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Minerva vs Suzanna Devlin [Debut]

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 2:28 am
by typical
Match Type:Humiliation

Minerva waited backstage for the start of her second official match. Her debut match resulted in a loss, but she was satisfied with her performance. That's all she ever hopes for considering she doesn't care too much about winning or losing. "I'm a performer after all. The spectacle of the match is all that truly matters."

Minerva didn't know anything about who she was going up against. All she knew was that her opponent would be making her debut in this match and that she had a love for snakes. For Minerva, that was all she needed to know. Anything else would only spoil the surprise. After a few more minutes of waiting, the energetic brunette got the cue to head towards the stage. She got up and procured another cherry lollipop from her bag, then she headed towards the ring.

As her new entrance music begins to play, Minerva pops her lollipop in her mouth and saunters down the ramp. She is pleased that she doesn't hear any boos from the crowd and that she even has a few fans. Stopping just before the ring apron, Minerva bends over and slides her decorative loincloth off her waist. The crowd roars in excitement and Minerva smiles as the crowd continues to ogle her curvaceous figure. She then pops her lollipop into a lucky fans mouth and slides into the ring. She leans back in her corner and eagerly awaits her opponents entrance.

Re: Minerva vs Suzanna Devlin [Debut]

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:14 am
by Suzanna Mey
Soon after Minerva's entrance ended, a brutal metal beat hit. Appearing at the top of the ramp was a site to behold.
Clad in full cosplay, the sister of the catgirl had finally made a debut in LAW. Unbeknownst to anyone, she was actually basically pushed into doing this match, wanting wrestling to be a serious topic, not something she had to 'humiliate' someone to win. The concept alone was humiliating.
Slithering her way down the ramp in the professionally made snake cosplay, she got into the ring, moving on the ground like a slithering cobra, a feat possibly due to intense core training and yoga. Popping up infront of Minerva, she bared her teeth, showing a set of high grade fake fangs.
Slipping free of her snake outfit right then and there, the snake woman sized her up. They were just about the same size, and same muscle to fat ratio.
Looking at Minerva dead in the eye, she would offer out. "This is the last kind of match I want to be involved in, save yourself the trouble and leave now before I get mad." She would threaten, being a polar opposite from her sister. The snake woman was more of a hardcore brawler, and this match type was semi-foreign to her, but she still HAD to win. Immediately going to her own corner, the cosplay awaited the bell.

Re: Minerva vs Suzanna Devlin [Debut]

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 4:41 am
by typical
Minerva watched closely as her opponent actually slithered her way to the ring. She was surprisingly very committed to the snake gimmick. The two girls sized each other up and Minerva tried to suppress a smile as they did. She was certain her snake-like opponent was serious with her threats, but she couldn't help but grin as they stared each other down. "That was pretty impressive." Minerva replies with a smug grin "And just a tiny bit sexy. I don't have any plans of quitting anytime soon though so you'll just have to get over it."

Minerva examined Suzanna as she moved back to her corner. At a glance, Minerva got a feeling she was dealing with someone who could likely throw a decent punch. With the snake routine going on, she would assume she won't leave the ring without suffering a good squeezing or two. But why waste time thinking about it when you can just find out for yourself?

Ding! Ding!

The bell signals the start of the match and Minerva casually strolls toward her opponent. [Let's see what we're dealing with her, she thinks. Minerva stops in the center of the ring and puts her hands on her hip, daring Suzanna to take a free shot. "Let's see what you've got then."

Re: Minerva vs Suzanna Devlin [Debut]

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:21 am
by Suzanna Mey
Suzanna was a very serious looking girl, her tattoos and muscle ratio really hammering down the fact that she was tough as nails. "Don't call me sexy, the ring is not a place for sexy." She would warn Minerva, awaiting the bell.
With the ring of the bell, she watched Minerva invite her out for a free shot, looking as confident as ever. "You wanna see what I got?" She was offered, looking at the black haired woman. "Deal." And he foot came flying up, aiming to connect her calf right into the gut of Minerva. "Kneel over before the snake goddess of LAW." She ordered, aiming another kick to really keel over the woman.

Re: Minerva vs Suzanna Devlin [Debut]

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:45 am
by typical
Minerva rolled her eyes at Suzanna's matter of fact sounding response. "Whatever. Don't be so ser- ughh!" The snake womans leg flies up and nails Minerva in her belly and prematurely ending her sentence. Before she can react, Minerva feels Suzanna's calf sink into her stomach again and she folds over. She stumbles backward with her arms crossed over her gut. Through sheer will power, and a bit of spite, she stays on her feet, takes a deep breath and slowly straightens up. Okay, she can kick really hard. Note taken. Minerva then rolls her shoulders and takes a few steps toward the snake lover. Her stomach hurt, but now she had an idea of what to expect. Now she was ready to have some fun. "How about you make me?" She remarks defiantly as she smiles through the pain.

Re: Minerva vs Suzanna Devlin [Debut]

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:00 am
by Suzanna Mey
Suzanna’s calf connected hard into the abs of Minerva, much to the sick smile of the snake cosplayer. “You aren’t kneeling!” She yelled, watching the stubborn woman approach her.
“You are going to deal before me, like it or not!” She would yell, launching her foot forward again, and if successfull, would combo it with a downward swinging heel, aiming to dunk the poor rival downwards into the mat. “Worship my snake tail!”

Re: Minerva vs Suzanna Devlin [Debut]

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:29 am
by typical
Minerva smirked as her opponent continued to bark orders in her direction. Another kick comes flying towards the already aching body of Minerva, but this time she's ready for it. She takes a half step back and catches Suzanna's leg by the ankle and holds it in the air. She leans in close to her opponents and face and stares into her yellow eyes. The smug expression the dark haired girl once wore now replaced with a more serious look. "I don't kneel to cheap imitations, dear." She maliciously replied in a low voice. She then tries to sweep the white-haired woman's leg out from under her and cause her to fall onto her back. If that worked, Minerva would then drop down and forcefully bury her knee into her opponents abs.

Re: Minerva vs Suzanna Devlin [Debut]

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 2:44 pm
by Suzanna Mey
Suzanna’s foot came flying up, but Minerva was ready. Her kicks were getting stale evidently as she caught the ankle. The snake cosplayer looked serious, challenging. “Do your worst.” She’d say, ready to receive just punishment for the poor offense.
Slipping to the mat from Minerva’s leg sweep, she was helpless to the knee to the ab, holding it and grunting.
The snake cosplayer did her best to cling onto the knee, not wanting to let go.

Re: Minerva vs Suzanna Devlin [Debut]

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 8:15 am
by typical
Dropping her knee on the abdomen of her opponent was satisfying, but not quite satisfying enough for Minerva. She had to pay Suzanna back for those two kicks earlier after all. As Minerva tried to rise to inflict more pain on the snake woman, she felt her knee being held tightly. Minerva tried to pull away but she was unable to free herself of the snakes clutches. Feeling mischievous, Minerva reached down and groped Suzanna's breast, squeezing them tight. "I'll just hold on to something of yours then." Minerva sneered. She felt certain that this would aggravate the woman greatly and she eagerly awaited her response.

Re: Minerva vs Suzanna Devlin [Debut]

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 8:54 pm
by Suzanna Mey
The snake cosplayer’s serious face went hot pink as soon as Minerva grabbed her small breast. “THIS IS A WRESTLING MATCH!” She claimed, scampering away from the woman, and backing into the corner. “YOU DONT GET INTIMATE WHILE WRESTLING”