Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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Standard Hentai Match
Victory Condition: Gained by having the opponent orgasm
Standard hentai rules apply
Additional Stipulations: If Eirina wins, she can work as a doctor at the sick bay and Tsunade cannot stop her working there in any way. If Tsunade wins, Eirina is barred to work as a doctor at the sick bay.

In hindsight, Eirina didn't know what possessed her to suggest this kind of stipulation in the first place. Perhaps it was adrenaline? Or was it her pride? Well, now that the match had been arranged, she would do her best winning this match and get herself the right to work as a doctor of LAW, and Tsunade wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Eirina had to admit that it was pretty crazy, but she knew that she had to dabble in craziness once in a while, considering that she was a professional wrestler. And with this match being a hentai match, she would prepare herself for this, planning to make Tsunade come by fucking her senseless. She would make sure to enjoy herself in the meantime.

Soon, as her music entrance, Battlefield of Steel, was played, Eirina made her way out to the ramp, greeted by the cheering crowd, who catcalled and wolf-whistled as they looked at the curvaceous figure of the Frau Doktor. Smiling brightly, Eirina would walk down the ramp, waving her hands and blowing kisses here and there.
Eirina Makishima
Reaching the ring, Eirina climbed up the apron before rolling under the ropes, entering the squared circle. She would circle inside the ring for a while, rousing the crowd some more, posing sexily for them before heading towards the corner, waiting for her opponent to show up. She would drape her arms over the top ropes connected to the turnbuckle, and at the same time, she would look at the entrance while waiting for Tsunade to show up.
Last edited by PrinceArjuna332 on Tue Jan 08, 2019 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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Tsunade was wondering if she made the right call to face Eirina in a match like this.As the last time she had decided to settle something using an match she ended up losing.Now it would not have bin so bad had it not bin an smothering match , and she lost by passing out through the use of Debbie's breasts. Still she decided to wear something a bit more convealing that the bikini she wore last time as she wore a purple swimsuit which left her back exposed while also showing off her belly button and some cleavage.
Still Tsunade could not back down as she calmed her nerves as she waited for '' I need a doctor by dr Dre ft Eminem and Skylar Grey ' to be heard throughout the arena.AS not even a few seconds later she would walk onto the stage , and pose for the fans while sneaking a peak at her opponent. After she was done with posing the former doctor would walk towards the ring just as the ring announcer started to introduce her as he said ''Now entering from Kioto,Japan weighing in at around 160ibs.It Tsunade Senju''.

As she was now face to face with Eirina she could not help , but smirk as she whispered ''this is going to be sweet.As I just need to make you cum once , and you will never be able to grace my medical bay again.Well unless someone kicks your pretty little ass all across the ring''
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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Eirina had to admit that despite her overall bitchiness, Tsunade was quite a specimen of hotness with that body of hers. She especially loved such a sight, and she couldn't wait to have her way with her later.

The Frau Doktor would wait for Tsunade to enter the ring, and soon, the two of them would stand in front of each other, face to face. Hearing the blonde's words, Eirina smiled confidently as she would push her bust against Tsunade's, responding to her words. "We'll see about that. If I win, you cannot stop me working there, in any way possible. You can't even sabotage me if I win..." she said.

Soon, the referee would make sure that no brawl would start between them. After that, the referee would make sure that both wrestlers were ready before the bell was sounded, starting the match between two doctors. To start off the match, Eirina would drop into a stance, eyes warily watching the blonde as she held out her hands, waiting for Tsunade to make her first move.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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Tsunade just stood across her opponent as she wondered if the other doctor had any more words before they would start the match.Still what she had to say enraged the Japanese wrestler as she could not believe this woman.Did she really think that she would go against her oath to do no harm while practicing medicine by sabotaging Eirina when she was helping a patient.

As the referee would call for the bell before she could respond back as she would just crouch down , and circle around her for now.As she would held her hands out as she replied back ''you must be joking.I don't like you , but I won't sabotage you while your helping a patient.Still if you were to accidentally fall down the stairs as you leave the medical bay.Well that unfortunate accident then , but don't worry about that to much as I am just going to kick your ass here and now.So that way you will never be able to step another foot inside my medical bay''as she attempted to grasp the other doctor's hands with her own to start things off with an test of strength.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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Eirina rolled her eyes after hearing Tsunade's remark. "Oh please, as if I were stupid enough to fall down a stair like that..." she said. And so, the two of them started off the match with a contest of strength, their hands clasping against each other. For the time being, both seemed to be evenly-matched in terms of strength, but the Frau Doktor was looking to shift the dynamic as soon as possible.

"Rghh!!" With a grunt, she would try to twist her body, looking to guide Tsunade to the side before releasing one of her hands from the blonde's so that she could try pulling her head down into a side headlock. She planned to trap her head in the hold, pressing her cheek against the side of her breasts.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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''Never say never as someone could always help a stupid girl like you down the stairs''growled Tsunade as she would entwine her fingers with her opponent's own.As they began their test of strength as neither was able to push the other backwards at first as they were evenly matched until Eirina would twist her body in an way that forced Tsunade to one side.

The moment that happened she would feel her opponent release one of her hands as she got trapped into a side headlock as she would end up having her face pressed against the Frau doctor's breast.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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Locking Tsunade in the side headlock, Eirina would give her head a squeeze before she decided to bring the blonde down. Stepping forward, Eirina would then drop herself into a sitout position as she would try to drive Tsunade face first into the mat with a bulldog! She figured that this would deal some damage on the blonde doctor. From there, as she assumed that Tsunade would be reeling from the bulldog, Eirina would think of what to do next, looking to weaken her before eventually making her cum.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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Tsunade was trapped in an side headlock as she would feel the other wrestler give her head a squeeze as she was forced down when Eirina would drop herself into a sitout position.Which would cause her to fall face first into the mat with an bulldog as she would attempt to roll away as she wanted to stop laying on her belly for now.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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Bringing Tsunade face first into the mat, Eirina would prepare herself to launch her next attack, but the blonde managed to roll away from her. Grunting, Eirina would get back up onto her feet, looking to follow after her. "Hey, where do you think you are going?" Eirina groused as she would get close to Tsunade so that she could grab her and pull her back up onto her feet as well. She needed to make sure to keep the other doctor in place if she wanted to continue dealing damage on her.

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Re: Eirina Makishima vs. Tsunade Senju - Sexual Gamble

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Tsunade had not expected her opponent to be this good.As she would attempt to roll away while holding her head as she thought for a second it would work.However it seems that Eirina was keeping an eye on her as before she could get far she would hear the other doctor ask where she was going as she would be forced back to her feet by Eirina as she would attempt to surprise the German with a punch to her gut.

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