Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout
"Coming first to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan! CECILIAAAAAA LOMBARD!!

"You boo me, do you?" she shouted. "I can't believe it. More faces in this crowd than I can count, and not a single one knows just how stupid they are right now. Do you realize what you're doing? You're cheering for a woman two decades past her prime, as though you actually think she can take me on. Absolutely pathetic. I don't care how many belts she's held, or how many women she's bested, but your British bitch should have quit when she was ahead! It's foolish to think she could ever step into the ring with the new generation of wrestlers and stand a chance - and especially when that particular opponent is myself! It's about time she learned that an old dog can't learn any new tricks - and it's the young, keen alpha who'll take home the bones."
As she finished her speech, Cecilia tossed back her dark hair over her shoulder before tying it into place with her trademark side ponytail. She then hopped off her seat and strode over to one side of the ring, head held high, where she took her place and awaited the arrival of her opponent.