Aoi vs Lynn: Humiliation Match!

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Aoi vs Lynn: Humiliation Match!

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Lynn pulled up her final stocking of her ring attire and checked her braids feeling satisfied.

"Y-You look great Mis-Mistress..." Naniko said where he sat bowed on all fours serving as her chair.

Lynn stood with a nod looking at her reflection. "Your right. Good girl." She said after a moment pulling on Naniko's leash so he stood in front of her. She brushed her hand against his cheek softly giving him a deep kiss before back handing him across the face stiffly.

"Now go back home. Joy is waiting for you sweetie. Dont take too long. I'll finish up here and be right there." She said with a smirk slapping Naniko on the butt as he gave her a nod and turned to leave. He squeaked as her hand connected and hurried out with a blush.

She would turn and begin to walk to the gorilla postion waitng for her music to start up. Her opponent was no joke. It was why she had sent Naniko home. She couldnt handle distractions or extra hands getting in her way.

Aoi was Lightweight Champion, and one didnt tend to gain such a title by losing and being a huge pushover. She was nervious even if the little ice queen would rather cut off her own fingers than admit that simple fact. Lynn was pushed firm her thoughts as her music began to play and she walked out to the usual mix of boos and cheers.
Boos were more prevalent though given a champion would have quite the fan base than some no name heel Lynn wasnt all that offended even if it irked her slightly. She would give the crowd a cocky, dismissive wave, Striking a cute pose for a cemera before heading into her corner to lounge and wait for her opponent.
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Re: Aoi vs Lynn: Humiliation Match!

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Aoi was tying up her shoes as she looked at her belt the belt that she fought Clara so hard to get the same titles that seemed to have clara hate aoi. sighing softly she would focus on her next match this is her first match as Lightweight champion and she was gunna give it her all. "lets go and win!" Aoi said a she would head to the gorilla position.

Her music blasting out of the speakers Aoi would come out to the arena with lots of cheers as she would smile happily and wave to the crowd and would fist pump the air three times fireworks blasting out with each pump. her title over her shoulder Aoi would run the to the ring and slide into it. Jumping on her feet she would smiled and look at her opponent she seemed to be just abit taller then her but that didn't bother Aoi she was gunna give her all.

giving her title to the ref Aoi would wave at the girl. "sup names Aoi the very first Lightwieght champion nice to meet you. "aoi said with a smile. "this may be a humiliation match but you're gunna have a hard time beating me just to warn you. "aoi said as she didn't think of her self as someone that had shamed since she took part in hentai matches as well not just standard or humiliations.

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Re: Aoi vs Lynn: Humiliation Match!

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Lynn looked her up and down looking unimpressed though inside she her stomach tightened a little more.

The champion was pretty, and not easily humiliated it felt like the odds kept stacking against her but Lynn pushed away the doubtful thoughts she was beginning to have replacing them with the idea of dominating and humiliating the recently crowned champion.

The idea of what that simple action alone would do for her reputation and what that would do to any who faced her in the future.
This was a big chance to really make a name for herself and Lynn wasn’t ready to let a little self doubt get in the way of her becoming the most dominant wrestler in the lightweight division and beyond.

“Whatever.” She said with a snort as she rolled her eyes dismissively.

“So your the new champion huh..thought you’d be taller...” she said with a confident smirk as she mocked her for and swaggered to the center of the ring and slipping into a ready stance waiting for the match to begin.
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Re: Aoi vs Lynn: Humiliation Match!

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Aoi looked at lynn as the girl said what ever and then told her she thought aoi would be taller. "ha really? you thought that a lightweight champion would be what 6 feet or something?" Aoi asked teasingly as she stretched abit. getting into a ready position aoi would wait for the bell and as soon as the bell rang she would lock up with lynn.

"you better give you're best Lynn." Aoi said a she would push against the girl befor sending a knee into Lynn's belly and double her over. if that work Aoi would move to the side and pull lynn down on her knee and started spanking her.

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Re: Aoi vs Lynn: Humiliation Match!

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“Oh not six feet haha I guess what I’m saying is you don’t measure up to what I expected.” She say haughtily as they locked up.

“And I wouldn’t worry about me. I woul- oof!” Her insult was cut off with a knee to her stomach as Ali dropped her over her knee

“You dirty..How dare you!” Lynn would struggle out while trying to catch her breath though the shear nerve of Ali to even touch her before she felt the first spank.

She arched her back in pain slightly and let out the most adorable squeak.

“I’m not some naughty child stop this at once you insolent bitch!” She yelled with her cheeks beginning to flish from the pain and embarrassment.
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Re: Aoi vs Lynn: Humiliation Match!

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oh but you are little one i'm going to disciple you so you wont go saying bad things to any one" Aoi said as she would continue to spank Lynn going for three more spanks befor roll lynn off of her knee and sat ontop of the girl's belly and grabbed her breast squeezing them. "how do you like this then lynn?" AOi asked as she would twist the girls breast abit as she groped them. Aoi was pretty angry that the girl didn't say she measure up to being a champion.

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