Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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Cassie Cage
Cassie was backstage putting on her attire for tonight's match. After her last match she was psyched to see what other competition LAW had to offer. Cassie was chewing some gum backstage while listening to music on her phone to pumped herself up and de-stress before her match. Cassie would then look at herself in the mirror before saying to herself. "Damn, I look good." Cassie said before she'd head over to guerrilla position to wait for the announcer to get the introductions started.

"The following contest is a Hentai Fall Match. The only way to win this match is to pin your opponent or make them tap out after an orgasm. If your opponent kicks out or breaks from a submission hold, you need to force your opponent to orgasm again before you attempt to pin or submit them. Introducing first from Hollywood, California. CASSIE CAGE!!!"

Cassie would walk out hearing a mixed reaction to her sheer confidence as she came out. Cassie would blow a bubble from her gum before popping it. Cassie would then walk down to the ring confidently. Cassie would then see a fan in the crowd begging for a kiss and she'd give him what her wanted. The fan was awestruck, because as Cassie left him to enter the ring the fan had Cassie's gum in his mouth. Cassie would then go up the steel steps before she'd hop over the top ropes to enter the ring, before stepping onto the middle ropes in a corner. Cassie would raise her arms up to soak in the crowd reaction. Cassie would then hop down before she'd go to her corner towait for her opponent to make her entrance.

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Re: Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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Noloty knew it was only a matter of time before she got roped into something like this. She was too irresistible not to put in such a match where the fans, wrestlers, and staff alike could see her in a hentai match and enjoy for years to come. Her opponent, some interesting blonde by the name of Cassandra, or Cassie as she seemed to prefer, was a looker herself but she didn't have the same spark Noloty's knew she had, still she wouldn't make an interesting opponent. Coming down to the ring as she finished wrapping up her hands Noloty pranced down the ring taking in the fans love and adoration for her before she was rolling in the ring to face her equally exposed opponent. "Well hello there sweet thing. My names Noloty, and I'm the best looking opponent you'll ever meet." She said taking a second tjnstretch her arms before offering a hand.

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Re: Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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Cassie would get a good look at her opponent, and although she was attractive she didn't look like she was on the level of Cassie's opponent for her debut match. Cassie would meet her soon to be opponent in the center of the ring and Noloty would introduce herself.

Cassie would raise an eyebrow at her opponent's comment and would would reply by saying. "I'm Cassie, and no offense to you, but I've seen hotter." Cassie after Noloty would present her hand out for a handshake eyeing her opponent's body up and down. Cassie would then slap Noloty's hand as if it was a quick high five. "I hope you're ready for your beat down." Cassie said before getting into a ready stance as the referee made sure both women were ready before ringing the bell to start the match.

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Re: Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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Noloty was still all smiles as Cassie looked her over, clearly enjoying the sight she as seeing even if sh edidnt outwardly admit it. In fact she tried to deny the clear glare she had to have had when she looked her up and down like that but Noloty didnt let it get to her. When you see enough jealous people you come to understand it just comes with the territory. And the blonde had to be oozing it when she simply slapped off her hand rather then give it a proper shake which did give Noloty pause if only because she felt the women was being a bit unfair. But again she stopped herself from voicing any displeasure. "Oh my beatdown huh? Sure we can play pretend..until I win anyway." She snickered backing off to her corner for the bell to go off moving in after her opponent with a mind deadset on getting things started right. Her hands up and ready to swing at the first chance she got to strike.

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Re: Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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Cassie would hear the Noloty taunt back and she'd crack her knuckles a bit before the bell would ring to get this match started. Both women were oozing with confidence but now was the time to back up their tough talk. Cassie got into a ready stance. Cassie and Noloty would then begin to lock up in the center of the ring in a Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Both lovely women would have their breasts mash against each others as both women started to fight for control.

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Re: Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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With the match finally underway Noloty started to close in on the bikini'd blonde who wanted to settle things with a natural collar and elbow tie up. A simple way to go about things and she didn't waste time agreeing locking hands with the blonde wen he went chest to chest with her opponent. Noloty's confident smirk didn't leave her at all showing her confidence in herself while trying to overpower Cassie by turning her arm and attempting to take control by bringing her leg up and kicking at Cassie's own to take her balance out of her before pushing to suck her head in and get her in with a front fscelock.

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Re: Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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Cassie would look Noloty in her eyes as she tried to gain an advantage. "AARRGHH!!!" Cassie grunted as she was caught off balance by Noloty's leg kicking her legs.Cassie would then grit her teeth as Noloty would wrap an arm around Cassie's neck for a Front Facelock. Cassie would try to fight through the pain as Noloty's bicep flexed on the blonde's neck. Cassie would attempt to slug Noloty repeatedly in the belly to her opponent's grip before trying to pull Noloty closer toward her for a Belly to Belly Suplex.

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Re: Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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First blood was hers, Cassie clearly didn't expect the sudden act of her tripping he rip and with the opening presented Noloty grabbed her and forced her down into a front facelock, keeping her from going anywhere as she squeezed down on her head and neck while keeping her from going anywhere. "Got you! Hehe-oouf." Her patting herself on the back was stopped by the sudden jab to her tummy. Cassie it seemed couldn't let herself stay down and started slamming her belly with punches that surprised her. Though her abs were tough the punches weren't helping her in anyway and when she finally let go to back up Cassie was on her thwoijg her overnight with a suplex that caused her to hit the mat. Putting Noloty on the mat for the moment.

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Re: Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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The LAW crowd would pop after Cassie was able to fight out of the Front Facelock and sent Noloty crashing down to the mat. Cassie would kip up back to her feet and would see Noloty starting to get back to her feet.Cassie would run to the ropes behind her before rebounding off of them to charge at Noloty with a wicked Running Knee Strike trying to drill Noloty in the side of her skull.

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Re: Hentai Fall Match: Cassie Cage vs Noloty Malche

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Though Cassie slipped from fingers Noloty wasn't shaken, if that was all it took she didn't have the right to be so confident, life was full of setbacks even for someone like her. She just had to overcome them. Moving back up she took a second to turn and see what she tried next. She got the sight of Cassie too close for comfort and getting closer, her knee coming up and slamming into her head just as she was starting to stand up. The impact was more then enough to send her back to the floor, her legs kicking upwards after the impact before dropping to the floor as well, Cassie's knee caught her right on the temple and the effects could be felt all across theher head.

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