Scheduled for one fall, to be won by pin or submission
Backstage, Kamen Moon was stretching, readying herself for her next match. The young masked heroine was doing well since her debut in LAW, but management told her she’d be facing yet another villain, tonight. The pressure was on, and now that Kamen Moon was building a fan base for her many victories, she had an obligation. The fans believed in her- she couldn’t let them down!
Leaving her sword down by the ring steps, Moon wiped her boots respectfully on the mat and stepped between the ropes. “Here it is,” she said to herself, “another battle, and another chance to prove my worth!”
After checking in with the referee, Kamen Moon hoisted herself up onto one of the ring posts, standing tall on the top rope. With one hand against her hip, Moon raised the other with a “V” gesture over one eye, grinning for the fans as they cheered the peppy young heroine. Before long, however, her music died down and Moon hopped back down to put her boots on the mat. She stared up the entrance ramp, waiting to see what challenge faced her, tonight.