Ashiro vs. Domino

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Ashiro vs. Domino

Unread post by JollyRoger »

Victory conditions: 1 fall, submission, DQ or count out
Hentai allowed

It had not taken long for Domino to get a match. Word had of course gone around in the ranks of the paparazzi that she would have her very first official match in the promotion called LAW, so she was pretty sure that this would create some buzz in the media channels.

Standing in front of a mirror, she would look for the probably thousandth time if her outfit was as she wanted it to be. If she was to stay in the promotion, she surely would alter this or that in her appearance and her entrance, but for today this was what she had.

She was dressed in a classic pirate uniform in the style of Pirates of the Caribbean, a fashion dream made of black synthetic leather where every button, strap and Payette was painstakingly handmade and worth a small fortune, but only the best was sufficient for this occasion.
Her black mane was crowned by a feathered hat of the same material. The trouser hugged her form and was more of a second skin than an actual trouser, and the high leather boots complimented the rest of her outfit.
A fine replica of a pirate pistol was holstered around her waist, together with a sharp looking but ultimately blunt rapier.

"What do you think, how does it suit me?"
She asked her newest crew member while she turned around to look at herself before she added a little reminder.
"And yes, either you go pirate or you go home empty handed. I don´t want a grumpy cat ruin the appearance of my crew while I am in the building of a wrestling promotion. Kayfabe is not dead for anyone."

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Re: Ashiro vs. Domino

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While Domino Drake was obsessively trying to get her outfit to look perfect (or as perfect as she could get it), Roni Mancini was leaned against the wall, looking through her phone with a bored expression on her face. When Domino finally decided to acknowledge her and asked Roni how she looked, the Italian kept her eyes on her phone, not even looking up and said, "What?" Then, the Hitwoman looked up and shrugged. "Oh, yeah. It's great," she answered before looking back at her phone, absolutely disinterested in her current employer's outfit. After all, she didn't pay her to give fashion tips.

Then, Domino added the next part and Roni let out a sigh, pocketing her phone and crossing her arms over her chest, giving Drake a deadpan look. "Drake, you know I love money. I kinda have a reputation to hold onto that wearing an out-of-season Halloween costume would kind of ruin. Makes me less effective to do the job you hired me to do." She then furrowed her brow, nodding her head towards the exit. "Besides, you really need my back up against some loser powderpuff you're about to trounce?"

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Re: Ashiro vs. Domino

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Hanabi was chancing into her wrestling attire which consisted off a pair of blue boots , Biker shorts , red tanktop , black gloves and a pair of sun glasses as she could not believe how long she had to wait until she could wrestle again.As she suspected that maybe the powers that be were not impressed with how that qualifier match she had with her half sister went.As neither of them had managed to qualify in the end as they both had bin counted out in the end.

When she reached it she was surprised by how many people were working behind the scenes as she stared at the with amazement. She stared at them so much that she forgot why she was their , when one of the people backstage grabbed her hand and told her it was almost time. So as she stands near the entrance ramp as she waits for her music to start playing as finally hear the name of her opponent , and she had heard of this Domino Drake.Still what can you expect from an pirate queen who seemed to be getting an faction of followers or crew mates as she had heard the other wrestler referred to them.

So when ''Fireworks by Hatsune Miku'' started to come out of the speakers as a second later Hanabi would walk onto the ramp. The crowd would cheer loudly at seeing a new face debut for LAW as she walked towards the ring as she saw the announcer was already standing their. A second later she would hear his voice as he said ''now entering the ring from Tokyo, Japan. Weighing in at 145ibs , its Hanabi Ashiro'' as in the meanwhile the Japanese teen had climbed the steel steps and gotten inside of the ring. Taking a deep breath the black haired woman would wave at the fans while inside the ring as she would look towards the entrance ramp to get a look at Domino as she wondered what she would say the moment they were face to face.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Wed Nov 21, 2018 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ashiro vs. Domino

Unread post by JollyRoger »

As usual, Roni managed to irritate domino with her blunt rudeness. But only for a moment as today was her debut and not "grumpy cat gives you a downer" hour, so she would just call an assistant to give her outfit and hair the final touch.

"And the portrayal of an alcoholic bar room brawler babe is so realistic, hm? But it is my own fault in asking you from all people. The next time, I am just gonna ask cutlass for an opinion. I am pretty sure that she is more into kayfabe than you."
She answered while looking at herself the whole time while speaking before ripping herself off from her own image.
"Then simply wait here and look out for my equipment. Or go to the limousine and help yourself with the mini bar."
Adding that, she would step right behind the curtain. She was not sure if she needed help in the ring. She had been training intensely with the best coaches money could buy, but a match was another type of meat. Shaking that little thing of her mid, she would finally step through the curtain.

When he had been waiting the entrance ramp had been black and the arena had been darkened slowly but steadily. Finally, the titan tron would spark to life and give sight to a historically adequate Galleon Domino had ordered to be built as soon as she had come off age. The ship had set full sails and was sailing against the wind, with the Jolly Roger waving proudly over a rowdy all girls crew which were looking ready for plundering and pillaging the coastal cities.

Finally, her music played and she stepped out on the ramp which got illuminated again to give sight to 4 cannons with one girl already burning up the fuses so that they could fire high arch volleys of chocolate doubloons into the first speechless and then cheering crowd.

