The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

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The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

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Match Type: Standard Tag Match
Rules: Victory by submission, pinfall, or knockout.
Back in the locker room, Molly bore her usual wide and cheerful grin as she checked herself in the mirror, tugging her top into place before pulling the strings tying it in place with one more secure jerk, then striking a confident pose. "You excited, Chelsea?" she said, turning back to her sister as she was lacing her boots just behind her. "I'm feeling this one. I think it feels like a victory for the Bunnies tonight!"

"By all means we'd win any time. 'dose girls jus' got jammy, like. Now,'s us real time ta shine, like!" Chelsea stepped up, clapping Molly on the shoulder as they stood side by side.

"That girl at the gym was pretty nice. I wonder who her partner's going to be?"

"Nobody we should worry about, they're fooked either way, like. Let's go."

Indeed, Chelsea's timing was impeccable, as it was now time for the Forsters to make their entrance.

"Coming first to the ring, from Liverpool, England, at a combined weight of 230 pounds...the BRITISH BUNNIES!"
Chelsea Forster
Molly Forster
The two Bunnies stood at the top of the ramp, first taking a moment to play to the crowd as they locked arms and held their fists out in the air, looking ready for anything. Then they swung around, exchanging a high-five to one another before they both proceeded to the ring. Their entrance wasn't without its fair share of boos coming from the crowd, as they had already quite well demonstrated what they were willing to do. But, aside from some scowls from Chelsea over the barricade, they didn't mind - there were bigger things for them to worry about now. As they came to ringside, Chelsea dropped to her knee and held out her hand to give Molly a leg up in hopping over the top ropes, after which she rolled in in a more conventional fashion. Then it was time for them to take their place in the ring, until their opponents arrived!
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Re: The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

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Warm-up time was just ending for the French beauty named Vanessa Bonjour. She was kind of excited to get out in the ring again, but there were so many question marks surrounding this fight, it almost made her head spin. Was she really ready for this match? She hadn't gotten too much practice with Hayley yet. Would she be able to coordinate with her partner well enough? And what of their opponents? She didn't really know anything about them, only that Hayley seemed to like them. Perhaps that was a good sign?

Either way, there was no use in dwelling on all of this. What was done is done. There were other, more important things she needed to focus on. For example, checking out her ring gear. She realized that this was her first match here that utilized her actual ring attire. Her first match had her in a bikini, and had her pitted against the person she was now tagging with. Funny how things work. She looked down at her gear: a black sports bra and some black wrestling shorts. It wasn't much, but it was simple. A separation from the skimpy outfits she was accustomed to wearing "on the job."
Vanessa Bonjour
Then she looked over to her tag team partner. "Let's do this, Hen-Hen. I'm ready to make a splash! How about you?"

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Re: The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

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Hayley was warming up right next to Vanessa, already in her ring gear, which also doubled as her workout gear. She was rolling one shoulder, making sure her body was good and limber for their upcoming match. Hayley was excited! Her first tag match, and with her new friend! This was where she was more comfortable. No dumb bikini or fanservice. Just straight up skill vs skill. That's how she liked it!

She looks over at Vanessa, and smiles. "You bet, Vanny!" She answers. "You feeling a little better after our workout?" She asked.

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Re: The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

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"Yea, I think so! Still feel a bit tired after all the endurance training you put me through, but I think I'm in a better place than last time." Vanessa gave her partner a smile. The two had grown much closer since their first match on the beach, and the blonde Frenchwoman had never been happier to have such a close friend. No one had treated her as well as Hayley had, which made Vanessa all the more excited to tag with her.

"How about on your end? You still remember that move I taught you? I hope you haven't forgotten it already!" she teased the girl in red. Even if Hayley hadn't remembered, Vanessa was sure that Hayley would be able to hold her own here. In Vanessa's mind, it had become pretty obvious that she herself was the weak link here, and would therefore need to work the hardest to make sure she didn't let anyone down. Her training had helped her immensely, but her brain still didn't quite see things that way.

Still, that wasn't something she planned to tell Hayley.

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Re: The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

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"Good!" She nods. "As we keep doing it, you'll feel more and more comfortable with it." She assures her. "You'll be able to go longer, and longer.. then maybe one day you can last as long as me!" She grins.

She then nods, and claps her hands together. "Yes! Yes I remember! Thank you, I really think that one is gonna come in handy... it was painful when you put me in it... heh..." She said, then exhaled sharply, and then looks towards the door. "You ready?"

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Re: The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

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Vanessa tried really hard not to facepalm at the huge innuendo that Hayley just made. It was worse for the blonde considering that she heard that pick up line so many times before that it felt like a broken record. Of course, she knew Hayley well enough to know that saying probably went way over the dark-haired girl's head. So she just let it go, planning to teach Hayley about 'certain things she should not say in conversations' at a later date.

Nevertheless, she was glad Hayley remembered her move. "Good. Let's make it count then. I need a win in my book, so let's give this match our all!" she said, putting some excitement into her voice.

"I'm ready when you are. Let's go kick some ass!"

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Re: The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

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Vanessa's assumptions were correct, in that she wasn't even aware of the innuendo she had made. Then again, exercising and sex had a lot in common with each other. Repetition, endurance, stamina, strength, in some cases...

Hayley nods firmly. "Right! No one will beat us!" She declares, and starts to head for the stage with Vanessa to do their own entrance!

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Re: The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

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(The following post was done via IM)

Out they come from behind the curtain. Vanessa is out first, with Hayley following immediately afterwards. The blonde walks towards to edge of the ramp, all smiles for the match ahead. Any signs of nervousness that she had before were not visible at the current time.

