Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

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Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

Unread post by Devilish53 »


Smother Match
Smother Based Moves Encouraged
Victory Via Submission Or KO

Her figure tightly clad in the centre of the ring, Amelie Roux held nothing but love for the baying crowd. Throwing kisses a plenty as her massive figure leaned over the top ropes, the French beauty held her smile honestly, as every curve she had struggled to stay in that lovely one piece of hers. She knew little about her opponent tonight, only the form in which she'd be facing her.

With the match near enough a basic one, it held only an emphasis on smother moves, with all others still being somewhat permitted. Given the sheer size of Amelie and all her parts, it went without saying that the French giant felt she had the advantage in this field, already keen to see the figure which she'd be rubbing all over for the match to come!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Tue Oct 22, 2019 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

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Watching from backstage as her foe made her entrance, Lola Morgan was none too happy as the busty french woman made her way down to the ring, watching as she blew kisses and waved to the crowd, showing them plenty of love and getting plenty more in return! The busty bunny was well aware that the more that the crowd loved her opponent, the harder it would be for her to turn them against her, though she knew that it surely wouldn't be impossible!

Still, she wasn't going to be stopped from doing her best to put her green haired foe down, the heavyweight taking a second to hide the scowl that was on her face as she made her way to the ramp, replacing it with her usual fake smile! And soon after, she would burst through the curtains to the entrance ramp, making her entrance to the cheers of the crowd!
"Helloooooooo LAW! Who's ready for some smother fun tonight?!" Lola cried out to the fans, quickly making her way down the ramp as she winked and waved to the fans, getting down to the bottom and quickly slipping underneath the ropes to enter the ring!

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Re: Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

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Amelie watched almost statue-like as Lola made her entrance, opting it seemed to match Amelie's love for the crowd with waves and kisses of her own. The more youthful entrance from Amelie's lighter foe sure made the feat easier, given that Lola almost bounced out of her attire as she waved and cried out her greetings!

Stepping forward to meet this foe, Amelie as per the norm didn't hold even a little hostility nor aggression in her. The goal of course was to render ones opponent incapable of continuing this encounter, but the French beauty held absolutely no intent in her for things to go overboard or even violent!

"Hello there..." She'd smirk, with a quick lick of her lips as she tilted her head just a little to make up for the height difference.

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Re: Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

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Smiling as she made her way down to the ring, Lola would finish up with the niceties and greeting the crowd, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, before slipping underneath the bottom rope and finally taking her attention away from her fans, turning it towards her foe! The green haired woman that stood in front of her was certainly quite the busty figure, possessing all the assets that one would expect a participant in a smother match would expect, causing Lola to give an internal sigh, knowing this would not be a cakewalk.

"Well aren't you just the cutest! I'm ready to get nice and personal with you! Ugly bitch..." Lola hissed under her breath, just loud enough for Amelie to hear, but not quite loud enough for her to make out the insult that was aimed at her, leaving both the crowd and her opponent in the dark about her foul attitude!

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Re: Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

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Lola's persona seemed to have fallen on Amelie entirely, as the taller woman seemed not to suspect a thing, and seemingly hear even less. Only imagining what she would do with a body like Lola's, one made all the hotter by the apparent persona attached to it, Amelie took a handful of steps forward. Such was her figure that those few steps were giant to some, Amelie was about a metre or so away from her opponent for the evening, as she looked down just a touch to make up for her height.

"Oho, are you now?" She'd gleam, completely oblivious to what really laid before her.

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Re: Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Throwing a sly insult Amelie's way, the bunny woman got away with it as the larger wrestler seemed to not notice at all, simply walking towards Lola with a smile on her face, looking down slightly in order to make eye contact, a smile on her face as she asked her question! Lola would tilt her head up and resist the urge to roll her eyes right in Amelie's face, instead looking her up and down with a smile and giving her a light pat on the cheek as she started to turn!

"Yup! And you'll find out soon enough!" Lola said with a smirk, tracing a finger over Amelie's bust as she did so, before turning and making her way back towards her corner, getting ready for the match to start!

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Re: Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

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Amelie only took a singular step back as Lola did, finding her own space currently to be perfect for the match to start in. The referee didn't see a problem with this given she was far from being in Lola's face, as the bell was rung with Amelie only needing another step to reach the centre point.

She didn't make said step however, as instead she simply raised one hand. A finger poised at the end of it, with a wagging motion, to try and beckon the girl before her towards her!

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Re: Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

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With the bell ringing and things officially beginning between the two women, Lola was on the lookout for any offense that might come her way, though it seemed that the green haired woman was content to stay away and egg Lola on! The bunny tilted her head slightly, fighting back a scowl that threatened to break through and instead replaced it with a somewhat wry smile, slowly beginning to walk towards Amelie as the woman gestured for her to do, getting closer and closer!

"Alright, let's see if you're ready for my bunny brilliance! God I hate this..." Lola cried, before launching herself towards Amelie to suddenly close the distance between them! And as she did so, Lola would attempt to suddenly duck low, aiming for a surprise spear to start this match off with a bang!

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Re: Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

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Amelie was happy to let Lola take the lead, not only because she was more than aware of the fact she lacked speed above all else, but that she was quite keen to see what the buxom bunny had in mind for fun! Holding her ground in a staunch fashion with arms raised, Amelie's busty frame carried with it alot more muscle than it let on. With a little flexing of her figure all over, Amelie was confident that on the off chance Lola looked to lift her or run into her, she'd be fine.

And whilst she was right, she wasn't completely so, as Lola ran into her abs like a train, shoulder first!

Grunting out with one eye shutting tight and her mouth forming a O, Amelie tried to grab ahold of Lola's lovely hips from above as she slid back. Seemingly trying to reign control from this poor start, as she discovered Lola to be considerably more fierce than she imagined!

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Re: Lola M. Vs Amelie Roux - Bunny Brilliance!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Rushing towards Amelie, Lola would lower her upper half and slam her shoulder into Amelie's stomach, nailing her with a surprise spear and forcing her to skid backwards along the mat, the bunny putting everything she had into it in order to push her back! However, after the initial surprise of the impact, Amelie recovered quickly, wrapping her arms around the bunny girl's waist in order to slow her shoving, trying to gain ground of her own, though Lola wasn't having it!

Thinking quickly, the bunny would slyly lift a foot up before stomping down hard on one of Amelie's aiming to suddenly surprise her and use that to continue pushing her back!

"Oh, whoops! Sorry, I'm just so clumsy sometimes!" She called up in a ditsy tone, all too content to let Amelie think that her dirty shot was just an accident!

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