Strutting down the ramp, she would enter the ring andstep on a turnbuckle with drawn pistol, pointing it at the audience, holding a microphone in her other hand.

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Re: Ashiro vs. Domino

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Hanabi was getting a bit impatient as she waited for her opponent to arrive when the arena would slowly start to darken. Now this both annoyed , and excited the dark haired wrestler as on one hand this meant Domino was about to walk onto the stage.However it also meant that this woman was allowed to spend way more on her entrance ramp that she was allowed too. That just was not fair , and that feeling only got bigger as she would watch as she heard music begin to play while footsteps were heard.AS slowly the arena would get illuminated once again to reveal four cannons , and a girl who appears to lite the fuses.

A second or two later they would fire what appeared to be golden doubloons into the crowd who at first were speechless , but then erupted in cheers as they collected the fallen doubloons.Now this just pissed Hanabi off even more as it was clear that not only did she have an better budget in regards to her entrance. It also completely blew hers away as finally Domino would strut down towards the ring as she held a drawn pistol in her hand which was pointed at the crowd. While in the other she was holding an microphone as the Japanese wrestler would let her speak before she yelled ''can you just get in the ring already.As I am so going to make you walk the plank towards your defeat , and then right out of this company.As we don't want you filthy pirates here''only to her booed by the crowd in responds to her words.

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Re: Ashiro vs. Domino

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Domino was having a good time with the crowd, and then she had suddenly heard a voice that sounded very lovely but the word uttered by it did not really help to lighten her up any further.

Looking over her shoulder so that she could take a very, very good look at the cutie that had addressed her in such a rude manner. What could be the problem here?
"Give me a moment, my future concubine. I am right with you in a minute."
She answered the angry verbal jab against herself with a greedy and amused glimmer in her eyes, eager to plunder and pillage her way under the clothes of Hanabi.

She would put her equipment away and strip down to her trouser, pirate wrestling boots and a black tank top, also pirate style before facing her opponent in the middle of the ring.
"You look gorgeous. And the angry face suits you too. But why are you actually angry?"
Curiosity was showing on her face while asking.

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Re: Ashiro vs. Domino

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Out of all the things she expected the other wrestler to say the word ''uh'' was not one of them.Not was the fact that rather then being angry with her it seemed that Domino was more wondering what was up with her then anything.Seriously why does nobody just get what they do wrong as everyone here seems to act like they have done nothing wrong.

Still it seemed the pirate was looked to piss her off even more as she had the nerve to call the Japanese wrestler her future concubine.As the firecracker was about to give her responds when she watched as Domino would put her equipment away , and strip down.As this got the fans to cheer once more as they hoped to see the pirate queen remove everything.Still while that did not happen they still seem to like what she was currently wearing. Thinking that now she could finally respond she was then complimented , and asked the ridiculous question about why she was anger.

As she would reply back ''thanks for the compliment , but are you kidding me with that question. As not only did you outdo me in your entrance. You also called me your future concubine , and have bin showing off and making me look bad the moment you stepped onto the entrance ramp.Well that will end now as I plan on beating you up , and since you brought it up make you my concubine after I beat you as it clear you need to be taught an lesson''.

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Re: Ashiro vs. Domino

Unread post by JollyRoger »

"Something as trivial a money? Oh my, I did not know that people are so sensitive here."
The pirate casually asked while putting one of her boots on the middle rope to tie it a little bit harder for stability.
"I did not want to make you look bad. I assumed that this is a high class promotion and nobody would be asked to go out with a jobber entrance. But fear not, dear Hanabi. Once I feel up your breasts and pussy, you will soon feel much better."
She added. It was always money or envy. How depressing. Only a little action could compensate her for that now.

After treating her second boot in the same fashion, she would turn to fully face Hanabi again, a big lusty grin on her face before she went into a wrestling stance.
"I am ready for my lesson."

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Re: Ashiro vs. Domino

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Hanabi would just growl as she heard the Pirate queen continue to talk as she wondered if she even knew what she was saying.As the black haired woman was not going to feel better once she would be felt up by the other wrestler.Since she would just need to beat up her opponent for that to happen as she could not wait for the bell to rang. Still from the way she was talking Domino was clearly a pervert , and if the way she talked was not a hint then the lustful look in her eyes clearly was.

Still the moment she saw the pirate assume a wrestling stance the Japanese wrestler would do the same as she replied back ''well get ready to learn then.As it clear nobody taught you any manners Domino as I will feel a lot better after our match , but only because I plan on kicking your ass.BTW if your smart you keep your hands away from my breasts or pussy or else I will have to really rough you up in an way that will give me pleasure , but will make you beg for mercy within seconds''.

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Re: Ashiro vs. Domino

Unread post by JollyRoger »

"Oh, you´re hard to get AND teach lessons? That is the first thing that really excites me since I set foot on this island!"
Despite being threatened, Domino could not have been happier right now in this moment. Usually she did not take very well to being rejected, but in this match type her chosen concubine had no choice but to contend with her and that was very exciting as it also was the chance to seduce and win her over for some steamy action on the Pelican later. Even if the coldblooded Hanabi rejected her today, it would be one of her first goals here in Japan to make her a concubine because she could not pass on the chance to enjoy her body at least for a night.

And speaking of anxiety, once the bell rang, she would begin to circle with Hanabi and make some fake grasping attacks in the riection of her upper torso, all the time carrying a sultry grin on her face.

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