She waves to the crowd, and gives a vivacious wink to the first guys she sees. She then realized only a second too late that she really didn't want to give anyone any ideas about her. Oh well, too late now.

Stepping back a bit to where Hayley is, Vanessa gets down on one knee and loses herself in the moment again (and, of course, regretting it a moment too late). Blowing a kiss to the crowd and giving them one more wink, she holds her position for Hayley to finish whatever she planned to do up there.

Then, with Hayley beside her, she begins to head towards the ring.

Hayley stepped out at the same time as Vanessa, stepping out on Vanessa's right. Fortunately for Vanessa, Hayley was also playing to the crowd, but in a different manner. Her arms were raised up in fists, and punches at the air a couple of times to show her ferocity to the crowd. She had not noticed Vanessa's actions towards the crowd, and for the crowd, the juxtaposition of one girl showing strength and skill and the other flirting and blowing kisses was a bit jarring. She throws a fist up in the air and lets out a shout.

"We're gonna win this fight!!"
Hayley and Vanessa
She then looks to Vanessa, not seeming realize how different their displays were, and smiles at her before heading down the ramp with her.

Vanessa was also too involved in her own self-damning actions to be totally aware of what Hayley was doing on her end. She saw parts of the latter half Hayley's crowd play, but any sort of awkwardness was blurred by the spirit of friendship. She looked back up at Hayley as the dark-haired girl did the same. Vanessa felt that regardless of coordination, the crowd would see how close the two friends were, and they would absolve the two girls of all their "entrance sins."

Walking down to the ring, Vanessa finally had the chance to look at who they were facing tonight. In the ring, she saw two small bunny girls dressed in about the same amount of clothing that her and Hayley were. They didn't look all that tough, although one of them had a scowl on her face. It made her think back to all the times she had to dress in that cat-girl outfit she had. Ugh, that was not a pleasant memory.

She wasn't in the business of underestimating her opponents, especially being the rookie that she was, but these girls didnt look all that threatening...

Hayley walked alongside Vanessa, and looked up at the two girls already in the ring. She leans in close to whisper to her. "The one frowning. That's the one that speaks a weird language. I think the other girl is her translator. She's way nicer."

"Ok, got it." Vanessa whispers back. She is still quite curious as to what kind of language this girl speaks. She looks really similar to the "nicer" girl, so its difficult to imagine them speaking a different language from each other. Still, look aren't everything. Perhaps when the match is done, she can get the scowling girl to teach her that weird language, assuming it wasn't one she already knew.

Vanessa and Hayley made it to the ring apron. The French blonde girl quickly slipped through the ropes and made her way to the turnbuckle. Hopping up on it, she blows kisses and winks to the crowd once again. Maybe one day, she will figure out how to get those things out of her muscle memory.

Hayley climbs in right afterwards, then looks over at Vanessa. This time she sees her blowing kisses, but doesn't really seem to care. "You want to jump in first, or should I?"

"You can go first. I leave it in your capable hands!" said Vanessa as she slipped between the ropes again and outside their team's corner. "I'll be here if you need me!" Then, she waited for the bell to ring so the match could begin.
Last edited by FinyBoy on Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

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So, these were their opponents. Chelsea had to admit she wasn't exactly impressed with what she saw. The brunette she had met back in the gym was trying at any rate, but what was up with the blonde? Was she just blowing kisses? What did she think this was, some kind of dance? Not only did she have to question how anyone like that would pose a threat to her, she couldn't imagine what kind of a situation might have led to an entrance with one girl blowing kisses and the other ready to fight. Did they even rehearse this at all? If they couldn't be trusted to enter the ring in a coordinated fashion, how could they even be trusted to work well as a team?

While they were entering, the two Forster sisters shared a few final words of encouragement to one another, quietly and in English. "Let's see what they have to offer! Right, Chelsea?" Molly said.

"Roight, roight. But I think we can still agree, they're not gon'ta come close to us, like. We've got this," Chelsea responded.

Seeing that Hayley looked to be first to the ring, Chelsea stepped in closer to meet her, with her sister staying behind the ropes. "So it comes ta this," she said, cracking her knuckles as she did a few stretches to warm up. "Am se you've been train'n all this while, like, but worever. It's gon'ta be a waste 'a time when we beat yous senseless all the same!"

The bell soon chimed to start the match off, as Chelsea lowered into a stance. She wasn't going to give Hayley much time to respond, though, as she was quick to throw a punch straight for her face!
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Re: The British Bunnies (Chelsea and Molly Forster) vs. Vanessa Bonjour and Hayley Henley

Unread post by FinyBoy »

As Vanessa listened in on the opponent's conversation, she immediately understood what Hayley had been talking about. Even she could barely understand what the scowling girl was saying. Leaning over to Hayley, she whispered "Holy moly, Hen-Hen! You weren't kidding about the weird language thing. Even I can't understand her. But that other bunny girl can. I've gotta learn her secret!"

As the French girl mulled over the words that the scowling girl spoke, she tried to put the pieces together. There were definitely some English words in there, that much she could tell. But they were mixed in with a bunch of other words that Vanessa couldn't make out at all. Was she switching between languages mid sentence? But why? What purpose did it serve? Was she cursed to forever speak in two languages at once? Or maybe she was just doing that to throw her and Hayley off? There were just too many possibilities!

While Vanessa was busy overthinking things, she momentarily forgot about the match that was now starting.

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