charging in, going to swing towards her with a roundhouse kick aimed at her side!
Re: Kyoko Kobashi vs. Ashley Lucas
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:05 am
by pikazard
Despite Ashley's best attempt at intimidation her heel opponent wasn't exactly quaking in her boots, instead Kyoko was all smiles and waves as she greeted Ashley. Ashley didn't grace her greeting with a response and instead just focused on continuing to lock eyes with the girl. She may have been acting all friendly and giggly, but Ashley could tell that she was ready to fight at any moment, like a coiled spring. Ashley shifted her weight back so that she'd be more able to react to a sudden attack when the match began.
The bell rang, and as Ashley had predicted Kyoko pounced right out the gate. Ashley's choice to start off defensively rather than aggressively paid off, and she had plenty of time to think of an appropriate counter. Instead of backing off Ashley took a step into Kyoko's body while her leg was in the air from the kick and gave her a rough shove with her shoulder, hoping to knock her off balance.
Re: Kyoko Kobashi vs. Ashley Lucas
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:40 pm
by CaptainL
Given the stark contrast between Kyoko's bubbly disposition before the match began and the intensity with which she came at Ashley as soon as the bell rang, many would suspect she had been trying to deceive the blonde into letting her guard down, giving her a false sense of security before she struck. In truth, that was reading too much into things. The fact of the matter was Kyoko was just an obstinately cheerful person, and she also happened to like hitting things. To her, there were no contradictions between the two.
Regardless, Ashley was still ready for her. As Kyoko extended her leg, swirling through the air to aim it right at Ashley's shoulder, her opponent went in closer and shoved her shoulder into her! The determined look on Kyoko's face soon changed to one of surprise, as Ashley took her by surprise, sweeping her off her already compromised balance as she had gone to one foot. Wincing, Kyoko fell to the mat, landing hard on her rear as she bounced against the canvas a few times before coming to a stop.
Re: Kyoko Kobashi vs. Ashley Lucas
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 11:57 pm
by pikazard
Ashley's shoulder made a satisfying impact against Kyoko's torso as her counter was successful in making Kyoko lose balance and knocking her down to the canvas. The site of the heel hitting the ground with her but made Ashley grin as she backed up a few steps. She would wait a few seconds then run over to Kyoko with her arm held out, hoping to catch her on the chest with a clothesline as she got back to her feet after being knocked down "Ora!" If she was successful she would take a moment to gloat at her prone opponent before leaning over and allowing herself to fall onto Kyoko to attempt to deliver a devastating elbow drop.
Re: Kyoko Kobashi vs. Ashley Lucas
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:50 pm
by CaptainL
After making an unceremonious landing on the ground beneath her, Kyoko was left winded, and she clenched her teeth as she turned her head back upwards to lock her gaze on Ashley. Steeling herself, she braced her palm against the mat, going to lift herself back to her feet. Things might have been off to a rough start, but soon she was back up, dusting herself off. This was still early in the match, she had plenty of time to turn things around.
...And almost immediately, Ashley was back at her, charging her with a clothesline that sent her back down! Landing with a louder thud this time, Kyoko glared; this back-and-forth pace was starting to get on her nerves. "HEY-!" she cried, looking back up at Ashley as she reveled in her victory. But while this might have frustrated her, she wouldn't let her opponent hold the advantage for long. Upon seeing Ashley hurl herself forward, Kyoko shoved herself off the canvas to roll to her side, hoping to let the blonde come down onto her elbow!
Re: Kyoko Kobashi vs. Ashley Lucas
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 12:29 am
by pikazard
Seeing the frustrated look on the heel's face pleased Ashley to no end as she gloated at her. But as much satisfaction as taunting Kyoko had given her it would ultimately prove to be a mistake. Ashley was putting all of her weight into her elbow as she went for the elbow drop, so when Kyoko moved out of the way of her attack Ashley prematurely flinched. This was going to hurt.
"Fuck!!" Ashley clutched her elbow with her other hand while rolling on the floor for a moment. She grit her teeth and hissed in pain before grabbing the rope and pulling herself up. In the end she hadn't dealt herself that much damage, it just hurt like a bitch, meaning that she was able to recover from it and get back to her feet pretty quickly. Although inversely, Kyoko also had plenty of time to get up while Ashley wasn't focused on her.
Re: Kyoko Kobashi vs. Ashley Lucas
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:51 pm
by CaptainL
Kyoko smiled wider to herself as she got out of the way, letting gravity take care of the rest of the work. Ashley's momentum would prove to be her own worst enemy, as, with the intended target slipping out of the way, she was left to come down hard onto her outstretched elbow, slamming it against the canvas!
Kyoko, meanwhile, rolled out to the side to pick herself up as Ashley recovered from the blow. She was a bit disappointed to see that the blonde could get back up so easily, but she shrugged and accepted it. It just meant that she would have to work harder to bring her down. And, furthermore, with Ashley having to haul herself back upward, she had bought time for Kyoko to make her next move. The red-haired girl ran across to the other end of the ring, throwing her back against the ropes to get the momentum of their spring behind her as she charged back toward Ashley! As she came in close, she jumped off her feet and thrust her boots forward to try and hit her with a dropkick, hopefully before she'd have time to fully center herself!
Re: Kyoko Kobashi vs. Ashley Lucas
Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:51 am
by pikazard
While Ashley was getting back on her feet after her failed attempt at an elbow drop she had foolishly taken her eyes off of Kyoko. At the time her priority was just getting back to her feet as soon as possible, but that meant that for a few moments Kyoko had free rein to act without Ashley knowing what she was up to. When Ashley had fully recovered she looked up and saw Kyoko running right at her, going full throttle. Taken off guard, Ashley didn't have time to avoid Kyoko's dropkick and was instead forced to try and block it.
Ashley's rushed last minute block essentially just amounted to getting her arms in the way of Kyoko's boots. It worked in the sense that she hadn't taken the hit full on, but with her awkward positioning she ended up getting thrown back by the force. She landed on her butt, almost mirroring the position Kyoko had been in just seconds earlier "Ngh!" For the moment she was in a poor position to launch an offence at Kyoko and could do nothing but try and ready herself for the follow up attack.