Double Debut: Hardcore Hentai Match - Allison Lovelace vs Joy Locke

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Double Debut: Hardcore Hentai Match - Allison Lovelace vs Joy Locke

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Allison Lovelace vs. Joy Locke
Hardcore Hentai Match - Best 2 out of 3
Victory by Making the Opponent Climax Twice
Allison sits in the dressing room preparing for her first match in LAW. She is a bit excited but doesn't show it to much. It is going to be a hentai match, which is great. The Rebel Princess gets fuck the shit out of some unlucky cutey. She can not wait. Allison grins as she thinks about all the things she will be able to do to her opponent in this match. She finishes putting by putting on her pink jacket, and her golden crown and now she is ready to enter the ring.

The Rebel Princess's music hits and she walks down the ramp. She is cool and confidant as she walks slowly to the ring. The crowd cheers, excited to see a new wrestler. Allison gives no attention, however, she just continues her cool stride up the ring. She slowly moves between the ropes and enter the ring. She is ready to see her first opponent, and victim in LAW.
Allison Lovelace

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Re: Double Debut: Hardcore Hentai Match - Allison Lovelace vs Joy Locke

Unread post by LunaxUwU »

Joy was happy. She finished getting dressed in her ring attire.

Her time in LAW was already everything she had hoped it would be. This match being a hardcore hentai match, and not only that but with multiple falls!? Joy was simply brimming with excited anticipation to say the least.

This was going to be great. No rules, no pins or taps to get in the way of wringing pleasure from her foe until she was spent...Or at least orgasmed twice.

Either way she was pleased.

She entered the gorilla position as her music began to play.
She entered the arena to cheers.
Seemed that the fans liked what they saw even if they didnt know what to make of her or her foe yet.

She waved to the crowd shyly with a slight blush creeping up her cheeks at the attention she was receiving.
She slid into the ring gracefully as she walked to her corner before turning to size up her opponent.

She was gorgeous. Joy smiled waving at Allison shyly.

"I hope we have a good match! May the lord bless us both and keep us safe."

She said with a warm smile and making a small gesture pressing her hands together like a nun in prayer.
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Re: Double Debut: Hardcore Hentai Match - Allison Lovelace vs Joy Locke

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Allison looks at her opponent. Her opponent is a beautiful girl, she can't wait to fuck her brains out. Her opponent is dress kind of contradictory. She looks like a nun, but is dressed so revealing. Allison gives Joy a sly smile, as Joy waves. Joy then speaks. Allison puts her hands on her hips, "Oh... You are going to be screaming for the Lord before I'm done with you. But no God will be able to help you once I get my hands on you. You should have stayed at the nunnery, I'm going to make you regret your choice to be a wrestler. You're trying to act pious, but the way your dress tells me, you are probably a huge slut."

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Re: Double Debut: Hardcore Hentai Match - Allison Lovelace vs Joy Locke

Unread post by LunaxUwU »

“Such language!” Joy covered her hand with her mouth as her eyes widened in shock.

“Young lady that is no way to talk or act. I hope to see you at a matter of fact we can have one right now.” She said with a grin spreading across her face replacing her shocked expression.

She moved to the center of the ring and sank into a ready stance as the bell rang signaling the beginning of the match.

“You can whisper your sins to me child and I will bring an end to this match gently. You’ll feel a lot better knowing your place and cleaning your conscious.” She smiled warmly and her eyes held a friendly nature in them.

“But if you put up a fuss I’ll make you scream your sins for all to hear while I show you the errors of your life choices...” She said as her eyes and expression turned from warm and inviting to deadly serious.

“The choice is yours of course!” She said shifting back to warm and inviting.

The match had begun!
Last edited by LunaxUwU on Tue Oct 08, 2019 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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